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With You, I Am Whole

Category: Gay Male
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Finn rolled over on the pavement as he started to feel lightheaded. His eyes shifted restlessly in their sockets, watching as countless pedestrians stepped carelessly past his weakening form. They side-stepped, creeping around his huddled body as if he were vermin. He wanted to spit at them. He wanted to give them all something to really be afraid of.

He could feel his own blood soaking into his white downy wings as the feathers stuck to his skin. This wasn’t the first time he had been attacked, but it could well be the last.

His kind weren’t exactly accepted in society, but Finn wasn’t exactly the type of person who cared. It had been required for of his people to cover their wings in public so as not to cause a disturbance. You could always tell a Numen by his floor-length government issued overcoat – the simultaneous disguise and earmark of an oppressed race. But you could always tell Finn by the towering snowy wings he flaunted, covered in diaphanous gossamer feathers.

Finn had once donned the disguise. He had once held shame. But after the death of his parents at the hands of those fucking bigots… He wasn’t going to let himself die hiding what he was. Not like his family.

And now, he thought, it seemed that his boldness had bought him the same fate as his family.

A warmth crept up Finn’s body as he continued to spill blood from the jagged twin knife wounds marring the ivory skin of his abdomen. He shuddered as he closed his eyes, an almost undetectable masochistic smile staining his lips.

He felt a hand on his shoulder as he slipped from consciousness.


Eli crouched on the dark polished hardwood, observing the steady rise and fall of the man’s chest in his bed with a watchful eye, as if it would stop at any moment. His drab National Numina Suppression Department linen coat, whose sleeves were still spattered and smeared with blood, pooled on the floor around him. His noble features were clouded with worry as he carefully oversaw the other man’s well-being.

Suddenly, Eli saw the boy’s sable lashes flutter on his cheeks.

“You’re awake!” Eli beamed.


Eli had found the young man crumpled beaten and bloody on the street. The sight of the boy’s beautiful blood-soaked plumage was almost too much for his heart to take. He immediately checked for a pulse, his own heart quickening as he worked, pressing his fingers to the soft skin beneath the boy’s jaw. Though faint, he could feel a slow, steady thump of a heart beneath his touch. Eli carefully gathered the battered and neglected fledgling in his arms and laid him gently across the dark leather seats in the rear of his car.

He drove like a madman back to his apartment. He couldn’t have taken the boy to a hospital. Only a handful of hospitals and clinics in the entire country would give emergency treatment to a Numen, much less one who so blatantly defied the country’s laws regarding their race. The boy would just have to count himself lucky – a fortunate player in some divine game of chance – that the man who happened upon his broken body was one of the very few Numina to have received some medical training.

The boy was hauled up several flights of stairs by Eli. Passersby stared in shock and horror at the sullied wings the inert young man dared to bare in public as they rushed past in a blur. Once inside, Eli laid the unconscious angel back on his kitchen table and began a careful and swift examination and treatment of his wounds. Much to his relief, the lacerations were not very deep and seemed to have avoided all internal organs, but he had lost a lot of blood and was still bleeding. He would have to close the wounds and hope his body was in good enough condition to recuperate fully. Eli’s apartment wasn’t exactly equipped to give a man a blood transfusion, but stitches – that, he could do.

Eli made a mad dash for his supply closet and fetched his suture kit, gauze, and a bottle of rubbing alcohol large enough to disinfect an entire hospital wing. He snapped on his latex gloves and got to work, gently cleaning the wounds and applying a small number of carefully placed sutures. He deposited a few large pads of gauze on the raw flesh and began to wrap a thick, stretchy bandage around the young man’s waist. Eli took a step back to admire his quick handiwork.

The boy still looked rough, but really was a pretty one, even through the cuts and bruises. His soft and delicate features were frozen, nearly lifeless, on his ghostly pale face. His long dark lashes fanned out across his cheeks, as if attempting to hide the raw red road rash where the left side of his face had hit the pavement. His dark hair was of an unusual style, with the back and sides, up to his temples, shorn to less than an inch in length while top remained long enough to almost reach past his ears if he decided to comb it down rather than leave it natural and wild.

Smooth milk-white skin covered every inch of the body that was revealed to Eli, aside from his left arm. The thin limb was scattered with an assortment of colorful tattoos from shoulder to wrist, the largest of which being a sizable human heart wrapped in a banner on his upper arm. Eli leaned closer in an attempt to read the message written across the heart. Maybe something about a guy named Ben? The rest was incomprehensible as Eli failed to recognize the language. Though Eli didn’t usually go for the tattooed look, he had to admit the boy’s artwork was gorgeous – it suited him to a tee.

