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Sweet Lena

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It had been a long day and I was happy to see the line growing short. I love book signings, but I’m usually pretty happy when they wind down to the last few stalwarts and I know I can finally stop being “on”. I surveyed the line and only saw five more people and knew the end was in sight. The third to last person handed me the book and said, “Hi Mister M. Will you sign my book?”

I looked up sharply and saw my young neighbor from home, Lena.

“Lena? What are you doing here?”

I knew the answer to the question before I’d finished asking it. She was going to school at McGill. But I certainly had not expected to see her and my mind spun as I made the connections.

“I go to school here. I’m a junior. Remember? Anyway, I came to your talk this afternoon and now you can sign my book,” she said cheerily.

The book, my third, was doing quite well and I had decided to take September, the first month of my sabbatical, to tour the east coast, giving talks at colleges and bookstores and attending these book signings. My publisher was happy to have me out on the road pushing the book and I was pleased it seemed to have legs and was apparently selling pretty well.

I teach sociology at a college in Providence and write as both a requisite for my tenure, but also, quite honestly, for the income. It was fortunate that my topic, how the new generation of video games is affecting our youth, had a great crossover appeal. My travels had taken me up and down the eastern seaboard and I was stopping in Montreal for my last stop before heading back to Rhode Island. My talk that afternoon had been very well-attended, but I must say I had not noticed my pretty young neighbor in the audience.

“Lena. Let me finish up with the few people left in line and then we can talk.”

I signed her book, she nodded eagerly, and stood off to the side while I finished up with the last person in line. I could feel her eyes upon me as I signed the last book. I pushed back from the table, stood up and walked over to greet her.

“Lena. What a pleasure to see you.”

I gave her a gentle hug and leaned back, holding her elbows to look at her closely. She was a lovely young lady and had matured considerably since leaving for college.

Lena and her family had moved next door to us about seven years earlier. She’d been in the eighth grade at the time and she and her younger brother brought some much–needed life to our end of the street. From what I’d been able to garner from conversations with her parents her father was of European descent, but her mother, Tina, was from Cali, Colombia. She was a looker in her own right. I had ventured down to Colombia in my late twenties and a two-day stay in Cali had proved a legend I had heard over the years: that the women in Cali were some of the most beautiful in the world. Tina, now in her mid-forties, was a testament to that truth, and her daughter was living proof of the superior genetics from that small area of the world.

I had watched Lena grow up and she had occasionally done odd jobs for us or cared for our pets when we were away. The boys had flocked to her house during the high school years, which was certainly no surprise given her looks and personality. She’d done very well in school and had chosen to study foreign languages in Montreal. Her sophomore year was spent abroad, so I had not seen her since the summer after her freshman year. She was now a twenty year-old co-ed and drop-dead gorgeous.

“Mr. M., it was so much fun to listen to you speak today. You had such an amazing presence in front of all those people. I mean, I know you’re a professor and all, but it was really cool to see you lecture. I hope you don’t mind my coming?” she asked quizzically.

“Lena, don’t be silly. It’s wonderful to see you. You look like life is treating you well. How do you like McGill and Montreal?”

As Lena spoke I took in this magnificent young creature. She had always been very pretty in an exotic sort of way. But even though she was only twenty, she had a sultry sophistication about her that was intoxicating. I’d be lieing if I said I hadn’t fantasized about her in the past.

She stood about 5′-5″ and had a dark bronze complexion. Her hair was black, thick, and wavy and had always been kind of wild. It was longer now then when I’d last seen her and pulled up and over her head, accentuating the fine line of her delicate neck. She had a very beautiful face with big expressive dark brown eyes, lovely arching eyebrows and perfect full lips. She could look serious and sultry or flash her incredible smile and totally transform her appearance. To say she was an extremely attractive young lady was an understatement.

She spoke in a somewhat husky voice that I found quite evocative. She had a quiet intelligence and an underlying sexuality to her personality. I’d often envied the young men that came to her door during her high school years, wondering if they were fortunate enough to kiss her or touch her or, perhaps, do even more with her.

She was wearing a pair of tight tan jeans, riding a bit low on her flaring hips, barely exposing her well-toned stomach. Her sleek black top had several buttons open at the neck. I could see her upper chest and a lovely gold necklace that lay on her dark skin. Her open-toed high heel sandals made her a few inches taller and accentuated her regal stature. Her body was exquisite – slender, but curvy. She had an extremely cute ass and beautifully proportioned legs. I used to love to watch her walk, especially the rear view where I could admire the tight twitch and sway of her butt. Her stride absolutely oozed sex.

I’d always pegged her breasts as large B cups, but they were the kind of breasts that looked rather big in some clothes and small in others. Tonight they looked perfect. Her top was just slightly transparent and I could just make out the black straps of her bra. I felt my pulse racing as I admired her presence.

“Are you heading back home tonight?” she inquired.

It may have been my imagination, or wishful thinking, but the way she posed the question gave me the impression that she hoped I wasn’t departing just yet.

“Actually, no. I’m staying the night and heading out in the morning. Usually these shindigs require me to go out to dinner with some bookstore owner or department chair, but tonight I’m on my own. And I’m famished and was going to head down to Old Montreal for dinner. If you’re free, I’d love for you to join me?”

Her face brightened with a broad smile. “I’d love to, Mr. M. Thank you.”

“My pleasure, I assure you, Lena. Give me a minute to clean up and we’ll be on our way.”

