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I Dropped the Lube!

Category: Anal Sex
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The sound of the door opening and your chuckle made me shake my head. I rolled my eyes when you said, "Yeah baby." "Whatever," was my response to you. I heard your tool belt hit the floor, and I turned to look back. Your hands were on your belt. "Don't even," I said, with a smile. "Well, you can't greet me like that and not expect something," you told me.
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You’re My Chair

Category: Incest
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Hello, my name Elden, and this is the story of what happened between me and my sister when our parents went away for the weekend. The first thing you need to know is, my family are peasants of Omnogovi province, southern Mongolia. The four of us—Mother, Father, Salva, and me—live in the small town of Aarbadesh, population twenty-thousand. I am nineteen, and my sister Salva is eighteen.
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Raising the Stakes

Category: Group Sex
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My roommate, Rob, used to work for a small engineering company. When I say small, I mean his boss was the engineer, he was the draftsman and the only other employee was the receptionist. Since the boss was usually out getting the work, that left Rob in the office doing the work. Consequently, he spent a lot of time with the receptionist.
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Right Up Her Alley

Category: Anal Sex
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"You ready to stick that bad boy back in my tight little ass?" Ashley sneered, turning her heads toward me, looking back, as I crawled and knelt obediently behind her outstretched rear end. "You bet I am!" I exclaimed, eagerly positioning myself, ready to target and plunge my readied spear into her open exhaust shaft. I couldn't believe I was in the position, literally speaking, immediately behind her California grade juicy ripe piece. Only a few hours prior, I had finally met Ashley, the anal goddess.
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On My Couch

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I'd had an absolute shit of a day. You know the sort of thing. Everything that could go wrong, did. Even some things that couldn't possibly go wrong, did anyway. By the time I knocked off I was prepared to believe the world was populated by idiots, and they were all out to get me in the stupidest way possible.
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