
I don't know how it started. I don't know when it started. I only know when I realized that I wasn't like all the other boys. This is the true story of my first sexual encounter.
Before the budget cuts, my high school used to stage an elaborate outdoor theatrical production each spring. A professional set designer would be hired and long nights and weekends would be spent by the students and their dads to get the whole thing built.
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Jason Walters, 178 pound high school senior and wrestling phenom finished showering and changing and grabbed his gear to head to the parking lot and go home. As he passed the wrestling practice room, he noticed the light was still on and the door was open a crack, so he pushed it open to see his coach bare-chested, in just his shorts and bare feet, doing takedowns with an imaginary opponent.
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My stomach was churning and a headache was starting to form just above my eyes. Nearly 20 years later, that building still gave me fits of trepidation:
Bradford James High School; home of the Fighting Navajos.
Of course, here's a tip for the people that name schools and figure out the mascot names: think like a high school kid. Going to school at Bradford James and being called the Navajos is a problem when you're always referred to as the "B J Hoes" by the other schools and kids.
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Note: Based on an actual experience, but somewhat embellished by author.
It was dark in the theater, and as I watched the sexy action on the screen, my 18-year-old, country-raised dick got hard as a rock. I was sitting, as alone as I could get, in an XXX-rated theater in the mysterious big city - in town for a day while my parents thought I had driven to the beach. Rubbing my eager five inches of cock was unsatisfying, so after a bit I cautiously eased it out and began a more serious attempt at self-gratification.
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I looked down between my shoes. I could see a candy wrapper and an empty firecracker casing floating in the dirty puddle between them. I reached down and picked them up, tossing them into an empty bag with the few kernels of kettle corn that I hadn't finished.
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