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Wednesday Afternoon

Category: Group Sex
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Wednesday was hump day for Janie in more ways than one. It was the middle of the week, it was the day her mom wanted the kids to visit her, and it was Janie's day to cruise the Mall. She loved the eye candy at the Mall and the peace of not having a four year old and a one year old climbing and clinging to her.
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Young Nephew Ch. 02

Category: Incest
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
I am sharing my history with you for fun not trying to get a good grade for English class. I did a spell check that's good enough. Enjoy my story and comment on the story, not the grammar. * Last night was fresh in my memory, I had seen Ben's sleeping erection and then later I awoke to him having a wet dream and shooting his load on my bare back.
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In the Fitting Room

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Kelly double-checked that she her keys, purse, and her cloth bag before heading into the mall. She was a student at the local university and it being a pretty progressive school most of the students were fairly environmentally conscious, but having grown up in the country and spent much of her free time as a child out playing in the fields and woods by her house Kelly had more of an appreciation for the environment and hated when she had to use plastic bags while shopping.
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Meeting in the Mall

Category: Mature
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A warm Saturday morning in the crowded shopping mall and Anne Metcalfe wandered disconsolately among the busy shoppers. She felt as if her life had arrived at crisis point. Forty two years of age, her two children, son David and daughter Maureen, had left home during the past year to take up their own lives, and a fortnight ago her husband Phil had announced that he was leaving her for Mavis.
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