
Fucking is all about play. It should be enjoyable and I am willing to try anything at least once. That is why we have our code word. If either one of us is ever uncomfortable with the way that play is progressing, we can say the code word and everything stops.
With that in mind, I decided to introduce something new to our play. I love to have my ass fucked and my lover is willing to comply anytime I suggest it.
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The Sunday session is tradition in Australia. After two days of relaxation the young and the young at heart head for their favourite watering-hole to cap off the weekend before returning to the grind of the working week. I was in town on business for a couple of weeks, I’d come alone leaving Caz, my wife 1 600 Km away. My usual outlet for my excess sexual urges was not on hand, If you’ll pardon the pun, so I sought an alternative. This was acceptable to Caz as long as it didn’t involve women and she was told all the ‘dirty details’.
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