My mind raced as I cleaned up the table and packed my briefcase. I was going out to dinner in an exciting city with a gorgeous young woman and I tried to comprehend the circumstances and read the clues that Lena seemed to be dropping. Dinner would be the perfect place to feel her out. I felt the guilt of knowing that I was a good ten to fifteen years older than her own father, but it seemed, incredibly, like one of my long term fantasies was rapidly unfolding. We headed out of the bookstore and strolled down Sherbrooke toward Old Montreal.

All the way she talked animatedly about school, the city and her family. I admired her slender profile as we walked. We found a quiet little bistro in an old stone building on Rue St. Antoine and were led to a cozy table in a relatively dark corner of the restaurant. A single candle lit the table. I selected a bottle of French burgundy from the wine list as we ordered dinner, knowing that in Canada Lena was of legal age to imbibe. We toasted our good fortune and waited for dinner. By the time our appetizers arrived, we’d almost polished off the bottle. Our conversation, greased by the comfortable setting and alcohol, turned more personal. I tried to ask casually as to whether she was dating anyone. She quickly deflected the question.

“Not really. A few guys here and there. Nothing special.”

Then she got an evil little grin on her cute face. God, she looked incredibly beautiful in the candlelight. She moved her face closer as if she was about to tell me a secret.

“My friend, Sarah, has been having an affair with her English professor. She is so into this guy, it’s scary.”

“Really,” I retorted. “What’s so special about him?”

“Well, Sarah has been around, if you know what I mean? But this is the first really older guy she’s been with and she says he’s an incredible lover. He’s so patient and experienced. She keeps talking about the incredible orgasms he gives her – pardon my French – and how focused he is on her pleasure as opposed to his own.”

Lena suddenly seemed a bit embarrassed by the turn our conversation had taken.

“Geez, I hope you don’t mind my talking about this stuff. I’m sorry,” she said sweetly.

“Don’t be silly. I don’t mind at all,” I replied.

I decided to probe carefully. I was getting very turned on listening to her talk this way and I didn’t want to scare her off the topic.

“Any older guy will tell you that they wish they knew when they were twenty what they know now. Experience and knowledge of women is a wonderful thing. What does this fellow do that’s so special?” I asked.

“Well, according to Sarah, he’s actually pretty small, if you know what I mean, but he apparently gives great oral sex. He’s really into her body and making her feel good. I suppose it’s part of the forbidden nature of it that turns her on as well. Anyway, she won’t shut up about the guy. So all her friends have to keep hearing all the gory details.”

I poured Lena a little more wine. This was getting very interesting. She looked up at me as if she had a question on her mind.

“You’re a handsome older professor. You certainly must have gotten hit on over the years by your female students?” she probed. I hesitated before responding.

I’m not Charles Atlas, but I maintain a slim and wiry profile after 55 years kicking around this planet. My hair, while white, is still long and full, and a goatee rounds out a pretty typical professorial image, I’m embarrassed to say. I stay in shape and genetics has provided me with a slender body, a fairly tight ass for an older gent, and a generous cock. Certainly Lena seemed to be responding to whatever charms I had at my disposal.

“Well, to a certain extent,” I answered evasively. “I mean, every year there is some young thing that comes on to me. But honestly, over the years, I’ve only taken the bait twice, with two beautiful young ladies. It’s too much of a risk to play around that way. But every once in awhile an opportunity presents itself that….”

My voice trailed off, not sure where to go next. Lena’s eyes lit up and she prodded me with more questions.

“Really? Only twice? Why those two particular girls? Tell me.”

She squirmed in her seat and listened with a sexy expectant smile on her face.

“I’m not sure what it was, exactly. I guess they were both very beautiful and incredibly sexy. I responded to their looks, there’s no doubt, but they were both very intelligent, as well, and very direct about what they wanted. One was a graduate student that assisted me on a project, the other was an undergrad. These were both some years back. I guess I can’t pinpoint why I succumbed to their charms. Just the right timing, I guess.”

“What were they like? What did you do with them?”

Lena was most definitely getting off on this conversation, as was I. She looked at me with those dark inquisitive eyes and I admired the delicate lines of her pretty face in the candlelight as I spoke about the past. I looked straight into her eyes as I shared the intimate details with this gorgeous young lady.

“Well the first was Christina – probably about ten years ago. I chose her to help me on a special project so we spent a lot of time together. Things developed slowly over a semester. In November of that year we went to a conference in Chicago where I was giving a paper and, being out of town and away from the college, things fell into place very quickly. We were just incredibly turned on by one another and one thing led to another. The first night after dinner she ended up back in my hotel room.”

I paused before continuing.

“What did she look like?” Lena asked.

“Well, she was very petite and very pretty. She stood about 5′-2″ and had short brown hair and a dark complexion. She came across initially as a sort of innocent nerd. She had a sweet little body – tight and very compact – a very nice ass and small tits, but they were very sensitive. To look at her you’d peg her as a studious and very serious student, which she was. But once she was in the bedroom and turned on, watch out.”

“What do you mean?” Lena was hanging on every word.

“Well, she was incredible. She had an endless and voracious appetite for sex. I was still young enough to keep up with her and she…..” I hesitated as I looked at Lena to see if I should take the leap. “She just wanted to fuck – all the time. I mean, I had never been with anyone who was so into sex. She was incredibly orgasmic, and very loud. Those three days we were together we barely left the hotel room. I was very concerned about our neighbors.”

I was beginning to get very turned on talking this way with Lena and I could see her twisting in her seat as she looked at me with an incredibly seductive gaze. I continued.

