
Aaron was late.
The guys at the office had decided to go to a club to unwind but no one had bothered to give him the name of the place. It was all that asshole's fault.
What was his name? Michael?
He'd been getting lavished with all of the attention the past couple of months rising through the ranks with godlike precision.
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There was a time when I hated... everything. It was the year 3510 when I was dragged into this existence by my twin brother, Devon-literally. The asshole gripped my hands in our mother's womb and dragged me out with him. He's a black haired demon-god... not really, but I like to bother the fuck out of him with that little line all the time. Pisses him off.
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"Hello? Anyone here?"
Sam closed the door behind him, and gazed around the labyrinth of shelves for the owner. For the last twelve years, Magikal Goods was run by a man named Karlus. He was a loner, not talking much outside of making a deal. But lately, he'd been even more reserved. People would walk in wanting to haggle, and he's just aggressively point to the price on the item until they'd either pay it, or walk out.
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Another beautiful night in heaven, as would be expected. The dark blue sky rolled on for what seemed like eternity, the stars shining brightly down onto the soft clouds below. It was perfect. Just like last night. And the night before that, and the one before that, and every other single night, in fact. To most, it would be ideal, the paradise it should be; but not to all.
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Breanne was setting everything up. She knew she had to be perfect for it to work properly. Her mentor was such a stick in the mud, magic should be fun! She caught sight of herself in one of the mirrors and admired her figure. Though she was short at only 5'2", her long blond hair fell in thick waves down to her knees, and her ample breasts sat proud and perky. She spent a lot of time in nature, so had a nice bronze tan.
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The rippling fire from the fireplace casted a glow over the bedroom suite as Norah sat against the metal headboard with her wrists in silver handcuffs attached to the bars. She waited in trepidation for her kidnapper to make an appearance again. Her prison was a comfortable one for the room gave off a warm and cozy feel that had a wonderful view of the city she had grown up in.
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