His massive white wings, still caked with dirt and blood, stretched the length of Eli’s table as his lithe body lay limp. Eli would have to clean those wings. But not tonight. When he wakes up.

‘If he wakes up,’ Eli mumbled then immediately admonished himself for his brief foray into pessimism.


“You’re awake!” Eli beamed.

He stood from his crouched position, his knees sore from staying static for so long. He stretched his legs and sat carefully on the edge of the bed near the boy’s feet.

He was definitely starting to stir. The boy’s eyes began to flicker apart before clamping shut again as his wings stretched out, the tips peeking out from beneath Eli’s white fluffy duvet. Slowly, his eyes opened wide, revealing one iris to be startlingly icy blue and the other a deep grassy green. Eli admired those eyes as they vaguely stared off into the distance. His soft yet dry lips parted as he inhaled deeply.

The young man groaned at the dull ache he suddenly felt in is stomach as he placed his hand where his bandaged wounds hid beneath the covers. As he looked down toward his stomach, he spotted Eli and his eyes widened even more. “Did I die?” he asked with an almost terrified look about him as he furrowed his brows.

Eli couldn’t help but chuckle, “No, of course not,” he said in his most comforting voice as he stroked the boy’s calf through his blanket. “You almost did, though. And you probably would have, if I hadn’t found you,” he added. Less comforting this time.

The boy began to look suspicious, “Who are you? Why are you helping me?”

“We’re not looking a gift horse in the mouth are we?” Eli said in a voice akin to motherly scorn. The younger man averted his eyes, slightly ashamed of how he had just phrased his questions. Eli just smiled back at him and patted his leg firmly, “I’m just kidding around with you. I saw so many people walk past you while you were hurt without even blinking an eye. I can understand why you would want to know what special interest anyone would have in your safety. I feel the same way sometimes. I’m Eli, by the way. Eli Byrne.”

“Finn Mosshart,” the boy mumbled, still trying to get his bearings on his situation. He had no idea where he was but he had to know why. That was the one thing that was plaguing his mind. Why would someone try to help him? “I really don’t want to sound inconsiderate, because I couldn’t tell you how much I appreciate your help, but I feel like I need to know why you decided to help me.” Finn looked directly into Eli’s eyes as he said this, his piercing gaze shaking him to the core. Eli stood, not saying a word, their eyes still fixed on one another as he removed his long overcoat – which Finn had failed to recognize as an NNSD coat – and white T-shirt. Eli’s fingers slowly and steadily went through the routine of unbuckling the straps that wrapped around his chest and waist, setting himself free in his home.

Eli stretched outward, his wings unfurling to their full glory. Though Finn and Eli were both Numina, they were so different from one another. Eli was probably a full head taller than Finn and held a greater degree of musculature, though he still was lean. His olive complexion suggested a hint of Greek or possibly Italian somewhere down the line. He was definitely handsome, with a wild quality that marked his aquiline features and his short brunette shock which seemed to be eternally mussed. And his wings…

“They’re beautiful,” Finn near-whispered as wonder filled his voice.

The tips of Eli’s wings twitched, stretching the width of the room as Finn’s gaze wandered across them. His wings were beautiful. They weren’t of the same pure white that Finn possessed, but were a warm ivory color that made you want to run your fingers through the softness you knew lay within. But they weren’t one solid color, no, that’s what truly gave them a striking appearance. Each pinion turned from rich ivory to a deep inky black which lined the edges of both wings.

“You think so? I’ve always liked them, but I feel like they somehow don’t suit me. I mean, they don’t even go with my hair,” he said, tugging a lock of his chestnut hair and smiling. “Not that I really need to worry about how they look when I wear these damnable things…” Eli kicked at the crumpled coat and black leather straps as he trailed off, his wings drooping slightly as thoughts of his restraint crossed his mind.

“Never seen… anything… like…” Finn was looking weak as his eyes suddenly rolled upward, as if his pupils had some more important business in the back of his skull. “Shit!” Eli exclaimed, running to they younger man’s side. He checked Finn’s pulse for the second time in two days and was relieved to not only feel his heart, but also feel his steady breath in a warm breeze across his bare chest as the boy turned his head toward Eli. “I should have gotten you food first thing, but I just had to keep blathering on. I’ll be right back, Finn,” he promised, as he tucked away one of many stray locks of wild dark hair.

