
The parties that went on at 69 Brentwood Street were legendary. When Luke Prescott received the invitation email by Blackberry during his final year at NYU, he had high expectations. The house was a three-storey brownstone on the Upper East Side, and was being rented by three of the hottest girls in university. Kendra, Lacey and Chloe were commonly referred to around campus as 'The Babes on Brentwood.'
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"How did I get myself into this mess?" I thought to myself as I lay there on the bottom bunk, in my new home for awhile. I jail cell in the State Penitentiary, with 'Terry the Terror' as my new roommate. My nightmare started three days ago when I decided to buy some weed.
I had went to a seedy part of town just looking for a little weed, nothing more.
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It hadn't been that long ago at all that their sleep over's were nothing but staying up all night drinking as many Red Bull's as their young bodies could take talking about nothing in particular while listening to whatever new music Naiya had downloaded onto her computer and they chatted with one friend or another on MySpace, AIM or through texts until they simply collapsed from exhaustion.
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Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
Had a very shiny nose
And if you ever saw it
You would even say it glows
I hate that Rudolph song. Bioluminescent reindeer are offensive in every way - not realistic. And I don't know why we should fill kids' heads with shit like that. I mean, I know very well what being bioluminescent is like and it's not all rainbows and unicorns. It's not kid stuff by any means. And Christmas is total crap, too.
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The Gash was the worst beat in town, and being the cop working it meant that you had three options: get promoted and get reassigned, leave the force, or wait to die. Cops had a shorter lifespan in The Gash than a white-girl's virginity did in a rap concert. I had worked this beat once, before I took done a cop-killing drug-dealing Puerto Rican slut named La Zorra and made vice. There was no need for me to come back to this shitty-ass place, but I wanted to. The Gash was my connection to someone I cared about. Someone who needed my help.
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The absolute worst thing about being a student, living in a crappy, run down apartment, has to be having no access to laundry facilities. On Saturday mornings, when most of Eric's friends were recovering from the night before, or maybe getting some homework done, Eric would be at the laundromat trying to beat the noon rush of other students who lived nearby.
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Dracul finds the kid high up on the fire ladder, outside the familiar window. On the regular spot where the boy can be found almost every night, gazing longingly in through the glass with tired eyes, hidden by the darkness when the lights are on on the inside. He sits there, silently observing the motions of the everyday life.
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This is a continuation of Ella's story. She is a real person (as is Gabrialla) and chapter 2 moves from fact to her fantasies. The story focuses on a dominant interracial lesbian theme. If this is not to your taste, thank you for stopping by but please pass on this and move onto a different story.
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Mady, short for Madeline was riding high, she sat on the plane gazing out the window, here she was about to make one of the biggest deals her firm could capture, Mrs. Madeline Goddard could even get a department all to her self, the boss, she stifled a giggle.
She contemplated her life, once Miss Madeline Stokes, then Mrs. Madeline Jensen, she pondered on that short failed marriage, was it her fault she lost the baby, was it her fault she couldn't have children now, was it her fault he wanted them and ended her happiness, was it?
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It was the first time in my life I was living together with somebody else.
It was thrilling. I remember the first time we went together to the supermarket. I was used to buy just a few things and spend some metal coins just not to use the Credit Card... I left there half of my monthly pay! We bought an unbelievable amount of stuff to start our household, most of which I would never think of.
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