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Happy Valentine’s Day

Category: Lesbian Sex
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2:43 AM. Still three hours before the alarm. A clap of thunder sounds and I awaken with a start. I realize that I am sweating, then I remember my unpleasant dream. Rain pelts down on the windows; the sound is hollow and grating, like the laughter of a demon. I am lost, alone with my dark thoughts. I am dying.
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Category: Lesbian Sex
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It was a cold winter night. I was standing in my closet with a towel wrapped around my chest, drying my wet body after a shower. I stood there wondering which pajamas to wear when suddenly I felt two hands grabbing my breasts. A warm body embraced me from behind. I didn't have to turn around to figure out who it was. Her warm breath on the skin of my neck was enough to know.
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I Know I Should Call The Police

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I don't know how it happened. Nothing seemed out of place. The last thing I remember is getting out of the shower and drying my hair. That's when I saw him in my vanity mirror. A figure, clothed in black with a mask over his face, wrapping him arms around my shoulders and face. Then everything went black. I know I should call the police but...I don't know if I want to.
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Category: Mature
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Simon's hands automatically went to my waist, slipping low to cup my ass in his palms. I'd already pushed him past the point of no return, but he was still trying to reclaim control of the situation, feebly asserting his authority. "Amy—we can't," he said. "We said we wouldn't." Even if there had been conviction in his voice, the presence of his hands on my ass and the way his mouth opened against mine, his hot breath filling my mouth, made his true feelings clear. I felt a little guilty for pushing him, but not enough to stop.
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Ode To Tribbing

Category: Lesbian Sex
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There is a name for heaven on earth. Tribbing. It's also called scissoring, grinding, and pussy pounding. When you do it with the woman you love, it's heaven on earth. Imagine you are on your back. Towering over you, on you, is the sexiest sight in the world. A passionate woman in love. Your woman, in love with you.
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Anal Anastasia

Category: Anal Sex
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Sitting in the airport is never much fun, regardless of the reason behind traveling. I'm a seasoned traveler though and even despite all of the new security measures and increasing delays, it seems that I'm at the airport more often now than not. In fact, with my relatively new job, I'm traveling more now than ever. But who's complaining, right? After all, it's putting food on the table. I've never been one to complain too much anyway.
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A Chill in the Night

Category: Anal Sex
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I woke in the night and lay in bed next to you listening for whatever it had been that brought me from sleep to consciousness. Around me, the house was quiet, the white noise of night sounds a barely audible suss in the darkness. I knew you were asleep next to me; I could feel the soft warmth of your presence that told me you were still in our bed and hear your soft gentle snores as you breathed slowly and rhythmically.
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Cobra in a Black Dress

Category: Lesbian Sex
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"Oh yes, unh, yes, we can do that, uhh, sure, tomorrow, ahh, three thirty, uhh, okay, see you then, uhhh...Mariss' you lil' devil!" Andrea Vaughn snapped the phone shut and slid forward in her high backed leather chair. It had become increasingly difficult to discuss terms with a potential advertiser while her lover/partner was between her legs licking her pussy.
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My Favorite Fantasy

Category: Lesbian Sex
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You are indeed my favorite fantasy, you are the vision I have when my skin becomes electric and my fires within churn and swell. You make my chest heavy and my mouth water. The way you look when your in your element that occasional glance and grin in my direction. The things I want to do to you, the desires I have.
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Silky Bedroom

Category: Anal Sex
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She walked softly into the moonlit bedroom. The space seemed to glow with a layer of sheer silk flowing from the ceiling around her bed. She heard the rain outside rhythmically calming her as the scent of jasmine welcomed her into relaxation. There was nothing like coming home. Home was where she felt comfortable to be herself as a natural body, naked within a soul.
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