
As the school year progressed Dana felt happier than she had in a long time. She knew that a large part of this was her very satisfying affair with Jack. She also loved the way her body looked and felt as a result of her regular workouts in the pool and weight room. To keep herself busy she also kept in regular contact with the swim coaches and helped some of the other boys on the team make summer training plans.
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Tyler had been friends with Jason since the 4th grade. They had grown up together in the same sleepy neighborhood, never apart for more than a few weeks of family vacation. Now they were hanging out on one of the last summer nights before they started their senior year of high school. Both were hoping for the promise and excitement of the end of high school to be all they had heard and more.
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My name is Brian and at 27 years of age I consider myself to be bi-sexual. I love the ladies but I am not ready to make a long term commitment to one woman. I like to play the field and I love the art of seduction. Usually I am successful finding women to bed and I have found many a woman with the same objective when I am out clubbing. There are times however that I am not in the mood for the chase and I will seek out other methods of sex.
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Laura and I had arrived in Jamaica only four hours before. We hadn’t been ballsy enough to bring our own pot and decided that we needed to look for some. As everyone knows, the island is swimming in the stuff and we didn’t think there would be any problem.
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You never know a woman
How much do you know your partner?
Even in later years, contrary to popular belief, new things can and do happen. We have been married now for many years, enjoyed each others company, grown together, produced our children and basked in the love of our grandchildren. Without giving too much away, our eldest daughter is thirty five and mother of four boys.
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Working the night shift at a convenience store can be a real pain in the ass sometimes, especially when I get those guys showing up one minute after midnight, telling me their watches say it's 11:58 and they want their fucking beer. Or the welfare breeder chicks with their four kids by different fathers who get their brats to buy ten-cent gumballs with a dollar food stamp, then use the change to buy cheap beer.
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About two years ago, while working for the space agency, I was sent to a one week training/workshop in Huntsville, Alabama. I stayed at a hotel within walking distance of the Marshall Space Flight Center, where the workshop was to be held. There were about 75 people there, composed primarily of engineers, technicians, research scientists, a few administrators, and some military personnel.
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We hoped it was true. We desperately wanted it to be true. Everyone said that Sarah became unbelievably suggestible and willing to do anything when she'd being smoking pot. This was a party in Alaska. There was a lot of pot going around, we'd seen Sarah take more than one hit. So hoped what they said was true.
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It had been a week since my friend Emily and I had experienced one of the most exciting nights of our lives, a night when we visited a local swinger's club. The week finally passed but it felt more like a month because all I could think about, every minute of each day was going back. Emily had told me that night, when I dropped her off at her apartment that I was to call her the following weekend so we could go back for more.
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My girlfriend Laura and I have been together now for almost three years. Laura is a tall, very voluptuous blonde. She has a great body with the nicest tits I have ever had the pleasure of sucking on. Besides her body she also has a beautiful face that immediately attracted me to her.
Last night Laura and I went to our favorite bar in Durango and caught ourselves a nice buzz. Laura had dressed herself up in a very sexy, figure-hugging outfit;
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