
Jake was 18 years old. For all intensive purposes he was normal. Except for one itty bitty thing. He wanted to sleep with his mom. This disturbed Jake to no end. It certainly wasn't normal and made him feel awkward around her. His mom was none the wiser. Being a very open and liberal mother didn't help his appetite at all, especially since she would often walk around their house in nothing but a shirt and her panties. Every time Jake would see this he'd have to control himself. Every now and then she'd give him an innocent hug, but to him it wasn't so innocent. He'd steal a chance to brush her butt, or her boobs. He'd pat her back to see if she was wearing a bra. She rarely did in the mornings.
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It is the middle of the night and Jon Mason returns from the bathroom. Sara sleeps on her back and the bright moonlight filters through the curtains casting a soft glow across her body. Through the open window, he can hear the roar of the surf. The sheet, wadded and tossed towards the bottom of the bed, leaves just one of her feet covered.
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This is another Chapter of Carol's Series.
I'm an "amateur" writer and, in addition, English is not my mother tongue.
To write a single Chapter requires a big effort, from me: long time and language's difficulties.
Therefore, let me ask, please, to judge my writing on the basis of its "contents" (if you like it or not) and not from an aesthetic or "formal" point of view.
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Ruth dropped Julie and Johnny off at their house, then drove quickly home. She knew her son was curious able why she had done what she had done and excited. He was quiet all the way home. She had not wrapped her beach robe about her body, but drove in her bikini. her son looking at her in a way he never had before.
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I guess the best way to begin this story is to tell you about myself. I am 40 years old (absolutely true) and a widow with a nineteen year old son. I started exercising about ten years ago and have been able to maintain my figure. I'm 5' 7" and 135 pounds (well, 140) and have put on a little weight in the last couple of years, which is not all bad as it is distributed well and does include an increase in cup size (B to C). As my breasts were never that big to begin with, I don't have the kind of sag one should expect at 40. I can actually get by without a bra.
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This, as with all my stories is a long read. If you are looking for a quick, get to the point story, this isn't it. If you like the build in a story then enjoy and please leave a comment.
It all began with a car accident where I was T-boned by another car that ran a stop sign. This accident had me hospitalized in traction for 3 weeks. My left arm was shattered, I had a broken collarbone and 2 cracked vertebrae between my shoulder blades.
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