
I guess I should be ashamed of myself, but I'm not, really. A little guilty maybe, but not ashamed. I took advantage of a situation that I probably shouldn't have, but you know, I think it's going to work out for everybody concerned.
I'm a mid-level manager for a medium size company, and I have about twenty or so employees. Our department has three accountants, one a senior accountant in charge of the other two.
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I’ve been single for about six months now, and had been invited over to Jay and Maria’s for dinner. I was looking forward to getting out of my flat. Jay is one of my best friends – we have known each other since we were five years old. Jay is my age, average height, and has close-cropped hair as he started going bald a few years ago. He is fairly fit though, and keeps in shape running and cycling.
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Notice: I don't care what you do with this story. Make it into a movie or publish a play with it. I wrote it to be enjoyed and to be shared, so the more people read it - the better.
I was feeling depressed.
Although I loved my wife and we were the closest of friends, our marriage had become very stale and passionless.
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The house next door to mine finally sold to a nice couple. It had been on the market for a while. I got to know them as the moved in and started to get settled. She was Pam a friendly woman in her mid-thirties and he was Mark, also about the same age and in good shape for his age.
I helped them as they moved in and did some work on the house, but it wasn’t until they had a house warming party that I really got to know them well.
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Art had completed his training as a masseuse and he was now working part time at a salon near the college. He was in his junior year at the university and he was doing very well in school with a cumulative 3.6 GPA. Art would graduate in a year with a degree in business and he hoped to be accepted to graduate school. Art was an impressive young man of 21 years and he had dated many girls in college.
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