Eli returned with a relative cornucopia of fruits, nuts, and vegetables as well as two glasses of wine, one carafe of milk and one of water. Eli gently roused the sleeping boy and placed the tray in his own lap as he sat, back against the headboard, next to Finn. Finn looked up at him weakly, then down at the abundance of food before him, bringing a spark to his beautiful and disparate eyes. He tried to sit up and push himself back in bed, but he was stopped by Eli’s hand on his shoulder. “Be careful, I had to put stitches on those wounds on your belly. Try not to strain them just yet,” Eli gently lifted his head and tucked a couple of extra pillows beneath his neck to give the boy a better dining position. “That better?” Eli asked. Finn just nodded, still eyeing the feast before him.

For the next two hours or so, Eli helped Finn regain his strength, slowly feeding him from a variety of berries and the other delicious morsels for which Finn’s hunger seemed near endless. As Finn’s health began to return, Eli passed on the duty of feeding to the boy, and resigned himself to sipping his wine and smiling as he watched young Finn as he overzealously ate his fill. He admired the smooth curve of Finn’s mouth as a single rosy droplet from a particularly juicy strawberry ran its course over the boy’s full bottom lip. Finn quickly picked up the cloth napkin on the tray and dabbed the juice away from his mouth. He glanced up at Eli who was intently staring at his face as he licked his own lips.

Finn recognized the look in his eyes and looked down toward the bedcovers, blushing softly. Something about this man made him uncharacteristically shy.

Eli immediately noticed the change in mood. ‘Good job, Eli, go ahead and scare the kid half to death,’ he thought. He quickly scrambled to replace the tension with conversation. “So, Finn, tell me about yourself.”

“Not much to tell,” Finn said quietly, twisting the duvet in his clenched fists.

“Well, ah, you got family? Friends? A mate maybe? You look awful young to be on your own.”

Finn flinched at his words, “No family. My parents were… they, uh, died a couple years ago. I don’t have many friends either. I only know two other Numina. I’ve been on my own since my parents. I know I look a lot younger than I am. I’m twenty. And no, I don’t have a… a mate,” Finn glanced up at Eli, wide-eyed, then stared back at his hands in his lap.

Eli sat quietly for a moment and nodded. “So, what were you doing out at night without your coat and straps? Not that I don’t admire your bravery, because I do. I hate those things more than you’d care to know, but you could have been killed. I mean, you nearly were…”

Finn looked up once more, this time holding his eye contact with Eli as his bright eyes burned and glistened with anger, “I won’t die like they did!” He said in a firm voice, not quite shouting. His eyes started to fill with tears, “How many of us do you think died wearing those straps- those fucking cages?” He paused, shaking his head, “My family did. I won’t be one of them.”

Eli, still sitting next to the now trembling Finn, was filled with such sorrow and longing for the broken and brave angel in his bed. He reached up, his warm hand caressing Finn’s tear-stained cheek, brushing his tears away from the still red scrape beneath his eye. Though he tried, he failed in resisting the urge to run his finger over the boy’s soft mouth. Finn trembled, his green eye and blue eye burning holes in Eli’s deep hazel gaze as he glanced up helplessly at the touch.

Finn bit his lower lip where Eli’s finger had just grazed as he noticed the already miniscule space between them close in. Eli leaned forward, placing a gentle closed-mouthed kiss on Finn’s beautiful lips. It was the softest of touches, but held the strongest of feelings.

It hit him like a lead weight as visions flew through Finn’s mind and he saw what this fleeting touch would bring into his life. It was an intoxicating feeling, like he was drunk from Eli’s touch – like he could never give it up. He quickly turned his head, shaking off the contact he held with Eli as the sensations got too intense.

“Eli… I…” Finn started, his fingers brushing his lips as if he had just let something slip past them that he could never get back. If only he knew…

“You saw that too?” Eli said, excitement creeping into his serene features.

“What just happened?”

Eli didn’t answer. He had to know if he was being deceived. He had to kiss those lips again. Could it be true?

Eli leaned in again in an attempt to claim Finn’s mouth once more. He was stopped, by Finn’s hand on his chest, pushing him back.

“No,” was all Finn could say as he looked down at the floor, trembling as if the room had suddenly grown cold.

