
I had served six years on a 10 years sentence for possession and weapons charges without any complications or problems. Looking forward to my trip in front of the Parole board soon only for them to tell me once again that I will not be released. I'm not mad it's just a part of life. My temper and my "I don't give a fuck" attitude got me where I am right now.
Sorry let me introduce my self. My name is Kevin Terrell, KT to everyone but my mother, grandmother and the government.
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Judge Thomas Oakley slowed the car as he crossed Martin Luther Key Street on St. Catherine where it turned into Jefferson. He often slowed down here, in passing the King's Tavern Lounge—although he'd never gotten up the gumption to go in there. It was too close to home and he was too well known.
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Sorry no sex scene's. This is Part 2 to Prison Time. I hope you enjoy.
Hayden had only been gone a couple of days before I talked myself into believing he had moved on with someone else. I knew I couldn't take Hayden home to my mother. She would freak out, so would the rest of my family.
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