
I woke in the night and lay in bed next to you listening for whatever it had been that brought me from sleep to consciousness. Around me, the house was quiet, the white noise of night sounds a barely audible suss in the darkness. I knew you were asleep next to me; I could feel the soft warmth of your presence that told me you were still in our bed and hear your soft gentle snores as you breathed slowly and rhythmically.
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Jeff and I had been hanging out for about six months. We didn't live together but we might as well have. We spent a lot of time together when we were able. I am a photographer and I frequently am on the road doing shoots. Jeff is an engineer and has to travel once or twice a month. When we found ourselves at home, we usually were together.
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Did I have enough nerve?
After all, we were in my bedroom - just the two of us. We had reached a line. Do I cross it? It had taken a long time to get here as I stood at the foot of my bed with Brian holding a tube of lubrication in his hand he just found in my bedside table. He acted shocked. The question was he really shocked?
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The young man beside her was silent, lost in his own morose thoughts. Ginny concentrated on the icy highway in front of them, a hint of apprehension gripping her as they approached the Eisenhower Tunnel. Even though she had lived in the Rockies for sixteen years and made the drive from Vail to Denver weekly, this particular stretch of Interstate 70, approaching the Continental Divide, never failed to frighten her. Once more she wished she'd brought her husband's four-wheel drive, if only because it sat up higher and gave a better view.
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I guess it shouldn't have been a real surprise - after all, we had been moving in this direction since the first time we fell into bed together. That first time had had all the passion you could hope for between two aroused people with strong sex-drives and a mutual attraction. I couldn't tell you what she thought of me, except that she was obviously interested in bedding me, but I can tell you that I thought she was about the hottest thing I'd ever seen on two legs.
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