
Robby and I had known each other forever, we had grown up together and he was just always there. Our parents were friends and our birthdays were only a few weeks apart. He was like a brother to me. Having grown up together, we shared all of the typical youth experiences. When we were kids we did everything together; played in the woods, went fishing, played baseball together, rode bikes, built forts, and even drank our first beer together which we skillfully lifted from Robby's dad.
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I grew up in a very small town. Well, I didn’t even grow up in it, I actually had to grow up outside of town. It was a simple life for my family.
Starting in our early teens, my brother and I started mowing lawns. It was a good job for us, being in school. We’d go to school and mow lawns in the evenings or weekends. When summertime rolled around, we’d do even more.
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My husband and I had anal sex this morning for the second time in our almost five-year marriage.
During our first year of marriage, he touched my asshole for the first time, and it tickled. I couldn't be still, it tickled so much. Over time, we both became comfortable with him rubbing it, and we were married almost 2 years before I pushed my bottom into his finger to let him know he could finger my ass.
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I could not believe it. The woman behind the front desk told me again, "We are sorry sir, but we have no reservation for you and the hotel is completely booked for the whole week because of the meetings and retreat for a major financial institution."
"I know!" I said. "I am supposed to attend those meetings and participate in the retreat! Please, help me out here."
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He had been working long hours and hadn't had a day off since, he couldn't remember when. He finally had a day off and it was a Saturday to boot. He might be able to sleep late for a change and enjoy some lazy day sex with his wife. He was surprised when he woke up and it was much later than he thought he would sleep, but the house was quiet. He rolled over to where she normally slept and was greeted with an envelope.
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This is more love story than sex story. If you hang in there long enough there's eventually some sex, but that's not really what it's about. Don't say I didn't warn you. If that's not what you're looking for, if you're too young to view this legally, or if the idea of two women falling in love and having sex just weirds you out - go outside and play.
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Part 1: The Wedding Night and Honeymoon
I looked at my bride Kendra at the wedding reception. She looked so good in her wedding dress. Her shy smile could capture the heart of any guy. She had not had intercourse before. Technically, she wasn't a virgin, since she had let a guy finger her pussy once and it was painful for her.
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This is a work of fiction, that does deal with certain depression issues. All people included in this story are figments of my imagination.
Any mistakes are my fault, my editor did the best she could with what she had.
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One of my father's crudest friends had a saying that he reserved for men he thought were losers with the women. He would say, "That guy couldn't get laid in a whore house with a pocket full of hundred dollar bills." I never thought about that much; I figured I was doing alright with the ladies until I turned forty. Then it dawned on me, I had never had one that truly cared about me. Through my blue collar hard-working, long-hour days, I had a long string who abused my trust, used me and made me pay too much for the attention I got from them.
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My name is Jen; I've been married now for three years to my husband Tim. I think we have a good relationship and sex life. He'd probably say it could be better but that's a typical guy, always wanting more. But that's not the point of the story. No, I'm writing today because of what happened last week why it's fresh in my mind.
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