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Wandering Eyes

Category: Gay Male
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"What do you think of him," I asked, pointing to an older man with a combover. "He looks like he won't spit on our food." "Ugh, I hope not. He looks like the kind to talk about his grandkids to us for twenty minutes and then forget to take our order."
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Kellin Ch. 02

Category: Gay Male
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Thanks for all of the positive feedback on the first chapter of this story! Hopefully this chapter will give you a new perspective on these characters. The next chapter should be up as soon as possible. * Continued from Chapter One... Kellin: I buried my face in my hands, leaning my elbows on the small café table in the coffee shop by my house. This was where I ended up. After I stormed out of the house, my mom screaming at me from the kitchen, I drove in circles until I ended up here, hungry, upset, and out of gas.
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Two Chances

Category: Gay Male
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My car came to a stop below the front of the house and I just sat there. It had been a long day and I was tired and not ready for the chaos I would find inside. Instead I sat there in the car and lay my head back on the headrest and closed my eyes for five minutes of peace.
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Rekindling Our Love

Category: Gay Male
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Being married had never been a possibility for me... that is until I met Josh. We didn't click right off but sparks flew anyway. We were both temperamental with chips on our shoulders about relationships. With his being an architect and me being hired to design the web pages for his company, we were thrown together quite often.
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Wishing At Christmas

Category: Gay Male
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Peter Grandon sat moodily in his dorm room staring at his literature textbook and studying for finals. He had read the same passage four times and he still couldn't tell what the paragraph meant. His mind was elsewhere.
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Category: Gay Male
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CHAPTER ONE: ORIENTATION Wesley Bower looked around the campus, more than a little nervous. He was seeing his college campus for the first time since his visit, and now he was having second thoughts. Why did I pick a school so far from everyone I've ever known? he wondered, feeling disconsolate and alone. Well, no use having second thoughts, he decided, stretching his arms, turning to survey the people around him.
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Violate Me

Category: Gay Male
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"Miss Lendell, please send in my next appointment." I stretched behind my desk wishing the stress of the day to ease up. A romantic dinner with Beth would make it all worthwhile I thought as I cleared my desk in preparation for my next new parolee. I heard my office door open and I asked them to come in and take a chair. When I looked up I froze involuntarily.
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Save Me From Me

Category: Gay Male
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As a psychology major, it never ceases to surprise me how deep human loathing can go. Often times the most screwed up ones are ourselves. For every ten people that you meet, eight hate everyone, six hate themselves, but blame everyone else, three loathe themselves with depths unfathomable, and one or two out of those ten will never let you know just how disturbed they really are.
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Your Fallen Hero Ch. 01

Category: Gay Male
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Authors note - Thankyou for taking the time to read my work, i know this chapter is fairly short, but it is only the introduction to the story about how Joe and Jacob meet. Enjoy. * It was mentally exhausting, and that's without adding how physically exhausting it was to push yourself every day, into something that felt so impossible.
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True Love Hurts

Category: Gay Male
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Francis had friends round watching the football when I got home from university. I wanted them to go away. I didn't know what Francis had told them about me and our relationship but they kept watching me, I could sense them looking at me when I wasn't paying attention to them.
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