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She Wanted Someone More Mature

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I am not sure what motivated me. Was I just sick of guys my age? After all, they were immature. And especially, so I have been told, sexually immature. As a sophomore in college, I had only slept with four guys. Well, that is been fucked by four guys, I have fooled around with many others. In that time though I had never had a guy bring me to orgasm. Take a typical night with the last guy I fucked, Johnnie.

We went out had a nice dinner and then went back to one of our apartments. Johnnie tried every time break the Guinness world book of records forgetting our clothes off. Maybe five minutes of foreplay, and then all he wanted was to be inside me. Sometimes I could slow him down with a blow job, but usually he just wanted to fuck. He fucked like a bunny, quick jerky motions and usually he came in minutes. Once, just to spice things up, I tried putting on his condom. He came as soon as I got it on him. As soon as Johnnie left or as soon as I got back to my apartment, I found myself alone with my vibrator finally taking care of my needs.

Maybe it was jealousy. My sister Liz is four years older than me. Liz and I share everything. A couple of weeks ago, I was talking about my sexual frustrations and she suggested i get an older man. She was not talking an 80 year old guy from the home, Liz had recently gotten engaged to a 40 year old widowed guy. Since she lived in California, where we grew up,I had only met Ron twice. But Liz raved about him. He was gentle, caring, and make sure her needs were taken care of.

Whatever it was, after I dumped Johnnie, I had decided I was done with boys. I needed a real man — but who? I thought about some of my professors. I even masturbated thinking about two of them. But having sex with a prof, just seemed wrong. Finally, at Thanksgiving, I found what I wanted, now I just had to figure out how to get him!

I didn’t go home for Thanksgiving, with the big football game that Saturday. Knowing that I would be stuck in town, one of my friends, Allie, invited me to Thanksgiving at her dad’s. Allie and I hadn’t known each other for long. She was a sophomore and I was a Junior, but we had clicked the moment we met each other. Allie’s parents had been divorced for a couple of years and her father was hosting us, her brother, her sister, and a few other friends. Allie kept laying subtle hints that she wanted to fix me up with her brother, but II wasn’t interested.

As soon as we arrived at her dad’s house, I was smitten. He was exactly what I was looking for. He was about 5’10”, a little overweight, but not fat, deep puppy dog eyes, brown hair with flecks of grey, and glasses. He had a mature look about him, but the way he interacted with us let me know he could be comfortable around anyone.

Allie introduced us, “Sasha, this is my father, dad, this is Sasha.”

“Thank you so much for having me, Mr. Cohen.”

“No, Mr. Cohen is my father,” he replied, “call me Harvey.”

As we talked, I tried not to be obvious in how I was flirting with him, and I could not tell if he was just being casual or if he was flirting back. I do know that I was extremely conscious of the way I looked. I hadn’t dressed for picking a guy up. I was wearing a long conservative dress with a jacket over it, it concealed rather than flaunted my C-cup breasts. My wavy brown hair is long and was flowing over my shoulders. I looked good, but not hot, if you know what I mean.

However, I think Harvey liked me. We chatted for a while during dinner. He asked a lot of questions about my family and growing up in San Diego and what brought me to cold Michigan. Finally when he was talking about his law practice, I got an idea.

“I have been thinking about law school after graduation,” I casually mentioned.

He took the bait and started talking about law schools and what I should be looking for, etc. Then I decided to try to reel him in. “I really need to get a feel for what practicing law is like, any chance you would be willing to sit down over coffee and talk about your practice?”

“Sure,” he responded, “any time.”

“Since I don’t have class and you don’t have work, how about tomorrow? Maybe over coffee or something.”

“I could come down to campus,” he said.

“Great, it’s a date, I’ll meet you at the Starbucks on South U at 1:00,” I said, trying not to sound too excited and immediately regretting my choice of words. I couldn’t believe I had said “it’s a date.” I hope I wasn’t sounding to forward.

Dinner was great. I thanked Harvey and gave him a nice hug, holding him tight to my body. Was he hard? It certainly felt like it when he hugged me, but I may have been imagining it or it may have been wishful thinking.

