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Halloween Celebration

Category: Group Sex
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Hello, my name is Dan. Last year, my wife Kelli & I decided to throw a Halloween costume party with some friends of ours. A lot of preparation was put into both the party as well as in deciding on our costumes. I put together a great Scottish highlander outfit, complete with a kilt. Kelli went with the traditional "sexy cat" outfit that was comprised of cat ears, a tail, a hot little black leotard, & fish net stockings. She also was going to have whiskers painted on her face.
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Teenage Witch Gets Poked in Rear

Category: Anal Sex
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The Teenage Asian Witch Meets the Fat Fairy and Gets Poked in the Rear Emi & Bet hadn't done anything for Halloween in several years. However, this year they had to work at the mall, hand out treats to little monsters, and close-up shop. When the night was done they even had a bag full of candy to take home with them.
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A Treat for a Trick

Category: Mature
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Ted was in a rush to get back to the apartment and get out of there before Greg got home. He should have taken his time. Greg was there waiting for him. "Trying to get out of the bet, Ted?" Greg taunted. "Of course not," Ted lied. The bet was one of those stupid things the two of them (along with several of their friends) were always setting up. Although the bets were for the most part somewhat stupid, the pay-offs were always seriously moronic.
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My Best Halloween

Category: Group Sex
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Halloween is a great time of year. Grown-ups get to play dress up, and more importantly get to wear masks. I don’t know what it is about masks, but inhibitions seem to disappear when the masks go on. Last Halloween, I was invited to a neighbor’s costume party. I could hardly wait, but it was a busy time for me. Party night came, and I hadn’t even thought about a costume.
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One Last Gift

Category: Mature
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Annie Daniels sighed softly and paused at the large steel-and-stone gate, then accelerated to glide up the hill. Tall statues of cement cast spooky shadows on the ground, and she shivered as she killed the engine and stepped out into the slightly chilly air of early evening. She made her way hesitantly to the fat gravestone a few yards away, a sunflower clutched in her hands, which she lovingly placed at the base of the marker. "I miss you, Matthew."
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Debauchery Has a Past

Category: Fetish
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The soft patter of rain that began to pelt against the roof grabbed my attention, and I paused, setting my fiery-red lipstick back on the wooden vanity below me. "Shit." I muttered to myself, disgruntled. The weather forecast hadn't called for rain earlier in the morning, so I'd decided on a costume with more involved makeup. I'd planned on arriving at the annual Crowley Halloween ball dressed as a sexy version of Harley Quinn, my favorite character.
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My Halloween Party

Category: Group Sex
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The Cop I got invited to a Halloween costume party this year. I don't normally do this type of thing, but I was given enough advance warning that I was able to get online and find a cheap outfit. I chose a referee's outfit that came with a striped top and a matching striped mini skirt that barely covered my ass.
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A Haunted House To Remember

Category: Group Sex
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Halloween was always fun for me. I liked getting dressed up and seeing what kind of interesting costumes other people had. I can remember some interesting ones, including one particular mummy when I was a kid. I went on a date with her and she had a little trouble with the rain on the way home. That probably shaped my appreciation for costumes a lot. Now I celebrate by assisting as Dracula in a haunted house. It's a lot of work, but it's also a lot of fun. This year it was more fun than usual.
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Love Me. Hate Me. Fuck Me?

Category: Anal Sex
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"Hey Lindsay, how's it going?" I asked. The brunette student sat on the floor outside my office. She was studying a page of class scribblings that had been transcribed into a dog-eared, spiral-ringed notebook. Even in the dim half-light of the hallway I could make out her lush and curvy form. Whoa! This girl knocked the wind out of my lungs. I had spent several sweaty nights recreating her image in myriad naughty ways.
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Sexy Coworkers Find Love

Category: Lesbian Sex
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"Why am I even here?", Kelly wondered as she walked into the Halloween party. It looked pretty boring but she couldn't leave. She had already told the hostess, her coworker Samantha, that she would spend the night. Samantha knew Kelly loved to drink, and definitely should not be on the road later tonight. Plus, Kelly's costume was a hit!
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