“But don’t you want to see? I mean, if we’re really…”

“NO,” Finn said more firmly, his hand still keeping Eli at arm’s length, “I just… I don’t think I can do this… Not now.. I don’t know… I’ve never…”

“Of course you’ve never! I’ve never! This only happens once, Finn. And you don’t want to at least make sure?”

“Just give me time,” Finn said, his voice dropping to a whisper as the the luster drained from his eyes completely.

Eli didn’t say a word, crushed by Finn’s anxiety and trepidation, but he was capable of patience – he could could give him time. He stood and walked to his bedroom door. “The bathroom’s through that door over there,” he pointed to the small closed door near the bed, “when you decide to get cleaned up. I’ll be in my office down the hall if you need anything,” he spoke, his back turned to the apprehensive angel. The he went, leaving Finn to stew in though.

Finn had absolutely no idea what to do. He thought all this was just myth – a fairy tale told to nestlings. Eli couldn’t be his mate.


Finn awoke stiff, sore and in desperate need of a bath. And a cigarette.

He swept his hand down his body to the site of his discomfort and suddenly everything came rushing back to him. He pulled the covers back to see the blood-stained gauze wrapped around his stomach. He had been attacked – beaten, stabbed. He felt as if his chest was crushed in a vice as he remembered his assailant’s face, twisted and hateful as the blade glinted in the light of the street lamp. He recalled the feel of his own blood on his skin, warm and somehow comforting in his pain. Then he remembered waking, and the feeling of floating in a sea of fleecy white bedding. And seeing that face…

Finn was suddenly flooded with a torrent of emotions when he thought about Eli. He didn’t even know the man, but he had been so kind and so tender. But had he been brought here just so Eli could get his kicks? Eli had seemed just as shocked as Finn was at the phantasmagoria of fondness and devotion that flowed through their kiss, though. And the effects of that one kiss were still strong, maybe even stronger than they had been. All he had to do was think of that handsome gentle face and he was gone, like being drawn into an inescapable maelstrom.

Finn shook his head, as if the physical action could erase the memories like an Etch-A-Sketch. He had to distract himself. He couldn’t think clearly right now. Maybe whatever effects he was still feeling would start to fade soon.

He slowly sat up, being careful not to pull his stitches as he bent at the waist. He slung his legs over the side of the bed as he noticed for the first time during his stay in… wherever the hell he was, that he was still wearing his pants. They were more than a little dirty, stained with his own blood and general dirt and grime, but the fact soothed Finn’s agitated mind a bit. Maybe Eli had brought him here with genuinely honorable intentions after all.

He stumbled to his feet as he shuffled toward the door that had been indicated to him as the bathroom. The room was absolutely gargantuan – eggshell white ceramic tile stretched out before him and continued over the edge of the massive whirlpool bath opposite the door. After setting his eyes on that tub, Finn didn’t have to look at anything else. He crossed the room and sat on the edge of the deep square bathtub. Upon sitting, he noticed a lump in his back pocket. “Sweet lord,” Finn let out in a sigh of relief as he stood, extricating a pack of cigarettes and a lighter from the back pocket of his black denims.

Finn laid his wonderful guilty pleasure on the tiled lip as he filled the tub with piping hot water. He wiggled his jeans and underwear down his narrow hips as he stepped out of them and into the steaming bath. He practically had to swim across to the other side of the tub to rest in the large triangular seat in the corner. Finn settled into the seat, nestling back into his wings as he reached for a cigarette. He placed the long black coffin nail gently in the corner of his mouth as he lit and inhaled, immediately inundating him with sweet relief. The scent of tobacco and cloves filled the air as Finn soaked in the deep, near-scalding water. Things were looking up.

Finn was beginning to drift off into a comfortable sleep when a loud, high-pitched noise permeated the atmosphere he had created. His eyes snapped open and his brows jumped up to his hairline as he looked around for the source of the ear-piercing and clearly electronic sound. He extinguished his cigarette in the bath water and prepared to investigate. Before he could move a muscle, however, he heard the bedroom door open with a thump against the wall and a quick succession of footsteps. Then a knock on the bathroom door.

“Are you okay in there? What happened?” Eli shouted from the other side.

“I’m not sure. What the hell is that noise?” Finn replied, covering his ears with his palms.

“Is it okay if I come in there?”