“She was 24 and very experienced herself. We explored everything – nothing was off limits with her.” I paused again. “And she absolutely loved to suck my cock and….she also loved to swallow my come. I think she really got off on my size in relation to her own petite stature. I’m not overly well-endowed, but I’m not ashamed of my size either. But in relation to her small tight body, I was a monster, or so it felt. In any case, she got off on it.”

“Our time together was one of the most intense sexual experiences of my life.” I looked directly into Lena’s eyes – she didn’t flinch. She licked her lips in a very subtle way.

“We continued our affair through the academic year, but only had sex when we were out of town. It was too risky to do anything in town – she had roommates and…” I let my voice trail off. “Anyway, after that year she transferred to another school and we lost touch. Just as well.”

“Wow. And the other?” Lena asked in a low throaty whisper.

“Nicole. She came along a few years later. She was one of the most beautiful women I’d ever seen: young, tall, very blond, model looks, perfect body. She was amazing. And she was having trouble in my class and would come by the office for extra help. Sounds like the typical “sex for grades” story you hear all the time, and I guess, to some extent, it was.”

“So who initiated what?” Lena asked.

“Well, the grade thing was actually never mentioned – it was just sort of understood. But late one evening Nicole came into my office after everyone else in the building was gone. She had a fantastic body; she knew it and she loved to use it to her advantage. I have to admit I just sat back and enjoyed the show. She loved to wear clothes to tease and that evening she came in wearing a small top with no bra and a very short skirt. Her breasts were a perfect size and her nipples were stiff and poking clearly through her top. She kept crossing her long tan legs to show them off and give me glimpses of her black panties.”

I hesitated. “I’m sorry, Lena. I’m getting rather graphic. Probably more than you really want to know,” I stated.

“Oh, no. Keep going Mr. M. It’s fascinating,” she responded.

“Okay. Well, she knew the effect she was having on me and, at some point she just came right out and said she wanted to fuck me. I was dumbstruck, quite honestly, and just nodded acquiescence. She stood up and started taking her clothes off, all the while telling me she had wanted to fuck me from the first day she walked into class.”

I looked at Lena in the candlelight. She was enraptured in our conversation. I was fully erect under the tablecloth. I had a feeling Lena was wet in her jeans. We were leaning over the table and our faces were only a foot apart. I continued to gaze deeply into her glistening dark eyes as I spoke.

“She took off all her clothes, lay down on my desk and spread her legs. I sat between them and watched while she masturbated for me. She loved to show off her body, and she especially got off on spreading her blond pussy and exposing herself completely. It was an amazing thing to watch – the site of her hand rubbing and spreading her pussy while she looked into my eyes. When she was getting close to orgasm her hand was flying furiously across her cunt and making wet juicy sounds. It was one of the sexiest things I had ever seen.”

I was on a roll and Lena’s eyes begged for more details.

“But what Nicole really got off on was fucking in my office. She loved the danger of screwing our brains out while students and other faculty members were walking by in the hall right outside the door. It was incredibly dangerous, but I have to admit, it turned me on too. Nicole was quieter than Christina, but no less intense. We weren’t vocally loud, but anyone walking by would certainly have heard the sounds of our sweaty bodies slamming together and the desk crashing against the wall. I still can’t believe I took such a risk.”

I again looked at Lena, rapt and fully absorbed in my tale.

“She loved every position, but she especially loved to be on top of me while I was on the desk. She liked to be able to control the tempo and depth. She had the most incredible orgasms I think I’ve ever had with a woman – quiet, but amazingly intense – and wet. Our affair lasted until the end of the year. I’ve lost touch with her as well.”

Lena leveled her gaze at me and came an inch or two closer.

“I want that,” she whispered.

I paused and looked at her directly.

“What do you want, Lena?” I questioned back. I wanted her to say it.

“I want you to fuck me like that,” she said intently.

“Like what, Lena?” She leaned in even closer so our faces were almost touching.

“I want you to fuck me like those other girls,” she stated clearly.

I stared into her eyes. They were burning.

“I’m serious. I want to suck your cock. I want you to eat and fuck my pussy. I know you think I’m the innocent girl from next door, but I’m not. I love sex as much as the girls you just described – maybe more. And I want you – now. My panties are soaking wet.”

She squirmed in her seat, but our eyes never left one another. We stared at each other for another few moments and then she turned the tables.

“Do you want me?” she asked softly.

“Yes. I think you’re incredible,” I stated.

“Do you like my body?” she cooed.

“Absolutely. You’re an amazing beauty. I want to taste you,” I said emphatically.

“Do you want to fuck me?” she asked in a soft breathy voice.

She slowly stuck her finger into her mouth and pursed her lips as she gently sucked it. I didn’t reply. We had paid the check, so I stood up and extended my hand. Lena folded her hand into mine and we walked out of the restaurant, no doubt turning a few heads in the process – the old geezer in his tweed jacket and the sexy young co-ed.

We started to walk back to my hotel in silence. I had my arm around her shoulder and she had her arm around my waist. We both knew where we were going and what was going to happen.

“God, I can’t believe we’re doing this,” she exclaimed at one point as we climbed the streets back toward Sherbrooke.

“Lena, if you have any reservations at all, please know that I would never push you to do anything you didn’t want to do,” I said bravely.

“Oh no, that’s not what I meant. I mean, I don’t know, you’re older and my neighbor, and it’s just – it’s hard to explain. I’ve been with lots of guys my age. I just want to be with an older more experienced guy, I guess. And as fate would have it, you’re it. I hope you don’t mind?”

