
I was so damn glad to be home. Work had sucked all fucking week long, and I was looking forward to a weekend of not really doing much of anything. If the wife pulled out her "to do" list, I'd simply refuse and deal with whatever repercussions I had to. At the moment, my sole plan was to get inside, put on some comfortable clothes, grab a beer and take root in front of the TV.
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For years, my husband, Noah, has been asking me for anal sex. Each time he asks, I giggle and say, "Not tonight sweetheart, but maybe sometime." Each time, I see the longing in his eyes as he accepts the rejection and snuggles in behind me, wrapping his big, strong arms around me and drifts off to sleep.
It has been about 1.5 years since the last time he asked me, due in large part to me getting pregnant and the birth on our twins, and I'm beginning to wonder if he has given up any hope or conquering my ass.
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I've been on the business end of several cocks, from short skinny little rascals that barely tickled, through the average sized that served quite adequately, to a few beefy rams that were painful and threatened to split me in half. Truly, size does matter. But several factors other than cock size matter just as much for sex to be considered phenomenal. Once I was the beneficiary of a synergistic event that was so phenomenal I'll never forget it.
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My name is Zake. I'm called that because my parents gave me an unpronounceable Ukrainian name, and that was the best fit that came out of kindergarten. It stuck, and it's been hard to get confused with anyone else in the phone book. I'm 34 years old and I'm an instructor for heavy equipment. I also dig vacant lots for homebuilders on the side with my own business.
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As you will no doubt have read "Nurse Leslie -- First Fist", you will have had a peek into my life with my sexy little vixen. Let me back track a bit here and start at the beginning. Leslie is a lovely woman, ten years my senior and unable to have children. This came as somewhat of a disappointment to me when I discovered it after we had been dating about two weeks. I had always wanted kids -- but, man, she was so damn sexy. Her whole body just oozed sexual excitement.
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I consider myself not a bad looking guy, with full dark brown hair and about 5' 10" tall. I'm lean from all the triathlon training and obviously fit. I have no trouble conversing with the ladies and have a few female friends, both at work and at the Triathlon club. But because of my daytime job and triathlon training I have never found time to fit in a relationship or find the right girl. Perhaps it's also because I'm a little kinky and the girl I'm looking for is not easy to find.
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