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X-mas Blowjob

Category: Incest
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Every Christmas Eve we have at my In-laws. My wife is from a huge family and has 8 siblings, which you can guess has a lot of kids. So every year that is the only time I really drink to deal with that many people. This time was no different, I had already downed a couple of beers and my wife decided we would stay in the guest room so we didn't have to drive home.
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Yes, Alex Ch. 01

Category: Gay Male, Incest
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Sometimes, I couldn't stand my father. I believed it was his fault my mom killed herself. He was gorgeous and he could have anyone he wanted, and so he did. He cheated on her all the time. Men, women, she-males. And he would bring them home since mom died, not caring I was in the house. He was the dominate type, I would hear them begging for him, he told them too. I wouldn't be surprised if I had siblings out there I never knew of.
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Lost and Found

Category: Gay Male
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Prologue 5 years ago 18 year old Kenny sat beside the bed holding his mother's hand. He was both frightened but calm at the same time. When she had been diagnosed with lung Cancer a year ago, the doctors had given her weeks. Yet now, almost a year later, she was still hanging on. As he held her hand though, he knew the end was near. Her grip was a lot less than it used to be and her face was contorted with pain.
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Uncle Henry’s Cabin

Category: Gay Male
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
We arrived at the cabin about 3 in the afternoon. After storing our gear and "opening up" the cabin that meant making sure all the lights, refrigerator and the pump still worked plus bringing in enough firewood for the first night we headed off for "Maxine's." This was not your usual steak house. Maxine's was attached to a grocery store. The kind of place that has everything you might need for a week of hunting or fishing but little else!
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