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Sucking Cock in a Truck

Category: Gay Male
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I'm have been torn for years about whether or not I am gay. Years ago I had an experience with a hitchhiker that lead me to write and post on Lit a story titled Am I Gay? What I am about to tell will answer that question once and for all. I began an online correspondence with a guy after meeting him on a gay chat site. Like me he is married, but is much younger than me. We would chat on yahoo messenger and talk about sucking cock and how much we both wanted to try it.
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Category: Gay Male
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Plattsburgh, New York, in the summer of 1970... It had been a rough couple of months for Dustin Wood, and his life seemed to fall apart in every way imaginable. First, his mother passed away in the spring, and with her gone, Dustin's father seemed to change into someone unrecognizable, drinking heavily and taking all of his frustration out on his only son.
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Steam Room Daddy

Category: Gay Male
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I had been going to the local YMCA after work for about a week now, I was trying to bulk up a little bit to impress my girlfriend. I'm a pretty slim guy at 6 feet, and 150 lbs. I certainly wasn't in bad shape at all, I just wanted to get a little bigger and tone up a bit. I had always known I was an attractive guy, and many people had also said as much, but despite that I had very little luck with women.
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Room 117

Category: Gay Male
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It was my freshman year in college. While I had a scholarship that paid most of my school expenses, if I wanted to have a social life or even a Big Mac, I had to get a job. As in any other college town, good jobs are hard to come by, so I took what I could get. In this case, I worked with the maintenance department at the local mall.
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Nine Inches of Trouble in Lake City

Category: Gay Male
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Note: Based on an actual experience, but somewhat embellished by author. * It was dark in the theater, and as I watched the sexy action on the screen, my 18-year-old, country-raised dick got hard as a rock. I was sitting, as alone as I could get, in an XXX-rated theater in the mysterious big city - in town for a day while my parents thought I had driven to the beach. Rubbing my eager five inches of cock was unsatisfying, so after a bit I cautiously eased it out and began a more serious attempt at self-gratification.
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My Neighbors

Category: Gay Male
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I became a homeowner for the first time at age twenty-two. It was the summer before my senior year in college and my grandmother had just died. I expected she'd will all her money to my father – her only child. Grandma came through though and left me over two hundred thousand dollars. Although I thought about buying the most expensive car on the market, going to Hawaii and all sorts of other things, I realized that I could buy a house for myself and put apartment living (which I hated) far behind me.
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Speed Dating

Category: Gay Male
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Wednesday night and I was making my way to a speed dating meeting organised by the local LGBT group in a pub in the pink triangle of Edinburgh. It was a warm evening and I had my jacket over my arm. I was dressed to impress, pair of chinos and a yellow shirt and a new pair of brown casual shoes. I topped it off with the delicate scent of a nice Gucci aftershave. I was walking quickly, not wanting to be late.
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Like a Father to Me

Category: Gay Male
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
All characters are over 18 years old. * Tom was like a father to me, and being more than twice my age that was understandable. He was always there when I needed help or guidance. Never overbearing, but always available when I needed him most. He gave me advice when I asked for it and an ear when I needed to vent or just talk.
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