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Watch and Yearn

Category: Group Sex
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Julia pulled open the front of her black lace kimono style wrap and brought both of her hands up to her breasts. Pulling down her black lace push-up bra slightly, she began brushing her fingertips gently back and forth over her nipples, causing them to stiffen hastily. She then began pinching and pulling on both at the same time. An elegant, fine-boned woman in her late forties, she was clearly comfortable with her sexuality, as well as her own body.
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I Know Who U Are

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I am nervous as I walk up the stairwell. The sound of my shoes scuffing each stair reflects off the dingy once-white walls of the narrow hallway like an insistent warning, telling me to turn around and walk away with every step. Yet I continue, pursuing my chosen course with the same timid determination that has carried me through this day. Ever since I came out to my car and found the note tucked underneath my wiper blade.
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Zack and Mom Ch.3: Relieving Stress

Category: Incest
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It had been a couple of weeks since the events in the club with Mom and Anna, and I had thought about it every night for the first week, shooting my load into socks, towels, and other places. That's right, I masturbate. I mean, I could just walk down the hall to Anna's room and get a nice long blowjob, I'm sure, but with Macy in the room next door and Ted across the hall with Mom, I didn't dare try. Instead, I'd just ease my tension with a little one on one.
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Politics in Action

Category: Mature
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“You have a two o’clock meeting with the regional developer’s association. There’s the briefing on the smart growth legislation they’re interested in,” Cathy informed me as I slowly flipped through the contents of my inbox, which always seemed overwhelmingly full on each of my visits back to my district. “I’m assuming they’re against it,” I sarcastically replied.
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