
It started out like any other day. I think it was a Tuesday in fact. I was reading the classifieds in yet another ill-fated attempt to find employment, while my boyfriend, Ryan, fooled around on the Internet. Every now and then he'd drop a random bit of web trivia on me, which often triggered a debate about the validity of said trivia.
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Lily was annoyed when she stepped through the front door. As much as she enjoyed hanging out with her girlfriends, the constant gossip and drama was grating. Holly was by far the worst of them, and while she was fun to hang around and sweet in her own way, she wasn't above calling a friend a cow behind her back, either out of jest or spite.
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When you're not too bright you have to rely more on brawn than brains. At least I do. I never had a chance to get into college; in fact I, Ryan Allison, was lucky to get out of High School. My family was poor, and I'm just OK looking as far as facial features are concerned, so all I've ever had going for me was a big dick and big biceps, the first genetic, the second mostly because of hard work.
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I don't really care much for politics. I'm neither a Democrat nor a Republican. I'm not liberal or conservative. I'm just -- well somewhere between Independent and "I don't give a shit." Therefore some might consider it very strange -- I know that my parents did -- that in early July, 2011, I took a sabbatical from college to work on Republican Colorado Senator June Jepson's presidential campaign. The reason -- I was fascinated by her.
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Father Flanagan slowly woke up as the morning light crept through the bedroom window. His head hurt. He looked around. That's not my dresser, he thought. And this isn't my bed. Where am I?
Turning, he saw a woman lying next to him, on her side, facing away from him. She was naked, and had long blonde hair. She looked a lot like his late wife. Then he remembered.
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The day I met Marta, I was needy, blind and needy. It was one weekend after a breakup where my girlfriend, Teri, left me. Worse, she left me to be with another woman.
We had agreed to meet for lunch on the boardwalk in Venice beach. She arrived with Janice. I knew Janice, she lived in the same apartment complex as my girlfriend, Teri.
They were laughing and having lots of fun as they walked towards the restaurant where I was waiting.
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Kayla walked arm in arm with her boyfriend through the dead but beautiful campus. It was officially spring break at Trinton University, and for once the perfectly manicured green spaces were student-free.
Daniel shot her a grin and whispered in her ear. "It's okay, babe, I know she's your best friend. We'll let her tag along for now."
A gorgeous blonde walked a few strides behind the young couple, her slender figure rushing to keep up.
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Jake Hughes, the owner of Blue Sky Horse Farm, sat at his kitchen table sipping coffee as he stared out the window at what could only be described as a gloomy Saturday morning. Overnight rains had left the farm drenched and a heavy fog had set in, obscuring his view of the mountains that encircled the pastures where his horses grazed. The house was quiet and dark and it was times like this that he was most lonely.
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