Bless her sweet friend, Sarah, who had paved the way for this encounter in her own way. And fate? You are my friend.

“Lena, don’t be silly. Of course I don’t mind. I’m quite flattered actually.” I squeezed her a little tighter to emphasize my point. “This is like a fantasy come true for me. I used to watch you that summer before you went off to college and imagine what it would be like to be with you.”

I wondered if I had made a mistake with this statement. She stopped, opened her mouth and looked at me weirdly.

“You what? You used to watch me?”

I needed to squirm out of this one with some dignity.

“Well, yes, if you want to know the truth. You seemed to blossom your senior year in high school and I noticed you all the time. I’d see you in your driveway or out in the backyard or wherever and I used to….”

My voice trailed off. Lena wasn’t letting go of this line of questioning.

“You used to what?” she inquired.

I figured unless I really blew this evening, I was going to be fucking this young lady before long, so I laid it all out on the line.

“Well, sometimes I’d watch you and then I’d go masturbate and think about what it would be like to be with you.”

She stopped cold in her tracks and looked at me with astonishment.

“You what? Get outta here.”

“I’m telling you the truth. You were a beauty back then – you’re even more beautiful now.”

She hadn’t moved. “What did you think about me when you were jacking off?” she asked slyly.

“Well, I wondered what your breasts felt and looked like, and what your pussy tasted like – and what your face looked like when you had an orgasm. I wondered, quite honestly, what it would be like to fuck you.”

I looked straight and deep into her dark eyes, wide open to this revelation. She looked at me in wonderment for a moment. I was either going to get a slap in the face or have an incredible night. She grabbed my elbow and started pulling me down the street.

“How far is the hotel?”

“Not far, baby. We’re almost there. Why?” I asked.

“Because you’re making me fucking horny. That’s why,” she giggled. I guess it was going to be a good night after all.

We finally arrived at my hotel and sauntered oh so casually through the lobby. We went up the elevator and stood at my hotel room door. The card key popped the lock and we eased inside. We stood facing one another by the door and I leaned down to kiss her. Her soft warm lips opened to my tongue as I probed her mouth. We kissed softly and delicately, just warming things up for the events unfolding. I slid my hand down her back and cupped her sweet little butt and pulled her hips toward mine. She ground her pelvis into my hardening cock and breathed into my ear.

We were only going to have one night together, so I decided to take things slow and make this last. I pulled away and told her to hold on for a second. I turned on the TV and found a CD channel with smooth jazz while she visited the bathroom. I adjusted the lighting to a nice romantic glow – or as romantic as a hotel can be. She returned and stood expectantly in the middle of the room. I walked back to her, touched her hand and pulled her over to the bed. I sat down and turned her so she was standing directly in front of me.

“I’m going to take your clothes off,” I told her very matter-of-factly.

I was lost in the youth of her deep, dark eyes. I reached up and gently touched her cheek, then put my hands on her shoulders and let them wander slowly down over her breasts. They felt warm and full and I couldn’t wait to unleash them. I could hear her catch her breath. I began to unbutton her blouse, slowly making my way to the bottom and last button. As I undid it I reached up to the neck and slowly pushed it off her shoulders. She let the blouse fall to the floor as I admired her sexy black bra.

She filled it out very nicely. The thin fabric of the bra cupped her full breasts and accentuated her cleavage. I could barely make out her stiff dark nipples through the thin silky fabric. My hands wandered again and softly squeezed and massaged her breasts. They felt heavenly.

I reached up to her neck again and slowly slid the straps off her shoulders. She hunched her shoulders in as I slid the bra straps down and over her elbows. Her incredible breasts eased into view, hard nipples upturned in the soft light. I reached behind, undid the clasp, and let the bra fall away. She stood still as her breasts moved with her breathing. They stood round and proud on her torso, accented by perfect upturned nipples.

“My God, Lena. You are so incredibly beautiful.”

She was emboldened by my comments and reached under to cup her breasts and lift them up for me to admire. She massaged her soft squishy tits and stroked her nipples with her fingertips. They stiffened even more under her experienced touch and looked like they were ready to explode.

“You like them?” she questioned.

“Yes I do,” I whispered.

Her breasts were soft and pliant and the nipples were perfectly round, just slightly dimpled and in dark contrast to her breasts. They were fully erect now and begging for attention. Her breasts, while not huge, had a round fullness to them that was absolutely intoxicating. I felt their fleshy weight, cupped them lovingly and slid her taut nipple between my thumb and forefinger. She moaned under her breath. Such perfection at my fingertips.

I reached around, cupping her soft round ass, and pulling her closer to me. I began to kiss the area between her breasts while lightly massaging each one. Then I leaned into the left breast and took her hardened nipple softly into my mouth. I gauged my movements by her reactions. I licked around the nipple, flicked the tip with my tongue, and then opened my mouth to suck on this incredible nipple. She moaned and put her hand on the back of my head to pull me closer. I alternated from one nipple to the other, slathering them with my saliva and sucking them just hard enough to elicit soft moans of approval.

She was relishing the attention and put her hand on the back of my head to encourage my oral exploration of her breasts. I gave them each one more kiss and then pulled back so I could look at her. Her incredible breasts hovered over her hard, smooth stomach and I let my hands roam and explore. I finally reached the snap of her jeans and undid it. I held the edge and slowly slid the zipper down. I spread the front of her open jeans and saw a small black thong peaking out.

“Take your pants off, Lena,” I commanded.

