
'I love to fuck and men love to fuck me.' The petite blonde sitting cheekily in the seat next to Jinx had just answered her question about how she came to be doing this work. The madam at the escort agency had hand chosen the pretty pair for this job.
'Guys like me coz I look like I might be a virgin and I guess they love the idea that their cock is going to make me into a cock addict.
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It would be easy to discount the occurrences of the last week as a fantasy, a fleet of fancy or even a dream had I not had the evidence before me. Three pairs of pretty, sexy, women's panties, each enchantingly sheer undergarment of delicate lace and silk defining the character of their wearer in colour shape and style, each still bearing the distinctive intoxicating fragrance of the woman who had scented them with her exquisite sex and soaked them with abundant juices.
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Naked forms, barely visible, played in the shadows around Darkling Prince. He strode through the town, and laughed at the mortals cowering inside. Halloween, Samhain, whatever they called it in this time, in this place, was when evil spirits roamed the worlds.
Darkling roamed, as evil as he needed to be. Far off in the fields, a bonfire raged. Hm, time for some fun, then.
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