
I had met Ryan through a friend; another fuck buddy actually. I was recently divorced and after years of sexual repression, I was finally at thirty-five sowing the wild oats that most people do in their twenties. The last fifteen years had been about being the good Christian wife; a role which I found stifling and unfulfilling. But fifteen years married to a depressed religious zealot had left me feeling rather low myself.
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Author - Gravidact, Submit...finally. A couple of weeks of plot development, reading, rereading, spell-checking, finally come to the one button. Harry Stewart sent the latest story up to the 'erotic literature' site, to see if they would take it. It was a tough site; usually they'd require an editor to look over the piece before it got uploaded.
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The hours were passing by as fast as molasses. James sat there listening to some underling drone on and on about the approaching conference.
"So, if all goes well I'll be checking out that vista from that vacant 14th floor office, huh, Mr. Jeffers?"
Edward stared into James' expressionless ocean-like eyes.
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Kari and I had always been a pain in the ass to each other and after our folks died in a car wreck things just got worse. I was nineteen when she got married to Don and kicked me off of the estate and I ended up in a shitty little apartment in the bad part of town. I managed for a year and then the company I worked for went into Chapter 7 and that was that.
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My husband's parents have always hated me, and they aren't shy about saying so. Ethan and Cynthia Carrington have never thought I am good enough for their only son. They've called me white trash simply because I grew up poor (though, not in a trailer, I might add), and a gold digger because the Carringtons are billionaires going back generations.
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I fought back tears when I saw the spots of blood that heralded the onset of my period. Despite the increased use of fertility drugs, I was not going to be a mother this month.
I crawled back into bed with my husband Todd, waking him to cuddle with him. Sunlight shone through the blinds.
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One moment, one lapse in concentration, and it was all over. It was my fault. She had just stepped off the kerb and I called out "See this evening." She turned, smiled; there was a screech of tyres as a bus pulling in to stop hit her. The love of my life was dead.
I met Clare when I was tutoring in English literature and she a student. I don't know if there is such a thing as love a first sight but it seemed like to me. Six months after first meeting her we were married; she was eighteen and I twenty four.
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Mr. & Mrs. Edwards were the first couple I met after the agency sent me out on interviews and I had no problem accepting their generous job offer. Being from America I called myself a babysitter, but in my new Kensington neighborhood it was fashionable to have an 'au pair' so this became my new title. The deal was pretty good since I got the use of a cute car and a cottage to myself instead of my little flat.
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I moved slowly back and forth on the patio swing with my book in my lap enjoying the warm spring afternoon. I had spent the whole weekend completing a contract in a prestigious high rise and had the day off from my job as a interior decorator. It was a good time to do absolutely nothing and would be taking it easy for the next while. Jodie would soon be home from work.
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