She stood back, kicked her shoes off, then in a slow seductive manner lowered her jeans and stepped out of them, kicking them out of the way. I was awestruck by her beauty. She adjusted the thong and pulled it up so the straps sat high on her hips. The black silk material cupped the roundness of her pussy mound. Her smooth taut tummy glided down to the sinuous curves of her hips and pelvis. The thong highlighted her long slender thighs and gracious hips. She was one long continuous seductive curve. The mound of her pussy thrust forward against the thin fabric and I could see through the transparent fabric that she had a lovely tuft of pubic hair. Definitely an all natural girl.

I again let my hands explore her body, sliding my fingertips over her tummy, her hips, her ass, her thighs. I kept sliding my hand toward her pussy, then would divert my gliding touch to another area. Her skin was like silk.

“Turn around for me,” I requested.

She turned and put her hands on top of her head. Her ass was absolute perfection. It was smooth, round and in perfect proportion to her waist, hips and legs. I squeezed her buttocks and continued to slide my hands up and over her exquisite body. She moaned and cooed with delight. I hooked my fingers under the slender elastic band of her thong and eased it over and down her hips, past her knees and down to the floor. She flicked it aside with her foot. She was now naked in front of me.

“Spread your legs apart,” I said.

She did so and I continued to massage her sweet ass. I crossed my hands so my right hand was on her left thigh and vice versa. I slowly let my hands rise higher on her taut thighs, massaging and kneading her flesh as I rose toward my goal. I finally reached the very top of her thighs and as I squeezed I could feel the warm wetness emanating from the deep folds of her pussy. I again reached for the soft bubbles of her butt cheeks, squeezed them and spread them apart. I could see her labia spread with my grip and open to expose a sweet vee of juicy cunt flesh and the fleshy puckered pink of her anus. I could hear wet squishy sounds as I massaged her ass cheeks and doing so opened and closed her pussy.

I admired her full labia bulging and hanging down seductively from her pussy. I reached a finger underneath and just gently brushed her protruding lips with my fingers. She gasped and began to sway her hips toward my finger. I traced the line of her lips, teasing the edges, avoiding her clit, but getting closer and closer. Finally I stood up and moved close behind her. As I reached my right hand around to cup her soft fleshy mound I slid my left middle finger into her pussy from behind. It was soaking wet. Lena gasped and moaned. My right middle finger gently touched her clit and I began to slowly rub it while inserting my left middle finger as deep as it would go.

“Oooh. Your fingers feel so good. Don’t stop.”

I fully intended to stop, however. But first I wanted to bring her to the brink. Now I slid the middle and ring finger deep into her pussy and began to lightly rub her clit with my right hand. She squirmed in my embrace and melted against my busy fingers. I pulled my fingers out and turned her around to face me.

“Take off my clothes,” I directed.

She wanted me now and she wasted no time unbuttoning my shirt. I stood motionless as I watched her attack my clothes. She was practically ripping them off. My cock created a huge tent in my pants and Lena delighted at the view. She reached down and grabbed my cock and giggled.

“We need to get this thing some air,” she squealed with delight.

And that she did. She pulled my pants and silk boxers off and my cock sprang up and forward at full mast, hard as a freaking rock.

“Oh my God, Mr. M. Your cock is so big. I had no idea. And it’s so hard,” she said in amazement.

“Lena, you don’t have to call me Mister. I’m standing here in front of you with a raging hard-on. Really. You can call me Jim.”

She smiled up at me and said, “I don’t want to call you Jim. But if you don’t want me to call you Mr. M., then I’ll just call you Professor.”

Hey, if she was getting off on the professor/student thing, who was I to ruin a good fantasy. If it worked for her, it worked for me.

With that decided she fell to her knees and began to lick the underside of my shaft, sliding her tongue up and down in big long strokes. I sat back down on the edge of the bed to give her a better angle and get comfortable. I propped myself up on my elbows so I could watch her suck me. To this day I never tire of the view of a woman sucking my cock.

She held the shaft with one hand and went underneath to lick and caress my shaved balls and sac. She was moaning and slurping and making wonderful cock-licking noises. She finally returned to the shaft and began to suck on the head, taking in a bit more with each forward thrust of her head.

I had to pinch myself. Here was my neighbor’s sweet beautiful daughter with my cock in her mouth, her cheeks concave as she sucked it deep and looked into my eyes. Her mouth was wide open and her lips were spread wide around the throbbing flesh of my erection. As she took me deeper she began to gag slightly. Her right hand encircled the base of my cock and slid back and forth in time with her mouth. Her left hand cupped and kneaded my balls and explored the edges of my anus. This girl had been studying more than French. She pulled off for one second.

“I really want you to come in my mouth, Professor.”

She redoubled her efforts and began to suck me furiously, but expertly. I felt no teeth; just the wet inner sanctum of her mouth and lips. She squeezed my balls in rhythm and began to bob up and down on my cock, moaning and making wet slurpy sounds as she looked into my eyes. I could feel a rising sensation deep in my groin and knew I was going to unleash a huge load.

“Yeah! Suck my cock, Lena! Here I come, baby!!”

One, two, three, four, five huge spurts of cum exploded deep into Lena’s throat. It was incredibly intense. She never batted an eye and never slowed down. She took every last drop of semen and then licked the knob of my pulsating cock to capture any small drops that might have escaped her hungry mouth.

“Good God, girl. That was amazing.”

She smiled up into my eyes, a few drops of cum dripping down her lips and mouth onto her chin. She continued to lick me gently as my cock went through decompression.

“You are one naughty little neighbor girl.”

She smiled and said, “Why thank you, Professor.”

