
The sweet smell of blood caught Nolan by surprise. Not that he was surprised by the blood, it was the full moon after all, but the fact that he found the smell to be sweet. As a half wolf shifter and incubus, he had sampled more than his fair share of it but never had it smelled like this. Sweet yet seductive. His wet, wolf's nose was practically quivering as it tried to hone in to the source.
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Chapter 1
The secluded hilltop villa overlooking the Roman port of Ostia was almost silent except for the sound of Casio's soft leather whip striking the pliant ass cheeks of a newly acquired slave girl. The cause of the unscheduled punishment was that she had inadvertently backwashed some of his cum onto his bush instead of holding it in her mouth until she was told to swallow.
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The rhythmic fidgeting roused Adam from his sleep. Curious what was going on, he opened his eyes to see a strange woman straddling him with her back to him. She had long dark brown hair covering most of her otherwise naked body. She seemed uninterested in him as she fidgeted away, very quickly jostling up and down on him. Now fully awake, he could see her left arm making some kind of quick movements back and forth.
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Mark's the sort of man you can't help but want to tie down and gag. He's clean shaven, nicely dressed and well mannered with slight build and quick eyes—ah, but that Mr. Brady routine is just a front. The man is actually a tightly wound ball of futile energy and repressed urges. I think he only shaves his head to keep from tearing his hair out in frustration. After a while, his manic approach to life in general makes you want to push him down, sit on his legs and scream, "BE STILL!"
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Author's Note: In Icelandic folklore, there are many tales of huldufolk—the hidden people. One tells of ljuflingur, huldumen known to seduce and impregnate human women ('ljuflingur' means 'beloved' in Icelandic).
Many thanks to mac ropis for the thoughtful comments, spelling/grammar check, and insightful questions! Volunteer Editors are the best idea since oral sex.
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Eva's best friend Kendra was also one of her coworkers. Her supervisor, to be exact. And when her best friend/supervisor opened up about obsessing over a guy that was simply impossible to have, Eva felt it her duty to try and get Kendra laid.
I'm Justin, Eva's boyfriend, and I told Eva I knew just the guy to get Kendra's mind off her obsession.
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*click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click*
"8 million channels and nothing on..." I sigh. I'm home alone for the weekend. Sir has a business trip- and not one of the fun ones I can go on with Him.
"Now sessa, I'm giving you a chance here. Please Princess don't fuck this up." He looks sternly at me.
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This move was a big step for me. After being married for thirty years I finally had my kids raised and was left without a life, neither; personal, professional nor sexual as we'd been living apart in the same house for two years. I finally made the decision to leave and make my own way again. Needless to say, much was my own fault as I tolerated the neglect and did so from personal fears and the loathing to be on my own with two kids, but none the less, as I approached my thirty year anniversary I kept asking myself, "Do you want another thirty years like this?" and the answer came back every time as "fuck no!".
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"Ah, the workmen are through for the day," Paige thought as she watched the men loading their pickups and preparing to leave. They were working to create a studio and large bedroom with attached bath out of what had been three small bedrooms upstairs in the big barn of a house she bought for a song because it was so far from town. They had been working for over a week, tearing down walls and running new wires and plumbing for the project.
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Jeni was on her way downtown just shy of rush hour and already having a stressful day. "This week was rough," she muttered to herself while her Jeep Liberty sat in traffic. It started out hectic, progressed towards crazy and it was far from being over. Her brother was getting married and the proposal was only two weeks ago; it left little time to plan.
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