
*** This is a fictional story of a scenario that I think is all too real for most gay and bisexual men, even in this day and age. Too often, I think we forget that we're all just confused, lost people bumping into one another in life, and that doing so often has a long lasting effect on each other. I didn't want to spend too much time here going over relationship dynamics, just the lingering beauty in a moment, even if casts doubt and question in our hearts. Hope you enjoy it ****
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Mandy had grown up in a small Midwestern city and was a shy girl. She had some close friends but had put aside the idea of dating in her early teens. Something about the complications of dating didn't appeal to her. It seemed like a lot of work for a few moments of pleasure. Besides, she told herself, too many of the guys she knew were pure unadulterated jerks. Those that weren't, she reasoned, would never go out with her.
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My girlfriend pushed me away gently and said the word I feared the most. We had just entered her apartment and by the time she locked the door I couldn't resist. I started kissing her. She was the most beautiful girl I'd ever been with. But every time she said, "Honey" it was always followed by something I wouldn't like.
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