She pushed me back on the bed and climbed aboard. She scooted up until her knees were tucked under my armpits and kneeled up high, looking down at me. Her legs were spread and her juicy pussy was hovering over me. She undid her hair and it fell in wild tangles around her beautiful face and over her shoulders.

The view from this angle was amazing. She reached her hand down and played with her pussy, sliding her fingers around her lips and eliciting little wet sounds. I just watched in wonderment. I looked past her wet fingers up toward her torso. Her breasts were hanging beautifully and jiggling slightly to her hand movements. Her eyes were closed and her mouth was slightly open as she fiddled with herself.

Her pussy was exquisite. The small manicured tuft of pubic hair gave way to her fully engorged pussy lips. They were pink and wet, and protruded delectably from her pubis. She spread her outer lips with her fingers and the succulent pinkness of her inner lips was exposed. I could see her clit clearly as she unfurled the folds of the pussy flesh covering it. It begged to be licked, but I’d get there soon enough. I was enjoying this show and the unfettered view of her most private parts.

“Lena, you are one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen. I love watching you touch yourself.”

“Do you like my pussy?” she asked.

“I like everything about you – and especially your pussy. It’s absolutely beautiful.”

“Do you want to kiss it?” she smiled.

‘May I?”

She repositioned herself so her thighs were straddling my head, then slowly lowered her sopping wet cunt down onto my face. She teased me by just lowering her pussy into tongue range, then pulling back. I was desperate to eat her, but I let her play her game. Her pussy was open and swollen with passion and her juices were starting to run down the inside of her upper thighs. She finally lowered herself onto my waiting mouth and began to rock back and forth. I took my cues from her movements and could tell she wasn’t looking for a gentle licking – she wanted to fuck my face.

Her pussy enveloped me. The sweet pungent aroma filled my nostrils and my mouth was engulfed in the warm wetness of her vagina. I stuck my tongue in as far as it would go and licked her wildly, eliciting a moan and an increase in pressure. My hands, which had been cupping her wet ass, slid down to join the well-lubricated action. My thumbs were best positioned for entry, so each found a new home: my left thumb slid all the way into her pussy and my right thumb gently eased its way into her ass. She groaned loudly and bucked against my face.

By anchoring my thumbs to her body, I was able to dictate her movement somewhat. I began to rock her pussy back and forth on my mouth, licking and sucking frenetically. I moaned and made these amazing slurping sounds with my lips and tongue. She was breathing very quickly and I could tell she was reaching a brink.

“Yeah! Oh yeah! Lick me! Oh God, don’t stop! Faster! Oh!! Ohh! Ahhhhh!!!!

She bucked wildly and then stiffened with a mini convulsion. It sounded like she stopped breathing for a few seconds as she came hard. She shook violently several times before letting out a long deep groan. My face was drenched in her juices as I gently kissed and slurped her labia and clit, but knew I should ease away if she was sensitive after such a hard orgasm. I extracted my thumbs and she slid down to lay on top of me.

“Oh my God, Professor. That was so intense.”

She lay directly on top of me. I reached down to cup her sumptuous little butt in my hands, squeezing the silky smooth cheeks. Eventually she rolled off and we both settled into that post-orgasmic mindset that I find so comfortable. We talked and laughed and slowly recouped our strength for another round.

While I love worshipping a woman’s body during the act of sex, I particularly love admiring her body when she’s in a more relaxed, non-sexual state. Watching a beautiful naked woman walk and move about when you’re having casual conversation is, to me anyway, one of life’s simple pleasures.

Lena lay on her back, head on a pillow. I took in her exquisite form – her full breasts and tight tummy, the cute little tuft of pubic hair crowning her mound and her soft, round bottom – it all intrigued me. I lightly stroked and touched her while we talked. I let my hand gently graze her hard nipples and the gentle swell of her pussy mound as it protruded from her belly. Her hair was wild and tangled and looked like she’d been making intense love. But it was her beautiful face and eyes that most captivated me. I took it all in and wanted to know more about her.

“So I told you all about my sexual adventures earlier. Let’s have the scoop on you? When did you become sexually active?” I queried.

“Well, I guess I was in high school when I started going beyond first base. I became pretty adept at making my boyfriends come with my hand. Eventually I found out the power a girl has if she is able to suck cock well, so I really got into that my junior year. I finally lost my virginity later that year. But my first really serious boyfriend was Robbie. We started going out at the end of my junior year and into the summer.”

I tried to recall the string of young men I had seen march up to my neighbor’s door. I distinctly remembered one lad with an athletic build and long curly blond hair. I asked if that was Robbie.

“Yeah, he was a cutie. He was captain of the soccer team and he was smart and funny and he had the tightest little butt. Mmmmmm. We both really got into sex that summer. He was working in a video store and I was a lifeguard at the pool. Every night we’d try to find a different place to have sex. We were like two bunnies that summer – it was so intense. We’d do it in the car or at the beach or at each other’s house, everywhere,” she exclaimed with a certain amount of innocent glee.

Then she looked at me inquisitively. “You know, Professor, I have a confession to make.” She looked at me with big puppy dog eyes. I arched my brow waiting for an explanation.

“Do you remember that summer you had me come over and water your plants and feed the fish while you and your family were in Maine?” I nodded and wondered where this was going.

“Well Robbie and I would go over to your house to do the things you asked, but….” She looked at me again.

“But what?” I asked.

“Well we used to go into your study at the back of the house and have sex on that great big comfy black leather couch you have back there.”

