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Canadian Janie

Category: Group Sex
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The summer before I was to start my second year as a Master's student at a prestigious coastal California university, I decided to participate in a 3-month fellowship through the University of British Columbia. The fellowship was a paid position where I would be trained in fish pathology, ultimately helping my academic career back in the States.
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Perversions in the Penthouse

Category: BDMS
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Carolyn couldn't sleep. Restless in her queen-sized bed, she glanced at the digital alarm clock. The numbers cast a faint green illumination in the still blackness. 2:37 a.m. Damn. She needed her sleep -- and her energy. But it was proving difficult. Tomorrow was the day. Now only hours away. The exhilaration coursed through her body again and her nipples began to harden.
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Ryan and Hayley

Category: Incest
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Plot teaser: Jake shot Steven a look as Ryan left the room, and he leaned over to talk to him, too quietly for Ryan to overhear. "Serious, man... without knowing it was her, he'd so tap that," he speculated, cockily. *The following is a description of characters. I tried to edit in the descriptions to the story, but if you'd like to read them anyway, here they are. Otherwise, feel free to skip the note and continue to the story.
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Swinging Parents Ch. 02

Category: Incest
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It was a month after the first time I joined my parents, Bill and Karen, in their sexual exploits. I quickly got better and lasted much longer in bed and gave my mom a good time. Dad loved to watch his son and mother lustily pounding each other on the bed as he wanked off on the side with a video camera shooting the whole scene.
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Coercing the College Kid

Category: Group Sex
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"Hon, would you get the door. That's probably Mark" Jenna, like usual, was running late. A pile of dresses lay on the bedroom floor, as she scrutinized the latest choice in the full-length mirror in the upstairs bathroom. Although the latest option was not as flattering as she'd hoped, she realized that it would have to suffice if they were going to make their dinner reservations, and she frantically began the process of applying make-up.
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Category: Incest
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I consider incest fantasy and incest reality to be separate as day and night. If you seek to commit incest reality I urge you to seek help. Please feel free to send me any comments or advice you may have about my stories, I adore hearing people's opinions on them. Do they arouse you as they arouse me? If so, what part? I would like to hear your thoughts.
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Gangbang Submission

Category: Group Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 2 votes
What are your fantasies? What gets you off late at night when you only have yourself and your favourite toy? For me, my fantasy life is way more adventurous than my reality. In my fantasy life, I am seduced and made a sexual pet by Mrs. Walker, the hottest teacher ever. In my fantasy life, I am just getting out of my cheerleading uniform, when the whole football team walks in and has their way with me.
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Unexpected Delivery

Category: Group Sex
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I stepped out of the shower, grabbed a soft fluffy towel and dried myself off. I had just completed all the womanly tasks that a woman needs to do when she's about to go out with her boyfriend, the usual shaving of legs, underarms and pussy. Shane was coming to take me out to lunch, it was our third date, and I had decided today was the day I was going to fuck him.
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Two for the Price of One

Category: Group Sex
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It was the long holiday between school and University. Guy and Billy had come back from back-packing round Europe together, and were now completely broke. They had bumped into Gemma and some of her friends in a pub in town, and over a few cocktails (for which they had to scrounge some of the money), discussed their various experiences since leaving school, and what they were planning to do next.
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Support Our Troops

Category: Group Sex
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We were standing in line to register at the hotel when we first saw them. Six young men in Army Class A uniform lined up behind us. Being a veteran myself, I couldn't help but look at their uniforms. What I saw impressed me. The Sergeant, 2 Corporals, and 3 Privates First Class all nodded at me as I looked them over one by one. Each had obviously seen combat duty, as they each wore various medals, awards, and decorations that can only be awarded in combat.
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