
I'm Betty. I'm twenty-seven years old, a college graduate, a paralegal by trade, and a would-be artist and recently divorced. That's about as much of my personal history that you need to know for the purposes of this story. As to what I look like, I'm five feet six; I have dirty blond hair and brown eyes. I have a decent figure. I'm not huge breasted or beautiful, although most do tell me I am attractive, at least they say that if they want to fuck me.
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It was a fantasy that we had both wanted for a long time, this whole threesome thing. But as it turns out, finding a man-a decent, respectful, sane man for a one time threesome with two women isn't the easiest thing in the world. Pete was our 15th attempt at this. The other 14 included underage kids, a few frat boys, and one very married man with a very crazy wife who followed him and harassed us for weeks after.
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Matilda Swanson stepped off the bus into the Colorado January sun. She clutched a heavy coat purchased in St. Louis during an overnight layover. The Florida native gritted chattering teeth and cursed the cold. A breathtaking view spread out before her. Far below and miles away, her husband performed his duty as a soldier training at Fort Carson. Teaching high school art classes may have been his calling, but he loved being a medic in the Army Reserves almost as much.
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I got to my desk to find a bright orange donut and a small gourd on my desk. Next to it was a note. I opened it.
"Halloween Masquerade Ball" and the date on the weekend. I pushed it aside. I hadn't had a date in months and wasn't planning on going alone. I'd stay home and on the real Halloween, hand out cavity causing candy to the urchins on the street. Later in the day Noah from accounting walked by my desk. Then he walked back the other direction.
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Grace Discovers her Sister's Secret Sordid World
The summer I finished my first year at university was uncharacteristically long and hot. A golden sun blazed down from a cloudless, crystal clear azure sky and baked the ground until the grass scorched and any unattended flowers shrivelled in the heat.
It was a perfect time for me. I was nineteen and a full year at university had shown me life beyond school and the tight borders of the small, rural English town in which I had grown up. With little to do before the new term began, I had almost four months of free time stretched out before me.
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Chapter 1
Remember how, in high school and college, you kind of separated out into groups of like-minded individuals? Well, that happened to me in college, I just drifted into a group that seemed to have some free time on their hands and just all began hanging around together.
So, why did they have free time? They weren't dating or involved with anyone, our group just coalesced like they say the Solar System began.
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Emily opened her eyes, squinting against the blazing sun and looked down at the clear blue ocean far below her poolside lounge chair. She could hear Latin music drifting faintly from the bar. The air was hot and the faint breeze that blew did little to cool her.
She had been daydreaming, lost in her thoughts.
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16 years ago
Samantha Raney took a deep breath and followed her DSS caseworker into the group home. She shoved her fear deep down and told herself over and over again that this would be a better life, even if she was passed around the system. Her mother died from a drug overdose a year ago and left her in the hands of her junkie boyfriend, Earl. Her mother was never going to win mother of the year, but at least she made sure that Sam had something to eat and clean clothes to wear.
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Saturday morning, and Jenny had woken up feeling very horny. Although this was nothing new in her world! She lay in bed enjoying the feel of the cool crisp sheets gently rubbing against her naked body, especially her sensitive nipples.
She looked wistfully at the empty space beside her. Steve, her partner, had had to pop in to work early to sort out some problem, but with the promise to be back as soon as he could.
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Kerri poured herself another glass of wine. She tilted the bottle up, all the way up until the last red drop fell into her cup. She sighed and took another deep swig, feeling the acid of the cheap wine burning her throat slightly on the way down.
She had been sitting in the Pisa airport for nearly 24 hours. The train system, in fact, all travel systems in Italy, was perpetually running late.
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