She looked at me with that look of expectant gloom. I tried to take in the visual image of this gorgeous creature spread out in my home study being fucked by her young stud boyfriend. The image got me very excited.

“Well, Lena, I think the least you owe me is a graphic description of everything you did in my private study.” I smiled lasciviously.

“I guess it was the thrill of being in someone else’s house that excited us both. Plus that couch was so comfortable and, this may sound gross, but it was easy to clean up, if you know what I mean. Things used to get pretty messy when we had sex so it was good the sofa didn’t have some kind of expensive fabric on it.” She giggled.

“Sometimes Robbie would bring home pornos from the video store and one of those nights we sat on that sofa and watched them on your DVD player back there. Robbie used to love getting a blowjob while he was watching some porn actress do the same thing on the screen. And I have to say, I loved fucking to those movies also. God that was an incredible summer,” she mused.

As Lena told me this story she began to touch herself. Her hand had drifted down between her legs and she was sliding her finger back and forth as she talked. I loved watching her unconsciously rub her clit as she reminisced about a young studly boyfriend from her past.

“Well, just so you know, I had no idea,” I stated honestly.

I remember watching Lena that summer as she was blooming into a beautiful young lady, and I recall wondering if her young boyfriend was getting to touch her breasts or maybe more. And here they were fucking their brains out in my study. I was flabbergasted.

Tell me more.”

“Oh there isn’t a lot more to tell.” She paused. “Oh, one night….” She interrupted herself to giggle. She looked at me innocently. “One night we were watching this really sexy video and we were naked on your couch and I was rubbing Rob’s cock and suddenly he got all excited and blew an absolutely huge load. I mean he exploded!” Lena laughed and looked to see if I was annoyed. “It went everywhere and some of it ended up on some of your diploma things on the wall. Oh my God, I was so embarrassed. We spent the next half hour cleaning up cum from all over the place. Robbie used to come harder and farther than any guy I’ve ever met.” She smiled sweetly at me. “I’m so sorry. I was never going to tell you, but, well, here we are.”

Lena continued to rub herself and I could tell she was beginning to get a little excited sharing this story. My blood was heading south again as well and I placed my hand lightly over hers so I could feel her touch herself.

“That’s okay, Lena. I’m glad you told me. I’ll never look at my dear old black leather couch the same way again.” I looked up at her sweet face. “I guess some day you’re going to have to visit me in my office when you’re home.”

I felt her dip her finger into her pussy and catch her breath. She closed her eyes and I rested my hand on top of hers as she began to masturbate.

But I needed a better view. I slid down the bed and positioned myself on my stomach and lay between her legs, a foot or so from her crotch.

“Show me how you like to touch yourself,” I asked politely.

Lena gave me a sly look, pulled her knees up, spread her legs and placed her hands on either side of her pussy, framing her beautiful fleshy entry. I admired the delicate proportions and slender folds of her pussy lips. From this view her head was framed between the vee formed by her long slender legs and just above her mound, looking down at me with a sexy expression on her face.

She gently grabbed her inner lips with her fingers and pulled them apart, opening up the deepest recesses of her treasure. I could see her clit as she unfurled her lips and exposed the inside of her cunt to my view. She let her lips go and they tucked back into position. Her luscious labia were a light brown color and gave way to a pale shade of wet pink on the inside. I wanted to lick her and fuck her right then and there, but I knew this was a once in a lifetime show, so I stroked my cock and told her how beautiful and sexy she was and how much it turned me on to watch her touch herself.

She began to slowly twiddle her clit with her middle finger, sliding up and down and touching herself as only she knew how. As her pace slowly increased, she dipped her middle finger into her pussy and pulled it out again. She began to repeat this fingering maneuver and I could just barely hear the sticky sound of her wet lips moving against her finger. Her manicured nails looked so sexy and sharp against the delicate folds of her labia.

“I love to watch you touch yourself Lena. Rub yourself baby. Finger your pussy for me. Get yourself nice and wet so I can fuck you.”

She began to rub herself more earnestly now, closing her eyes and drifting into a self-absorbed state. Every once and awhile she’d open her eyes and look down between her legs at me watching her.

“I like that you’re watching me. I want you to want me,” she said softly.

“No problem there, sweetie. I’m hard as a rock right now watching you.”

“Really? Show me,” she said sternly.

I got up and kneeled between her legs, my cock at full attention now, getting ready to fuck this young beauty.

“Ooooh, Professor. I love your cock. It’s so……big. I hope it fits in me.”

“Me too, doll. Keep rubbing. Get yourself nice and wet for me.”

She began to rub her cunt with three flat fingers, an intense look on her face. I arched my back to push my erection forward and stroked myself with the circle of my thumb and forefinger as I rocked my hips back and forth. Lena stared at me with fiery lust in her eyes, her breathing getting shorter as her torso squirmed on the bed. She lifted her butt off the bed entirely and stuck all three fingers into her pussy, grunting and lurching as she fingered herself hard.

“Professor? I need you to fuck me! Please!”

I lowered myself onto her body, my cock touching her before the rest of me. She reached down to grab my dick as my mouth descended down on hers. As I kissed her deeply she pulled my cock toward her waiting pussy. I pushed up to watch her face as she guided my cock into her juicy cunt. I eased in an inch or two and could feel her lift her hips to meet and absorb me. Her eyes were closed, her mouth was open and her pussy was waiting for my length. I pushed in a little more and she ground her hips to encourage me further. A few more back and forth thrusts and I was fully ensconced. I began a slow gentle rocking motion as she placed her hands on my ass cheeks and pulled me as deep as I could go.