Finn looked around him, crossing his legs to appear somewhat decent. “Sure, if you can stop that fucking beep!”

Finn had to physically stop himself from sighing at the sight of the other man. He looked disheveled, yet somehow completely elegant. His dark framed glasses sat slightly crooked on his nose and his hair was a complete mess. But his long confident stride made you think this was all intentional. He wore only a pair of black pinstriped shorts that hit just above the knee, going shirtless so he could stretch his wings. His feathers looked slightly rumpled and Finn started to feel guilty about interrupting whatever he had been doing. He had said earlier that he was going to be in his office. He was probably deep in thought, working hard, when Finn cut in on his concentration by doing whatever he had done to start that awful sound.

Eli quickly looked around as recognition dawned on his face. He walked to the wall adjacent to the tub and reached up, depressing a large button on the front of the small round smoke detector. He one in every room as well as a full security system, just in case some idiotic dogmatist decided to do more than throw a stone or two.

“Setting fires are we?” Eli said, turning toward the blushing Finn still in the tub.

Finn said nothing, just held out his pack of cigarettes, making only brief eye contact with Eli. Eli chuckled at the shy young man. A Numen who went out with their wings on display didn’t strike him as someone who normally got so flustered. “Keep ’em, Finn. I don’t care if you want to smoke here, just let me know what room you’re in and I’ll turn off the alarms. I don’t smoke myself, but I have a couple of ashtrays lying around for guests who do.”

“Th… Thanks,” was all Finn said as he smiled weakly. Being in such close proximity to Eli was driving him crazy. If he looked up it only got worse, so he kept his attention focused on the water surrounding him. It didn’t help that he was almost painfully hard beneath the surface, and he hadn’t even been touched. He prayed that Eli couldn’t see his arousal as he shifted awkwardly in the tub, but he wasn’t going to venture a look into those eyes to find out.

Eli had seen. He smiled a silent knowing grin, feeling better with the realization that his feelings (well, his lust at least) were returned. It did make him feel better, but it only made him want Finn even more.

He crossed the room to the small nook with shelves piled high with fluffy red towels. He grabbed one and walked back to Finn, setting it down on the edge of the tub along with some fresh gauze and tape he had been carrying. “Go ahead and finish getting cleaned up. I’ve got breakfast ready in the kitchen when you’re done. You drink coffee?”

Finn nodded. “Okay, I’ll get you a cup,” Eli said, stiffly walking to exit the room. “See you in a few.”

Eli stopped after closing the door and pressed his back against it. That was too intense for him. He had been attracted to the boy before, but now it was if the pull toward Finn was intensified tenfold. He stood there, stock-still as he caught his breath. If he could just get through breakfast, maybe he’d be okay.

On the other side of the door, Finn was on the verge of breaking down. It had taken every reserve of willpower he possessed to not throw himself at Eli, to beg the other man to take him then and there, to ease the pain of his desire. He couldn’t take this much longer.

Finn quickly finished washing himself, being sure to scrub his wings spotless. He really needed to occupy his mind with something else and he always hated the feeling of his wings when they were dirty.

When he finished, he stepped out of the draining tub and got to work at re-bandaging himself. He picked up his pack of cigarettes and wrapped the soft ruby colored towel around his hips. Finn glanced at his disgustingly grimy jeans on the floor and decided to dig through Eli’s closet to see if he had anything that would fit him – at least until he had his own pants washed.

He walked back into the bedroom and toward Eli’s closet. He opened the door and was shocked at its size. It seemed like everything in this apartment was deceptively large. Finn entered the cavernous walk-in, but it was not just the size of the closet that surprised him, but the sheer emptiness of it. Four or five NNSD coats hung in a row followed by no more than ten shirts of various colors and styles. There was a little bit more of a selection in pants, but none of them seemed like they would fit Finn’s slimmer body. In the far corner of the closet, there were several shelves stacked with dozens of white T-shirts and a couple of pairs of gray sweat pants. That would have to do.

Finn dropped his towel to the floor and shimmied his way into a pair of the sweatpants, pulling the drawstring waist tight around him. He picked the towel back up and went to fetch his dark jeans and underwear from the bathroom floor and tossed them in Eli’s hamper in his closet.

He ambled up to the full-length mirror hanging on the closet door and gave himself a once over. He probably wasn’t going to win any beauty pageants today. His bruises were beginning to fade, and the road rash on his cheek was starting to sting less than he remembered. That was a plus. He tossed his shaggy hair to the side and smoothed the front down across his forehead. Good enough.


