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I Owe You One

Category: Group Sex
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Jason woke up because someone was sucking his cock. Actually, sucking is probably inaccurate. There was a lot of licking and squeezing and stroking going on, but not a whole lot of sucking. Still, it had Jason rock hard and it felt good. The "someone" part of it is more accurate. Jason could tell that the tongue and the lips and the fingertips didn't belong to his business partner and girlfriend Dylan. And that was more than a bit disconcerting.
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Lisa and Kurt

Category: Group Sex
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I had just returned from a morning business appointment and had what was left of the afternoon free. Judy and I had a super sex session last night and I awoke in the morning with a huge erection and was horny just remembering all the things we did. I decided to strip and spend the rest of the afternoon stroking and having cybersex with some friends.
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My Bachelor Party

Category: Group Sex
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Ever since we'd gotten engaged, I'd been teasing my fiancé, Julie, about how much I was looking forward to my bachelor party and hinting at the wild events that would likely take place. She would usually pout, telling me I didn't need to have one. The thought of me and a few of my friends drinking and watching x-rated movies didn't bother her much, but she was afraid one of them would arrange for a stripper and things would go beyond stripping.
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My First Night at a Sex Resort

Category: Group Sex
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I could not concentrate for the life of me today. I kept thinking about this mystery weekend that my husband planning for us that started tonight. He wouldn't tell me many of the details, other to say that we were bringing the toys and sexy lingerie, and that it would be a fantasy come true for both of us.
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Our Babysitter Watches Us

Category: Group Sex
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I met Tracy my senior year at The University of Texas in Austin, what we all considered to be the 'real' U of T. She was a year behind me and was also a business major though she was headed to finance and I was aimed toward marketing and advertising. So, she was a numbers drone and I was a 'flack.'
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