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Brandy’s College Education

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Brandy marched across campus with a determination she had never known. She was so focused in fact, that for once she didn't notice all the usual glances, stares and double takes she caused when she walked by. Brandy had an angelic face, with large, bright, brown eyes, her face was framed in shoulder-length, shiny, brown hair, which bobbed and swayed when she moved. This heavenly visage was contrasted, by her body, which looked as if it had been made for sin.
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Chantelle the Office Slut

Category: Anal Sex
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I'm really quite a shy man, not one for chatting up the girls in the office. The flirting is sort of fun, but I never know what to do after the first few times. And then I see the light die in their eyes, and the conversation goes safe and boring. I do talk to them, but I hear about their boyfriends, families, domestic problems and holidays abroad. Never anything personal, never any hint about what they think about me.
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It wouldn't have happened, Dianne decided, if she hadn't been so damn conscientious about the job. She'd assured her boss that the amended tender he wanted would be on his desk when he arrived in the morning. And then she'd had to go home early for a family emergency. An emergency that wasn't, as if turned out. Her mother had been panicking over nothing. She should have got more details before rushing home, expecting to have to take someone to hospital.
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Up The Chimney He Rose

Category: Gay Male
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A week before Christmas, I ducked into the fifth floor men's room. It served as temporary reprieve. The first among twenty or thirty things I could invent to occupy myself while avoiding the remainder of the company Holiday party two floors below. One other occupant was in the room. He barely registered on my eggnog-addled brain. Most years I managed to escape the compulsory merrymaking by being unavoidably detained somewhere else on company business. This year I was unavoidably detained in Los Angeles.
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My Naive Little Coworker

Category: Mature
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Ever had a co-worker you wanted to fuck so badly it almost hurt? I think that's fairly common, especially for men of my age and experience. But to have that coworker admit they feel the same makes it much more interesting. Add to that a 20plus age gap and endless creativity, and going to work can be almost dangerous.
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Lap Dance

Category: Gay Male
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I had grown accustomed to the ordeal of waking up to the electrifying sensation that accompanied the sight of Jason's beautiful pink lips wrapped around my cock. He was, undoubtedly, the most gorgeous man that had ever come into my life. A ruggedly handsome face, framed by a French beard that always smelled of my cum and spiky jet black hair that made me melt each time he ran his fingers through them; all that was just an added bonus to the extremely lovable personality that I had fallen for.

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Look But Don’t Touch?

Category: Group Sex
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Knowing glances across the room. A smile as your eyes meet. A quiet hello as you pass in the hall. A flirtatious wink of the eye as you catch him watching you walk away. Innocent flirtation is how it all begins. So it did for Jack & Sara.
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Suits and Ties

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Crack. The sound slices like a steel blade through the chatter of the conference room. Heads whip around, staring at me, while I stare at the broken glass of water. The glass of water I was supposed to bring. "Well don't just stand there, clean the bloody thing up." I bend down, black pencil skirt riding up slightly as I gingerly pick up the delicate shards of glass.
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Category: Anal Sex
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He was sitting at his desk, exhausted from another long day at work. Tie loosened, his jacket thrown over the back of the chair, he looked as if he was ready to head home at any moment. And he was. Until his boss dropped another stack of files to go through. As if he didn't have enough to deal with already. He was working well into the evening, when there was a knock at the door. Finding this strange, he called out for the person to enter.
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Hostile Takeover

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Mark sat in his cubicle, hard at work. The monthly report on the department's finances, the production of which he had involvement in, was to be completed by Monday. Becky and Stan had already told him they were almost done with their part. No way am I going to mess us up. "Attention everyone," came a stern voice from the front of the office.
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