For an apartment with a bathroom so large, Eli’s kitchen was absolutely miniscule. It possessed only the basics: refrigerator, oven, sink, coffee maker, microwave. There was a small black lacquered table with three modern-looking clear acrylic chairs surrounding it.

Eli was waiting in one of these chairs, nibbling on a piece of toast when Finn entered. He couldn’t take the eyes off the boy when he walked in. He was wearing a pair of his own shabby gray sweat pants, but on Finn they looked like the sexiest thing Eli could imagine. The thick cotton hung low on Finn’s hips, almost as if they were trying to drag him do the ground with them. His lips looked red and swollen, probably from all the nervous chewing he had abuse them with. His wings looked better too. Not a spot of blood or grime remained on their snowy nonpareil perfection.

“You look better,” Eli choked out, trying desperately not to sound.. well, desperate.

Finn lowered his head and blushed.

“Here, have a seat, I brought you out an ashtray,” Eli said, kicking out the chair opposite him with his legs beneath the table, “Your coffee’s getting cold.”

The pair sat in near complete silence as they ate and drank. Finn occasionally took a drag from his cigarette he held tightly in his shaking hand. They passed occasional glances across the table. Most of the glances came from Eli’s direction, as he watched the boy wrap his soft lips around one of his black cigarettes, a plethora of fantasies running through his head as Finn tried to avert his gaze from the man who he wanted more than anything else at this moment. It was a little awkward to say the least.

When Finn drained his coffee and finished his eggs and toast, Eli stood to clear the dishes from the table. As he put the plates and forks into the sink, Finn rose to try to make a quiet escape into the bedroom, anywhere where he wasn’t this close to Eli.

Eli turned around to fetch the empty coffee cups from the table and suddenly collided with Finn.

Both men were shocked and stood completely still, breathing heavily chest to chest. Finn stared down between their bodies as Eli closed his eyes and inhaled his scent. He smelled like soap and cloves and strawberries and lust. He smelled like home.

Neither man moved for what seemed like an eternity until Finn lifted his gaze to look at Eli. Eli stared back into those eyes – the glimmer of sapphire and emerald, the confusion and need, the hurt and adoration.

“Eli,” Finn whispered. He didn’t have to say anything else.

Finn was the one to make the first move this time, leaning forward and stretching upward on tiptoes to taste Eli’s seductive mouth.

The visions came again, but this time it didn’t stop the two. It felt like a drug, spurring them on to explore and claim and worship.

Finn opened his mouth, his tongue slipping out from between his lips, begging for Eli to do the same. Eli was quick to oblige, his tongue slipping into Finn’s mouth. The kiss became deeper, hungry, anguished as Eli became desperate for more of that sweet taste. His hands roamed over Finn’s bare shoulders, tenderly brushing every inch of smooth exposed flesh as if he were trying to take the hurt away completely. He laced his fingers in and out of the soft downy feathers of Finn’s wings, delighting in the way the young man reacted with a gasp or a moan against his lips when he brushed past a particularly sensitive spot. Finn locked his arms around the taller man’s waist, clamoring for an opportunity to get their bodies even closer.

Unsurprisingly both men were already hard as they could both feel through the negligible amount of clothing between them. They pressed themselves closer, as if trying to pull the other into each other’s skin. Finn rotated his hips against Eli as their tongues continued their struggle. He broke the kiss briefly, gasping for air. “Fuck… NeedyouEli,” Finn blurted out in between his gulping breaths. 

Eli bent forward, dropping soft kisses along the boy’s jaw and neck. Hands resting firmly on his shoulders, Eli began walking backward, guiding Finn into the bedroom and closing the door behind them with a click.

As soon as they crossed the threshold, something switched in Finn’s head. He suddenly lost all interest in the tenderness they had been sharing thus far. Something wild lit up behind his eyes, like he wanted to consume Eli whole, to tear him to shreds, to savage him the the way he wanted to be savaged himself. Finn stretched his arms up, tightly gripping Eli’s shoulders as he pulled himself up, as if he were a child climbing a tree. He wrapped his legs around Eli’s waist, sharply thrusting against him as he pressed the other man’s face harder into his neck.

Though Eli was shocked by this abrupt change, the surprise was nothing if not pleasant. He felt Finn’s long pale fingers twine in his hair as his soft affectionate kisses on the boys neck turned to passionate nips and bites. He could feel Finn writhing against him, his hard cock trapped between them, begging for attention.

