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First Night

Category: Lesbian Sex
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A cold and rainy Saturday in February. The rain is unusually heavy. Instead of the usual "mizzle" that mists the air with tiny, slow-falling droplets, it's pouring in sheets, pattering against the window. It fills my bedroom with a dull and depressing sound. My mood is equally bleak. I'm snuggled in bed, shivering and miserable. I have the heat maxed but it's taking forever for the room to warm up.
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A Friend in Need

Category: Lesbian Sex
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I lurched into my dorm room and sat heavily on my bed. Natalie looked up from her studying, and raised an eyebrow. We had only been in school for three weeks, but living together 24/7 we had already bonded as friends. She knew I was upset.
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Shop Till You Drop

Category: Lesbian Sex
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Laura kissed her husband on the lips and watched as he turned, picked up his carry-on bag and headed down the tunnel to the waiting plane. She still couldn't believe that he was going to Florida and leaving her in Minne-fucking-apolis -- in January! In prior years she'd gone with him to his partners meetings. But not this year.
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Bakery Playtime

Category: Lesbian Sex
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Smiling down at you, so happy you trust me as I tie your left hand down at the corner of the big table where you spend so many hours creating your art. "Done," I say, now that you are at my mercy, I lick my lips in anticipation for what I have in mind for you.
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Snow Angels

Category: Lesbian Sex
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I should not have been on that bus. I would not have been had I graduated the year before like everyone else my age. But I got held back a year because of injuries suffered during a car wreck in 10th grade, and had to repeat. I'd never hated the fact more than I did that afternoon.
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Category: Lesbian Sex
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I met Jenna while I was in college. Big shocker right? That's how most of these stories always start, but it's true. I had been in a dorm room alone when she transferred to my room. Something had happened with her roommate (I think she died or left the school or something) then Jen requested to be moved in with a roommate. At first I thought she was a bit distant, cold even, but eventually we got comfortable with one another.
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Category: Lesbian Sex
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As always, I'd like to thank Dr. Bob for his fine insights in editing this story. LeftyLoo always gives his support, too. This is a little story of seduction and the surprising places that love can be found. Please enjoy. * It was a Friday just like any other Friday. I went to work and spent all day every day staring at my computer screen.
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Kelly Makes a New Friend

Category: Lesbian Sex
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'I wish you wouldn't waggle that at me, you know it drives me crazy!' said Kelly as she ogled Sue's arse as she bent to tie her trainers. 'And you know that tying my shoes is a big enough task as it is without you putting me off!' replied Sue testily. 'You really need to find yourself a girlfriend rather than lusting after the unobtainable.'
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If You Miss Once, Try, Try Again

Category: Lesbian Sex
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Dr. Terri Childs has been dating my brother for the past three months, the exact time I have been diligently touring the country with my band. I know it's a strange way to start a story but I think you'll understand better once I take it from the beginning and go from there. My name is Jaime Shepherd and I am a musician.
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Love: Finding the Cost

Category: Lesbian Sex
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For those of you who haven't read my mom's' story.... Is that mom's mothers' momes...? Anyway my two moms'.... God and I got an A in English. Anyway, my mother and her lover, who happens to be another woman's, story. It might be a good idea to read it to get some background about my family.
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