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Homemade Pie

Category: Fetish
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Before I continue with my story I will introduce you to myself. My name is Alan and I am forty three years old. I have been married to Pam for twenty years now and we are both happy with each other. We have never had any children. This year Pam turned forty and still looks great. She has dark brown hair which she cuts short in a bob which curves in to the nape of her neck.
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Creampie is Best Served Hot

Category: Fetish
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There I was in the kitchen, washing my hands, when I heard the phone ring. I didn't know where my wife, Jill was. I had been out working on the truck. She had gotten mad at me, because we weren't going to spend the day together. I needed the truck for work the next day. Well, back to the story. I picked up the phone and was about to say hello, when I heard my wife say, "Hello." I thought to myself that this was good.
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Remembering My First Creampie

Category: Fetish
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I still remember when the topic of a creampie first came up. My wife, who was then my girlfriend, and I were fooling around. We had gone out to enjoy a dinner and an early movie. I knew what I wanted for dessert. She looked stunning, as usual. Julie has long black hair and hazel eyes. Her tits aren't that big but her ass is perfect.
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Cleaning Katy

Category: Fetish
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I thrust my cock deep into Kate's slippery wet pussy. As her internal muscles clamped hard round my erection, I groaned as I came. I spurted my load of sperm deep inside her tight little wet pussy. Kate and I have been married for ten years now. I am aged 34 and Kate is 30. We both have good professional jobs, which between us earn a good income. We haven't any children yet, although I know that Kate sometimes feels a little broody.
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A Creampie Amongst Friends

Category: Fetish
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My buddy Jason and I decided to try out this new club. We both had heard that it was the hottest place around. Jason has been my best friend since grade school and it was really great to see him again. We were always close and often I envied his luck with the ladies. I had been in school, up north, for a while. I was trying to land a good job, but things just hadn't gone the way that I had planned.
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I Pay For A Pie

Category: Fetish
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I have been married for fourteen years now, and have never been unfaithful to my wife. I love my wife dearly, however when it comes to sexual matters in our relationship she is quite a prude. We do make love with each other, and she tries hard to please me. However because of her strict religious upbringing she will not participate in anything that she considers 'kinky'.
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Swim Team Ch. 07

Category: Incest
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Mike and Dana spent several nights over the next couple of weeks sleeping together in Dana's bed. They didn't always fuck and sometimes they just held each other softly as they drifted off to sleep. One night Mike commented that he was thinking of inviting Gina over for dinner at their apartment. Dana said to just let her know what night they picked and she would clear out and give them some privacy.
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Sue Makes Me a Present

Category: Fetish
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Last week I was sitting at my desk at work when my secretary buzzed through to tell me that there was a telephone call from my girlfriend, and did I want to take it? I told her to put it through straight away. As I picked up the phone I heard my girlfriend Sue say in a rather husky breathless voice "Jason's just leaving now, you'd better come home quickly." Hearing what Sue said had my cock rapidly stirring in my pants. I made my excuses to my secretary and told her that I had an external appointment over lunch.
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Banging A Lady Cop And Her Man

Category: Gay Male, Group Sex
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While in college, as well as now, I was not "open" about being bisexual. I went to school for, and now work in law enforcement…not exactly an open minded group of people. That being said, I've got to admit, still love a big hard cock just as much as, and maybe a bit more than, a nice juicy pussy.
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Door to Door Salesgirl

Category: Group Sex
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Late one afternoon a few summers ago, and just before dusk, the door bell rang. I must tell you that I was a pretty miffed at the time. My wife, Betty, was away visiting her sister in Boston -- we're both retired -- and I had the house all to myself. I was enjoying some really hot porn on my computer, which I usually have to sneak around to watch when Betty is home since she finds the stuff disgusting. So, the interruption was not welcome.
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