Eli crept forward in the direction of the bed and laid Finn down gently, extricating himself carefully from the boy’s limber legs. He undid the button of his shorts and quickly stepped out of them, his dark grey briefs following quickly behind. Finn choked a little on his breath as he watched with wide-eyed wonder. “You’re so fucking beautiful,” Finn whispered, lying helpless on the bed before him. Eli smiled in an almost sneer and he narrowed his eyes as he growled, “Pants.”

The loose sweatpants Finn was wearing were barely holding onto him as it was, so shimmying out of them was no difficult feat. Eli looked Finn up and down, licking his lips, as Finn tugged at his bottom lip with his teeth, an animalistic desire burning in his sharp lovely eyes. Eli just stood, transfixed with the beauty in front of him while Finn ached for his touch. He couldn’t take it.

Finn stood in front of Eli, grabbing his upper arms and swinging him around, so he fell back into the soft embrace of his wings on the bed, his legs hanging over the foot of the bed, bent at the knee. His cock arched up to his navel, the head glistening with pre-cum. This time it was Finn’s turn to lick his lips as he sat, straddling Eli’s thighs. He bent forward, the white feathers of his wings brushing over Eli’s skin, causing him to involuntarily twitch. Eli reached out to cup Finn’s sweet face in his hands. Finn nuzzled into the touch for a moment before bending to place soft kisses and sharp nips all along the smooth olive skin of Eli’s abdomen, trailing down toward his prize.

Finn flashed his eyes up the man’s body, looking into his lust-clouded eyes before he dipped his tongue into his navel, just avoiding his touch-deprived cock. Eli groaned at the feel of that agile tongue as Finn thrust it in and out of his navel, reminding him of exactly what he wanted to do to that supple body above him. Finn shifted back just a little further on Eli’s legs as he bent down once more, raking his fingernails down Eli’s sides. Eli squirmed in pain, immediately followed by pleasure as Finn trailed his tongue from the base of his cock all the way up to the up to the tip, licking and nipping at the sensitive underside before enveloping the head in his supple mouth. “Oh, shit…” Eli said as his eyes rolled back into his head, trying to stop his hips from bucking upward as Finn suctioned him, little by little past those lips.

Finn suddenly released him, sitting up and smiling at the now distressed man. Eli’s eyes popped open looking questioningly at Finn who was still smiling at him almost sweetly. “Let’s go,” Finn said looking absolutely delicious as he licked the taste of Eli from his lips, savoring it.

Eli shook his knees beneath Finn’s ass, “Up!” he ordered. He sat up as Finn did as he was told. “Now, on the bed, face down,” Finn liked that he was giving orders.

Once Finn had completed his task, Eli stood behind him, admiring the sliver of smooth skin on his back, his massive white wings stretching on either side. Eli put one hand on each wing, stroking the soft feathers beneath his fingertips. Finn shuddered at the touch. Eli crouched down over the boy’s back, placing a kiss at the base of his spine as he continued to twist his fingers in the white plumage. His tongue crept out of his mouth as he began to lick a slow figure-eight just above the smooth cleft of Finn’s ass. Finn began to grind his hips down into the mattress below him, his body undulating in a sea of pure white. Eli, relishing the boy’s reaction, let his tongue relax against the boy’s skin and began laving a lazy line slowly up his spine. He paused at the gap between the unpigmented wings. Eli was now straddling Finn’s waiflike waist. “Roll over,” he breathed across the back of Finn’s ear. Finn obliged almost instantly. “I want to see your face,” Eli whispered against Finn’s lips as he sucked the boy’s bottom lip into his mouth, kissing him deeply before he shimmied down to the foot of the bed on his knees.

He sucked a long digit into his mouth then slowly dragged it down Finn’s body and between his thighs. Finn gasped as he felt Eli’s finger pressing against him. He really wanted all of Eli inside of him, but for now, a finger would do. Finn pushed his hips down against the slight pressure Eli was applying and the warm digit slipped inside. Eli placed his other hand on Finn’s hip trying to calm his now frantic movements as he shimmied beneath him, still aware of the three-day-old stitches beneath the bandages around the boy’s waist.

