
His cubicle was just across from mine. On a normal day, I would tune out his stories. But today, I was curious, and couldn't help but listen. Would last night's experience become part of his lexicon of lust? Would I become one of the nameless conquests he bragged of to anyone who would listen? Needless to say, the answer was yes. What follows is my account of what happened, with his version of events interjected here and there.
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After an uneventful Tuesday lunch, Kim was working monotonously in front of the computer in her cubicle when the intra-office IM alert sounded on her computer. When she viewed the message it simply read, "Care to play a secret game?" Moving the mouse to delete the message, she read the senders name, and her breath stopped. Black Silk Scarf. She knew instantly what it referred to.
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"Hey Major Christen."
I looked up as I heard my name, and tried not to grin as I saw the two girls waving at me. I was sitting in the BX food court eating an ice cream cone on my lunch break, just relaxing, and I waved back to them. They walked over and I took the time to look at the two of them.
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Blair looked around her new office and grinned widely.
She did it. She made VP of Sales.
The last quarter had been grueling, absolutely grueling. She and three other managers in the New York office had all been in the running, but everyone knew the real race for the promotion was between her and Ryan. They were the top performers for their division for the last two years, always coming in first and second. The positions flip flopped; sometimes she was first, sometimes she was second. But this time, when it mattered most, she had come out on top.
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I groaned softly as I settled back at my desk, reaching down surreptitiously to massage one of my calves.
"Too many trips to the copier again, Jessica?" My boss asked me sympathetically on her way by with her third cup of coffee.
I heaved a deep sigh, starting to respond, but she was already back through her office door, letting it swing mostly closed as she settled in, sipping her coffee.
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