Allie and I got in the car and the first thing she said to me was “what did you think of my brother?”

The truth was that I hadn’t even noticed him, so I politely responded that he wasn’t my type. The whole way back to campus, all I could think of was her father.

As soon as I got back to my apartment, I raced to my bedroom and ripped off my clothes. My underwear was soaking. I lay down on my bed and started rubbing my clit. All I could think of was Harvey. The feeling of stimulation while thinking of him was unbearable. What would it be like to run my hands over his body. My fingers through his hair. I wondered what he was like under his clothes. Was his body hairy? Was his dick large and fat? Did he have big balls? Did he shave his pubes? All of these thoughts ran through my mind as my fingers probed my pussy. I moved my left hand up to my breasts and started tweaking my nipples. The all of a sudden, and without warning, I started cumming. The feeling as every inch of my body shuddered in sexual pleasure was beyond belief. Finally, I could take no more and stopped masturbating to catch my breath. Then it hit me, my bed was soaked. I must have squirted. I had never done that before, but the bed had a giant puddle on it. I smelled, it, it wasn’t urine. It smelled like my pussy, musky but sweet. I tasted it and it tasted like my pussy. I moved to the other side of the bed and quickly fell asleep.

I slept soundly, but I know I dreamed of Harvey. I woke up at 10 a.m. Way later than I wanted. I quickly threw on some sweats, ripped the sheets off my bed, and ran down stairs to the laundry room and threw the sheets in. I then cleaned up the apartment and jumped in the shower. I shaved my legs and my arm pits and trimmed my bush. I hated shaving my pussy, but I liked keeping it nice and short. As I shaved, I examined myself in the mirror. My clit was still swollen and aroused from the workout I had given it the night before. I have a nice looking pussy. When aroused my lips swell up and look almost pouty. But they don’t hang low. My clit is small and well hidden under its hood. Examining myself almost brought me to another orgasm. But I was running out of time. I threw on the same sweats and ran downstairs to throw the sheets in the dryer. I returned upstairs to get ready. I picked out a very low cut long black blouse and a push up bra that accentuated my breasts. The bra and blouse barely covered by nipples but left nothing else to the imagination. The black of the blouse looked good against my very light olive colored skin. I put on a pair of black bikini lace underwear and my favorite Lulumon leggings. I chose to wrap a bright blue scarf around my waist to highlight my curves. I put on minimal make up, just a little eye shadow and some lipstick. I ran downstairs and got the sheets out of the dryer and came back upstairs to make the bed. Finally, I through on a blue cardigan sweater that matched the scarf. At 12:45, I was out the door.

The whole walk to Starbucks, I started getting nervous. I had never seduced a guy before. Usually I was the one picked up. I knew I wanted him, but did not know how I would get him back to my place.

I arrived promptly at 1:00. Harvey was already there. He offered to get me a coffee. I told him that since he was doing me a favor, I should treat him. He insisted on paying.

“What would you like,” he asked.

I ordered my regular, a tall peppermint mocha. He ordered the same in Venti.

“Do you always drink that or are you trying to copy me?” I asked.

“It is my regular,” he noted.

Harvey motioned towards the big comfy chairs in the corner. “Why don’t we sit there?”

It wasn’t what I had in mind, wanting to sit as close as I could to him, but I really didn’t have a choice. We talked about school, the law, Allie. The conversation just flowed. I could see the way his puppy dog eyes occasionally scanned my body. I am sure he noticed the way I looked at him.

Harvey got up and offered me seconds. I accepted and he walked over to the barista and got us new coffees. His ass was perfect. Even the way he walked was turning me on. I wanted him so badly. I could feel myself getting turned on and squirmed in my chair.

When he returned, Harvey asked me if I would like to take a walk. “It is so nice outside and we have been in here for hours.”

I accepted and we started walking around campus. Harvey had attended the U many years before and was filling me on on all sorts of stories of his campus experiences. In the discussion, he pointed out how nice the view was from the top floor of the library.

