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Caught Shoplifting

Category: Anal Sex
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Jimmy cursed as he saw a girl slipping something into her purse from the shelves on the security camera. He'd been working as a security guard for months now, but he still hated it when he caught a shop-lifter, it meant having to leave the comfy confines of the security office. Not to mention all the paper-work. Then he froze as the girl looked around, checking to make sure no one was watching her. That was no girl, that was the 23 year old bitch that had ended the friendship between him and his best friend!
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Category: Gay Male
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As the family wagon pulled into a small truck stop in the middle of nowhere, Jack's father turned to him and his mother. "Who else is hungry? " They had been driving across state to visit family and were now heading back home again. The problem is that it's a long drive and Jacks iPod ran out of battery a long time ago.
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One Flew Over The Cockoo Nest

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Imagine a mental hospital - not the realistic environment, more like what you see in movies like "One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest." There was a large room where the inmates could gather. The nurse's station was next to it. There was a wire fence over the window, so the nurse was protected, but could see and hear what went on. Next to her station was a wire gate, locked.
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Switch-On: Raucous Sibling Rivalry

Category: Incest
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Disclaimer - This is a work of fiction and nothing more. Enjoy the fantasy, but keep it away from reality. Also, all characters in my stories are 18 years of age or older! The term 'teen' can refer to somebody who is 18 or 19 as well. --commercial begins--
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Category: Gay Male
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My name is Mark, until today I lived pretty much an average life. I am happily married for many years with grown up children. I am self-employed and work from home, my wife has a good paying job at an insurance company. We are not rich but what I would consider comfortable. Recently I have been getting I guess you would call it curious about certain male/male relationships, to be exact I fantasize about sucking a cock.
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Remote Love

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- 1 - My husband Dan is an engineer—and, I strongly suspect, a sex addict. Until recently, these were separate parts of his life. Not that I'm complaining, too much, about Dan's strong libido. He's always been faithful. And he's also a willing student—and budding master—of my body. I may want sex less frequently than he, but I probably get more enjoyment from it than I deserve for my own efforts. Besides, Dan's curiosity and drive definitely keeps things interesting in our bedroom—and sometimes outside of it too!
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The Perfect Ass

Category: Anal Sex
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It all started when I applied for a job as a server. That is a person who delivers court documents. When you are being sued or when an attorney is delivering some important documents, they hire a server to deliver the document to the person's door. I had just gotten out of the Army and I was a starving college student and needed extra money.
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Difficult Choices

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Part 1 - Trish's eyes opened slowly, and then the sound of metal on metal filled her ears as she abruptly sat up and pulled against the restraints that held her. Her eyes fell upon the handcuffs holding her left wrist to the thick wooden bed-post, and then to the other which was handcuffed to... she blinked rapidly to clear her eyes, identifying the form next her. It was her best friend, Jen.
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Yes! Please Yes!

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Caitlyn was surprised when she awoke in her own bed. The last thing she remembered was passing out in the kitchen as Neil was commencing round four. The big rapist she had met at the Grocery store had claimed her for his own, and she was surprised to have awoken alone. Were it not for the condition of her body, she may have been tempted to believe the night before was all a dream.
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Heavy rain hammered loudly on the roof of our porch. Strong winds whipped through the mesh screening, blowing the heat of the summer day quickly away. The wind pushed raindrops through the screen, vaporizing the droplets into a fine, refreshing mist. The random lighting strikes that brilliantly lit the night-time sky were quickly followed by deafening claps of thunder. The room was pitch black, interrupted only by the persistent flashes of bright white light. Being out in the elements, experiencing the power of mother nature was intensely stimulating.
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