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A Morning Romp

Category: Anal Sex
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Kate lay on the bed, naked and asleep on her stomach with her left leg bent off to the side. Slowly her body nagged her into waking. She reached her arm out and felt only an empty pillow where her boyfriend, David, normally would be lying next to her. Suddenly something tickled the back of her right knee -- a feather-light touch of a pair of lips. The fog of sleepiness began to evaporate as David trailed light kisses up her leg.
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Journey Towards Love Ch. 03

Category: Lesbian Sex
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I had been back to Carol’s many times since that weekend when she first made love to me out in her pool house. No longer was I only a weekend visitor, I spent many weekday afternoons and evenings over at her place, usually using my babysitting as an excuse to tell my parents.
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Puzzle Pieces

Category: Gay Male
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*** This is a fictional story of a scenario that I think is all too real for most gay and bisexual men, even in this day and age. Too often, I think we forget that we're all just confused, lost people bumping into one another in life, and that doing so often has a long lasting effect on each other. I didn't want to spend too much time here going over relationship dynamics, just the lingering beauty in a moment, even if casts doubt and question in our hearts. Hope you enjoy it ****
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Who Could Resist Dr. Marti?

Category: Anal Sex
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"You may enter the room now, sir." A pause. "Sir...Daniel?" I was off in my own little world, oblivious of the kind voice speaking to me. "I'm sorry," I offered, snapping back into the current reality. My eyes focused on the receptionist, a warm, middle-aged woman, smiling understandably at me.
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Category: Fetish
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"I knew you were unique as soon as I saw you in the club." She clutched his arm firmly, her head resting against his shoulder. The fact that she held his arm against her left breast was a nice bonus to the close physical contact. "What do you mean?" he asked. "Do I have a dark aura or something?" She looked up at him, smiling sweetly, her red-painted lips making that small facial gesture all the more prominent underneath the street lamp. "If you do, then I can't see it. But the moment I first saw you, I just 'sensed' something unique about you, only I just can't put my finger on it."
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Category: Mature
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
"Bugger it," Colin muttered as he knocked a pile of notes on to the floor. He had been working at the computer on a tutorial paper for most of the morning and had stood up to have a stretch. He knelt down and started to reassemble the notes when he spotted a book among the tangle of wires at the back of computer that at some time must have fallen down the back of the desk. He picked it up, looked at it, and realised that it was a book he had borrowed from his friend Damien at least a couple of months ago and had been forgotten.
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When Teachers Cum Together

Category: Lesbian Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Late, late, late -- I am going to be late. I muttered this mantra to myself as I ran to my car. It was 7:32 and I was supposed to check in by 8:15 at the seminar. I was headed to a teacher's seminar at a hotel about forty-five minutes from my house. The day was already hot and humid. I needed to pick up a few extra classes so I would have a better chance at getting a substitute teaching job at one of the schools close by.
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