
I was 18 and had a job as a paperboy for a while when I was growing up. Once a month I'd go around to all the customers and collect their payment. I had just about finished one day, but still had to collect from several new customers. I'd been dodging light showers for a while and was trying to hurry since I could see darker rain clouds coming in. In the process I'd gotten a bit wet but I didn't want to stop because I'd be getting paid as soon as I turned in these payments.
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Carol, my best friend and lover, was lying naked next to me with her head on my chest. I was stroking her face when she looked up at me and nuzzled her chin into my grey beard. She said " I liked that game we played this morning. When you let me mark the places on my body with honey that I wanted you to lick, that was very kind and thoughtful. Where did you learn to do that?"
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Eight months I have taken to cross this vast land. I had no conception of the vastness of this continent. Looking at a map of Australia one never realises the vast distances there is between towns, well a few houses clustered together in this land is called a town. Now here I was standing on the escapement looking down at the City of Perth. In the east I was told it was just a hick town, no night life and the kangaroos run all over the streets.
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