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Political Submissions

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I was busy with my usual Monday morning office routine, sipping coffee, browsing a large stack of phone messages and sorting through my email. Five messages were from Cal Ryder, sleazebag journalist for the local news. What the hell could he want that's so important, I thought. As the mayor of a large midwest city, I was used to calls from the local paper, but it wasn't often that I would get a call from Cal.
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The Seduction

Category: BDMS
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My name is Alexander Demkakova, but my friends just call me Alex. I am from the Czech Republic formerly known as Czechoslovakia. We lived just outside Prague, where my Dad and Mom both worked. When my story begins I am in sunny Southern California far from the dreariness that enveloped the land of my youth. In California I live in Westwood where I attend the University of California in Los Angeles, most of you know it as UCLA.
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