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Doing the Boss

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Robin walked into Christine's office and stood in the doorway watching her. As usual she was on the phone, chatting to her friends whilst surfing the net. At the age of 35 she was still very good looking. Black hair, trim figure good legs and she knew it too. Robin had been working for her for a year and a half and he had spent many a night fantasising about what he would like to do to her. In his hand now was part of that plan to help him make those dreams come alive.
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Up All Night With My Dreams

Category: Fetish
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It has been some time since my dreams have kept me "UP" all night, but last night I had one of the greatest dreams of all time...... .....I can't believe that I am headed to work this time of night. It was late Thursday and I got a message from one of my coworkers, probably one of the sexiest and most erotic coworker I have ever had the pleasure to work with.
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Sex with a Friend

Category: Fetish
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I had known Janice for some time but never really talked to her. It's like that in a local bar; you see people but never really get to know them. Anyhow she worked at the hospital as a nurse and always wore the old fashion nurse uniform of white skirt and hose. Every time she came in every guy in the bar would stare. Now she wasn't the most beautiful woman but there was something about the way she carried herself that made her really attractive.
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Special Treat

Category: Anal Sex
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Gently closing her bedroom door, she felt her heart start to pound as her excitement rose. It was his birthday and time to prepare her special gift. On the dresser were the black garter belt and dark nylons she'd bought earlier in the day. She knew he'd love them -- a garter belt and stockings were among his greatest turn-ons, and hers, too.
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Category: Fetish
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This is a story about something that happened to me about two years ago. I was living in Chicago with my two roommates – Mary and Anne. We were young professionals with good jobs living in a great apartment in Lincoln Park. I worked as an accountant for a major firm downtown. I had a boyfriend, Jeremy, and we had a lot of fun – not to mention great sex.
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Wife Buys A Toy!

Category: Fetish
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The day my wife asked me about her using a strap on kind of got my attention and not really in a great way. Like most guys the thought of something like that just never entered my head. I asked her where she got the idea thinking it was the HBO series Real sex but she just told me it was something she had thought about from time to time. I think back on it and I realize she was testing the waters. She would often grab my but while I was shaving in the morning or sometimes slide a finger between my cheeks making me jump a bit in surprise.
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My Blind Masseur

Category: Fetish
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It was a long day and I was ready for something to ease my stressed body before a nice dinner with this new guy I met recently. I really wanted to make sure that this would be a special dinner. He would be a great catch! My name is Hye-min, 25 year old, single, American-Korean living in the Bay Area. I've been working for an engineering consulting firm for the last five years as an administrative assistant.
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Unemployment to Enjoyment

Category: Fetish
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For Amy Lynn Steele, it was hard not to reflect upon her current economic situation as she stood in the long line that filled every available representative of the Bureau of Unemployment Compensation. If she had not desperately needed the money, she would have vacated the building a long time ago, but the truth was, she needed the money, even if the weekly pay-out was far less than the amount she got as a Personal Assistant.
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Revenge of the Angry Aunt

Category: Fetish
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Veronica was pissed off. She had just heard from her sister that her niece was leaving her prep school and wanted to move out of state. While she certainly didn't mind her niece coming to live with her for a while (she knew that her niece was already 19 & only had a couple of months left in school), she was pissed about the reason that her sister gave her.
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First Sheer Nylon Fun

Category: Fetish
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I was eighteen and it was the late sixties in the London suburbs. I was aching to see a woman dressed in a harem/genie costume with sheer legs and sleeves, but I had no idea how to achieve this and nobody I knew ever held costume parties (we don't have that Halloween tradition in the UK). However, from the pictures and movies/TV shows in which I'd seen these costumes, I somehow knew that the sheer fabric from which they were made would be exciting to touch.
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