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Born to be Three

Category: Gay Male, Group Sex
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Something changed in my life when I looked up and saw him. A beautiful young man in vest and jeans, sun shining and lighting his body as it hip-jerked with laughter. Tanned shiny muscles, soft but strong. Tight flat stomach, He knew he looked good. He pushed his body forward, he displayed his muscles, he turned easy and relaxed. His jeans were deliciously tight, bewitching. But I could see something else.
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Category: Gay Male
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I watched as Dee slipped a short bright red dress over her head and pulled it down her body. She sat down next to me and pulled on her matching high heel shoes. She turned to me and lightly kissed me with her full lips. "I'm ready to go." she said and stood up.
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Summer of Good-Bye

Category: Gay Male
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My prolonged good-bye began on the first day of summer. That wasn't the day of the accident. That had happened two days before. But it wasn't until the first day of summer that the doctors came into my hospital room to tell me that Jamal would recover but might be paralyzed for life from the waist down because of the injury to his back.
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Puzzle Pieces

Category: Gay Male
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*** This is a fictional story of a scenario that I think is all too real for most gay and bisexual men, even in this day and age. Too often, I think we forget that we're all just confused, lost people bumping into one another in life, and that doing so often has a long lasting effect on each other. I didn't want to spend too much time here going over relationship dynamics, just the lingering beauty in a moment, even if casts doubt and question in our hearts. Hope you enjoy it ****
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Category: Gay Male
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Names of Characters in this story are fictitious and any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental. * With my cock straining to get loose from my jeans, I looked forward to seeing him every noon hour. He'd eat his sandwich, some cookies and an apple, while looking in my sport-card shop window. By now, I felt like I knew him. And when he'd left, I'd fantasize him naked in the back room, moaning, ecstatically, and pressing my face into his thick, black, pubic hair. 'Oh, yeah, man, get right down on my big, fat, uncut cock,' he'd shout, and I'd obediently do everything he commanded.
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The Bet

Category: Gay Male
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It was a Friday night, early and nice out; just nice enough for a trip down South Street by' myself. I loved coming down here in general but it was almost' always so much better when I was alone. Sometimes, I would walk around for a bit, and then take a trip down to the river and sit there for a while.
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Love and a Hate Crime

Category: Gay Male
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This is my entry in the 2015 Valentine's Day contest. It's much shorter and very different from last year's entry. I hope my message about love will resonate with you. All characters are over eighteen. Please vote (once) and comment if you like. * Thad crouched in the bushes, waiting for his opportunity to jump the delivery guy. Jimmy, the cool guy, called to have the roses delivered.
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The Goats

Category: Gay Male
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I hadn't even wanted to go on the Senior camping trip. It all seemed so fake. But after the guys on the basketball team begged me, and after my parents badgered me that it was 'part of the experience' I finally agreed. I felt like I would have been fine if we stopped the high-school bullshit and just lined up for a diploma, but nope. Senior overnight it was.
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What Friends Do

Category: Gay Male
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I'd gone to the kitchen in Jay's apartment to get myself a sparkling water from the fridge—we couldn't drink what we'd really like to drink during the performance season—when his doorbell rang, and he let his landlord in. I just stayed out of sight in the kitchen, because I knew this was going to be unpleasant and I didn't want the landlord, who I'd heard was a real ass, to get the idea that I'd moved in with Jay after Dalton died. Which I hadn't, and I didn't think there was any chance Jay would let me.
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Uncovered Desires

Category: Gay Male, Group Sex
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It was a hot summer day when Eric suggested they go out for a good meal and maybe dancing. Paula loved to dance, she could shake her ass better than most and had a ass most like to watch being shaken. With her long blonde hair and large breast she could still turn heads. She looked through her closet and found the little black sun dress she knew would show off her body and would make her man horny as hell.
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