We built up a nice rhythm and pretty soon we were pumping at a steady pace. She felt so tight and I could feel that it was only her extremely wet state that allowed my thick cock to enter her so deeply.

“Oh, Professor! Your cock feels so good inside me,” she groaned.

I’d pump her with just a few inches for a minute and then sink my cock all the way in, each time eliciting a deep moan of satisfaction. She was grinding her hips into me and using her hands to make sure I never pulled too far out. I began a deep hard thrusting motion as she lifted her pelvis in time to meet each push.

As good as the missionary position was feeling for both of us, I wanted to adjust her into one of my favorite positions. As she lay on her back, I lifted her legs and scooted underneath her thighs. I lay perpendicular to her on my left side; the top of my torso on her right side and my legs sticking out on her left. I crossed my right leg over her left leg so our legs were sort of interlocked. I slid my stiff cock back into her drenched hole and watched her face react.

What I like about this position is threefold: I’m at an angle where I can penetrate as much or as little as I want, I am free to use my right hand to rub her clit and pussy, and, perhaps most importantly, I can watch her face and upper body react to my movements. I admired this beautiful dark creature as she writhed with the pleasure I was giving her. I was so turned on watching her.

I slid my cock into the hilt and reached across the top of her right thigh to touch her pussy. Her lips were engorged and open like a flower. I gently rubbed her labia and found my way to her clit. As I lightly rubbed it with my middle finger, I began to slowly pump my cock in and out, very slow and gentle, matching the rhythm of my movements with the rhythm of my hand. Lena closed her eyes, opened her mouth in a silent scream and arched her head back. The profile of her exquisite breasts was pronounced as she arched her back in delight, her nipples hard and stiff with excitement. I slid my left hand under the arch of her back so I could leverage myself and control the depth and intensity of my thrusts.

“You are so beautiful, Lena. I love looking at you in this light. You’re body is incredible – so lovely. I love being inside you.”

I pushed all the way in again and she lifted her ass to receive me. She opened her eyes and looked at me with lust and intensity.

“I love the way you fuck me, Professor. Nobody has ever done some of the things you’re doing.”

I couldn’t believe my cock was buried deep inside this beautiful young woman. I leaned up to watch how her labia pulled and stretched on my cock as it pulled out, like her lips were tugging on my cock to keep me from leaving. Then her lips happily greeted my returning motion. It was hot to watch and I told her how I loved watching my cock and her pussy move together. She leaned up to watch too.

“Don’t stop fucking me,” she whispered.

I alternated just moving my hand and stimulating her clit with just moving my cock in and out of her wet vagina. As our rhythm increased, I propped myself up on my left elbow so I had more leverage. Now I began to move in a more direct and earnest motion. This position allowed me very deep penetration and I watched her body react as I began to fuck her harder.

“Oh my! Give me that big cock! Give it to me hard! Fuck me with that thing!” she screamed.

I watched her precious breasts bounce and sway as I fucked her with long deep thrusts, her nipples looking like they were holding on for dear life. Her slender torso was spread out on the bed, her long black hair was splayed across the pillow and her skin glistened with the sweat of our love making.

As much as I loved this position, it was time to move on. I was ready for doggie and now was the time. I pulled my right leg back under her thighs, pushed her right flank to turn her over and spun her around onto her belly, never disengaging my long hard cock from her pussy. She lay flat on the bed with her legs spread as I pushed my cock deep into her recesses. It was a somewhat weird angle, but the sight of her sweet little ass was prime. My pubic bone ground into her soft ass cheeks as my cock continued its rhythmic pursuit. Her ass cheeks jiggled slightly each time I pounded into her pussy.

I finally pulled her up onto her knees. The view of my cock sliding into her engorged pussy was a beautiful sight to behold. She spread her knees slightly allowing me to kneel between her calves. She arched her back, flipped her hair and looked back over her shoulder at me with a look of sheer lust. I grabbed her hips and began to fuck her with abandon. This position allowed for the deepest penetration yet, and my thrusts were met with grunts of approval. Now we began to pump at a frantic pace and the sweat began to pour off my forehead onto her ass below. She was really getting into it. The inside of her thighs glistened with the juices dripping out of our union.

She was panting with each pump. “Ahhh, ahhh, ahhh, ahhh, ahhh……”

The sounds she was making became high-pitched and abnormal. They were sounds that a woman only makes when she is being deeply fucked. I used my hands to guide her hips back and forth. She met each thrust with a grunt or squeal.

“Oh, Lena. You are so fucking hot! Fuck me baby!” I screamed.

Her ass cheeks jiggled, her tits bounced and swayed, her hair flew about as she craned her neck to look back at me, her back arched to accommodate my cock. Her teeth were clenched and she had a look of sheer ecstasy on her face. The moment was welling up inside me and I could tell she was close to the brink as well.

“I’m going to come inside you, Lena!” I yelled.

“FUCK ME!!” she screamed. “FUCK ME HARDER!”

I pounded her as hard as humanly possible. We were pumping like a piston. I felt her pussy clench on my cock as I unloaded a gush of cum deep inside her vagina. I could feel my cock swathed in her warm juices. We slowed our pace as our orgasms subsided and we both collapsed in a sweaty heap on the bed. We were both breathing heavy, our hearts racing. I curled up beside her and wrapped my arms around her soft body. Her contours molded to mine as we collected ourselves.

I kissed her ear and whispered to her softly. “You’re staying the night, right?”

“Um umh,” she nodded in ascent.

We cuddled up in the warm Montreal night and drifted off to sleep.

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