
"Pick up your seating assignment at the front table, please," said the young man in the white shirt and black slacks. The badge on his chest proclaimed his name to be Chad. Hazel was sure his nickname in high school was probably "Pizza Face" or something similar. The poor guy really needed a dermatologist, or one of those miracle creams they sell on television for severe acne. As Hazel approached the table, Chad smiled brightly at her.
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My sister and I were identical twins; I always say that we are unusual twins because our mother refused to dress us alike, ever! From a very early age our mother encouraged us to have different hair styles; my sister was encouraged towards music and dance while I was guided to gymnastics and anything remotely sporting.
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The Visit
As Suzanne lay on the bed and reached under her friend's black lacy bra to feel her firm round breasts and engorged nipples, and their tongues hungrily searched each others mouths, she thought back to the events which led to this moment - the email offering her a week in the countryside, away from the kids and the chance to unwind in the sun, skinny dipping in the pool together and have some great chats with one of her best friends.
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This is a deviation from my standard fandom of Mass Effect, but I couldn't help but ship these two characters together after playing Tales from the Borderlands. Note: This does contain some spoilers from Episode 5 of the Telltale game, as well as incest and content that will probably anger hardcore Rhys/Sasha shippers.
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This story is a work of fiction (mostly) and involves sexual acts between women If this offends you or is illegal, please stop reading now.
Written by a dirty woman named Valerie, you can reach me through the link below with positive comments. Thanks to all those that have commented so far, I really enjoy writing these stories and I am glad you all take enjoyment from reading them. What a wonderful community we have here.
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I was cursed. Not by the evil witch of the mountains or some wizard living in a cave somewhere. I was cursed by my own parents. I am their first child. They named me after my mother's favorite cousin. What they either didn't know or didn't care about was that he hated his name.
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Chapter I: Fall 2010
Smooth. Her skin was so smooth. It felt like silk and smelled like the earthy cologne she wore and underneath it was her; the scent of her skin, clean and warm. It meant whatever fragrance she sprayed on would never smell the same on someone else. Something in me reacted to her aroma; it made my body wake up and stand at attention.
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Leanne sat in the old transport café at the edge of the park waiting for her boyfriend, Ricky. Yet again he was late for a date and Leanne was beginning to get just a little fed up with it all. Either he wanted to be with her or he didn't. If he did, then surely he should have the courtesy to be on time at least once in a while, and if he didn't, then why the hell didn't he just say so?
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