Eli slipped a second finger inside, wanting to make Finn as comfortable as possible when he took him completely. He slowly worked his fingers in and out of Finn’s warm body, curling them at the knuckle and scissoring them apart as he continued. “God, Eli… Please… enough… just.. please!” Finn panted, pleading for more, pleading for Eli, pleading for his lover.

Eli removed his fingers and spat into his palm, working his hand along his aching shaft, his saliva mixing with the copious amounts of precum he was already producing. He gripped the back of Finn’s knee, wrapping the long limb around the small of his back. He looked deep into Finn’s eyes, giving him his final opportunity to say ‘no’, his final opportunity to push him away. Finn had no such intentions.

Finn dug his heel into Eli’s back as Eli gripped his cock, pressing it against Finn’s entrance. Finn bore down on him immediately, wanting as much of Eli inside him as was possible, as fast as was possible. Eli’s head popped past the tight ring of muscle and, with massive encouragement from Finn’s heels spurring him on, continued pressing forward, burying himself inside the lovely, lovely Finn.

Finn cried out as Eli completely filled him, not even feeling the pain, the drugging effect of being with Eli filling him with pure unadulterated pleasure. He wrapped his arm around Eli’s back the almost opalescent ivory of those gorgeous wings clashing with the smooth tattooed skin of the long slight limb. He weaved his fingers into Eli’s feathers, pulling him closer, pulling him deeper.

Eli started to move his hips with a fluid seductive motion, rotating and thrusting simultaneously his hands stroking all over Finn’s body, his supple skin like velvet to the touch. He leaned down, kissing Finn deeply as he began to thrust harder. Finn never had to say a word. It was as if his body was telling Eli exactly what he wanted, exactly what he needed. He quickened his pace, sweat beginning to shine on his chest and neck pumped in and out of that tight and wanton body.

Eli’s wings stretched out above the two, covering the writhing bodies like a canopy. Finn’s breath was sharp and hot against his neck as he exhaled forcefully with every driving stroke of Eli’s body. Eli sat up straight and pulled Finn’s leg higher and over his shoulder, getting a better angle as he began thrusting past Finn’s prostate. Finn’s heavy breath grew shallow as he got ever closer to the approaching precipice of orgasm. Eli bit down on the tender flesh on the side of Finn’s knee as he reached down, gripping the younger man’s hips as he began to slam forcefully into him. The room was filled with the sound of skin slapping against tender skin, as their sighs and groans rushed toward a crescendo.

Eli reached down to stroke Finn’s cock, kissing and laving the now sore spot on the inside of his leg. The soft touch was all Finn needed.

He tossed his head back, his tousled dark hair falling on and around his face. His breath seemed to leave him completely as he came in almost complete silence, arching his back off the bed toward Eli. His muscles contracted all over his body as he shook, his cock expelling cum all the way up his chest and over Eli’s hand.

Eli thrust his hips forward with one sharp crack – a collision that Finn would probably feel for a full week afterward – Finn’s clenched muscle becoming too much for him to handle. He pumped his seed deep into Finn’s body as he slowed down his strokes. He savored the feeling of Finn, so warm and slick and inviting.

Eli bent down, not wanting to leave Finn’s body yet, and kissed the younger man softly on the lips.

The pair rolled over on their sides, arms reaching out, and claiming one another – a tangle of hair and feathers and limbs. They finally settled with Finn curled up against Eli’s warm heaving chest his arms linked around his waist as Eli rested his chin on top of Finn’s head.

Eli stroked up and down the boy’s body as they lay in comfortable silence. His fingers traced along the tattoos covering Finn’s arm as he spotted the red and gold heart wrapped in a banner.

“What does this one mean?” Eli spoke softly to Finn.

“It’s Dutch,” Finn said, turning his face, so his ear rested above Eli’s heart, “My mother was from Belgium. She used to say it to me all the time when I was a kid, ‘Met u, ben ik geheel’. It means ‘With you, I am whole’.”

Eli felt tears well up in his eyes as he snuggled his lover – his mate closer in his arms. “She must have loved you very much,” he said, planting a kiss on Finn’s forehead.

“She did,” Finn spoke as a bittersweet smile formed on his lips.

There was a slight pause before Eli spoke up again, “Finn, I…”

“Shhh,” Finn soothed him, his hand brushing against the smooth skin of his chest. Finn looked up at Eli, “Eli, met u, ben ik geheel. Altijd.”

“What did that mean?” Eli said, smiling and kissing the cheek of the angel in his arms.


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