
"I think we can dispense with these," he said, casting off his human visage. I followed suit, and we both took a few moments to stretch our wings, swish our tails and stamp our broad clawed feet, feeling the life pour back into our neglected bodies. We were the only two of our kind on Earth, and it was rare that we got an opportunity to relax into our native forms.
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I had been going to the local YMCA after work for about a week now, I was trying to bulk up a little bit to impress my girlfriend. I'm a pretty slim guy at 6 feet, and 150 lbs. I certainly wasn't in bad shape at all, I just wanted to get a little bigger and tone up a bit. I had always known I was an attractive guy, and many people had also said as much, but despite that I had very little luck with women.
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I had wandered into the bookshop to kill time.
My appointment with Carol at the employment agency was for 11.30am and I had caught the eight o'clock train in from the lake. For once it arrived on time.
The employment agency was on the second floor of the building and I found the bookshop at street level. I had an hour to fill in before I had to go, up so I thought I'd look for a book I had been after for some time, The Mycenaeans by Lord William Taylour.
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Just when I thought that nothing would happen, on the thirteenth day after my trip to Birmingham, a text arrived at around 8.30 pm saying "Hope to see you at 6.30 pm tomorrow at the same place or will contact as previously notified."
This was a veiled threat that to anyone else would have appeared innocuous. A further message arrived shortly after saying "Just in case you are having second thoughts, here is a sample photograph.
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Everything started when I met this guy who went by the name of Special-S. We both posted on the same bodybuilding message board. I myself was not huge into body building. I have more of a slender runner's type of body. I did occasionally lift weights though and I liked to check this board to read about supplements and also post in the general off topic discussions.
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