
I was panting pretty hard, just waiting for the orgasm to hit. The bullet was pressed hard against my clit, and I was watching a hard bodied man with a very big dick pound a nubile young blond on the screen. This usually didn't take too long, but it was starting to take long enough to frustrate me. I pushed the bullet in a bit harder and leaned my head back, just enjoying the sounds of the two people in the video going at it.
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For years, my husband, Noah, has been asking me for anal sex. Each time he asks, I giggle and say, "Not tonight sweetheart, but maybe sometime." Each time, I see the longing in his eyes as he accepts the rejection and snuggles in behind me, wrapping his big, strong arms around me and drifts off to sleep.
It has been about 1.5 years since the last time he asked me, due in large part to me getting pregnant and the birth on our twins, and I'm beginning to wonder if he has given up any hope or conquering my ass.
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Jennifer and Derrick rode in the cab holding hands. She had been living in the city since graduating from college just over a year ago and, in that time, had not had much of a social life as she put her energy into writing for a regional magazine. On occasion she dated but most of those had been setups by well meaning friends. She had been in only two serious relationships, both back in college, but that seemed forever ago.
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These stories will follow the views and perspectives of individual characters, sometimes switching between them. I apologize for any confusion this may cause and I hope to clearly distinguish between each character when I make the transitions.
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Staring down the lane, the air shimmering in the baking sun, Kate let her mind wander for the first time that morning. She had spent the last few weeks of term looking forward to the summer break as the end of her first year at university drew to a close. Just three long months of lazing around in the sun and catching up with old school mates. Well that had been the plan, but now, just ten days in, all that seemed a distant dream.
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Shortly after I turned thirty-nine my mother died suddenly of a coronary thrombosis. Dad had died seven years earlier. So since my brother Kenny, a journalist and my only sibling, was living in London at the time, and my daughter was in her second year of college, I was left alone with the task of going through my mother's things and deciding what should be kept and what should be thrown away.
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Toby confessed that he'd been a virgin when he'd met Valerie. He was red in the face and seemed on the point of tears when he told her that he'd sucked a few cocks when he was at uni. He said that he'd presumed it was just a phase because he fell in love with her, but that he still thought about men and his voice grew very quiet as he confessed to lusting after their gorgeous neighbour Patrick.
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The headline act was about to take the stage but I couldn't wait; I was desperate for a pee and I couldn't hold it in any longer. I was in serious danger of wetting myself. I made my excuses to my friends and hobbled across the crowded field towards the portaloos, thrusting my hands between my legs to prevent an accident.
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"And then the blonde sighs, and says, 'Please, not another breathalyzer test!'"
I laughed along with the other girls once Julie finished her joke. Julie was blonde and thought that all blonde jokes were hilarious. She knew them all, and with the slightest encouragement, didn't hesitate to show her prowess. She was on a roll tonight.
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"-Do you trust me?" Moira asked.
The sun was setting over the southern Ireland countryside, sending long, soft shadows from to tree to hedgerow and slowly turning the sky red. They sat on Moira's couch in her quiet cottage. She had her arm around the younger woman's shoulders. Sinead's school books lay scattered on the coffee table.
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