
"Perfect," she said out loud to no one. As if the night couldn't get any worse, now her costume was ruined. The piece of shit car had just barely held onto life long enough to chug and puff into the gas station before it died with one last horrible cough. She had put the hood up and tinkered around in there the best she could – Karen didn't know anything about cars except how to fill them with gas.
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The rain was pouring down as Jeff's car pulled up by my building. The water pounded against the roof of the car and slithered down the windows like liquid snakes. People were hurrying past on the street, huddled under umbrellas. I pulled out my keys from my pocket and grabbed my bag which had been resting on the seat next to me.
Matt, sitting on the passenger seat, turned around to look at me.
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The first time Stacey saw her it was out of the corner of her eye. It was one of those moments when you see something but aren't sure. Your hair maybe falls forward and moves into your line of sight but when you really look there is nothing to see.
The second time she saw her it was a little more defined, the moment wasn't a second as before but she could have counted a full five seconds before she disappeared.
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Molly had gotten up early that morning to start her drive down to the Bed and Breakfast. Her journey was taking her to an old country home found while surfing the WEB. She loved these romantic locations deep in the countryside. This one was especially interesting having been built in the mid 1800s by a wealthy southern farmer and his wife. The house reminded her of her grandparent's home and a host of good childhood memories. The fact that the WEB site hinted the house was haunted also tweaked her imagination.
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I stared at Kenji, mouth open.
"Are you serious?"
"Well, why not?" he asked, sitting down again. "Your ghost isn't going anywhere, so rather than sitting around twiddling our thumbs, waiting for Pinky, let's go out and do something."
I looked at him in silence.
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This story is dedicated to that very special someone in my life and grew out of a playful conversation. Hope it was worth the wait hon'
"Life" such as it is, on the other side, isn't so very different for us than it was when we were mortal. For one thing, it's fairly boring most of the time. For another, our "jobs" take up much of our time.
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She couldn't believe she was here. As Jan's car sped down the highway, she was lost in the world of her own thoughts. Why did she agree to meet a total stranger? How did she let Sandy talk her into this? Did she really intend to have sex with this man she never met? But a quick look at her clothes revealed the intentions she had in her heart.
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