“I love it up there,” I interjected. It really was one of my favorite places to study, as it was so quiet.

“Let’s go up there and check it out,” he suggested.

We finished our coffees and headed into the library. Since it was the Friday of Thanksgiving, the place was dead quiet. We took the elevator up to the top floor and just stood by the picture windows overlooking the campus. There was a silent tension between us.

Finally, I decided to break the ice. “I think this is the most romantic place on campus.”

“I agree,” he said, “I brought many a girlfriend up here for the sunset when I was a student.”

This was it, I was about to go for broke. I would either have him or blow my opportunity with what I said next. “Can I share something embarrassing with you? I asked.

“Sure you can tell me anything.”

“Promise you won’t tell a soul,” I added, sounding like a teenager.

“Cross my heart and hope to die,” he joked.

“Hmmm,” I hemmed and hawed, “One of my fantasies is to make love in one of the study cubicles up here.”

Harvey turned bright red and seemed to be staring off into space. I wasn’t sure how he was reacting.

“Been there, done that,” he responded with a sheepish grin.

I reached up to his face and pulled his head to mine and gave him a deep kiss. At first Harvey hesitated, then he joined in the kiss and held me to him while we kissed each other passionately.

Just then we both heard an unmistakable “Ding Ding Ding” over the loudspeaker, “It is now 3:45 p.m. Due to the Thanksgiving Holiday, the Library will be closing in 15 minutes. Please bring any books you wish to check out to the circulation desk now.”

We broke off the kiss. I leaned toward Harvey’s ear and whispered, “I want you. Let’s go back to my place.”

“Are you sure about this,” he responded.

I placed my hand on his crotch, wow, was it big, and responded “as sure as you are.”

We left the library holding hands.

On the way to my apartment, I told him about why I wanted an older man. He seemed surprised that he would be my first older guy. He told me that though he dated a lot since his divorce, it had been a few months since he had sex. Somewhere along the way, he dropped my hand and placed his hand on my ass. I almost melted, it felt so good.

We arrived at my apartment. I led him in, closed the door and we kissed. A deep french kiss. Our lips locked and our tongues intertwining. I could feel his hands running up and down my back and on my butt. My hands initially on his back and then started rubbing his crotch. I backed him to the bedroom as we were kissing, and pushed him onto the bed, falling on top of him. As we fell, the kiss ended.

“What would you like,” Harvey asked me.

“What do you mean?” I responded.

“What turns you on, what gets you in the mood?” he asked.

I wasn’t sure how to answer. I had never had a guy ask me what I wanted sexually. “You take the lead,” I breathlessly told him.

“Alright, but if there is anything you want me to do differently, just ask. I take direction well.”

Harvey took off the scarf that was around my waist. “This might come in handy later,” he commented.

He removed his glasses and set them on my night table. He started unbuttoning my blouse. As soon as my blouse was unbuttoned, he lowered his face between my breasts. Kissing and nuzzling between them. Flawlessly, he reached behind me and unclasped my bra, allowing it to fall from my breasts. Harvey then started suckling my left breast. It felt so good. His hand then moved below the waistband of my leggings, into my underwear and his fingers started playing with my clit. Oh my god, the sensations all over my body. It didn’t take long before I was cummimng, and cumming hard. Soon I was having trouble catching my breath.

“Stop Stop,” I panted, “I can’t take it.”

Harvey pulled his hand from my pants and just held me tight against his body.

“Oh my god, I have never had a guy make me cum before.”

“You’re a virgin?” Harvey asked with surprise.

“No,” I panted, just none of the guys I have ever been with have given me an orgasm before.”

“Was that your first orgasm? Harvey asked.

“No,” I blushed, “I masturbate regularly.”

“Don’t be embarrassed, we all do,” he responded, adding, “now look we seem to have a problem here, you are half naked and I have all my clothes on, what should we do about that?”

I started unbuttoning his shirt, and pulled it off of him. I then lifted his white v-neck undershirt over his head. I ran my hands over his hairy chest and swung his legs off the bed. I got on the floor, kneeled in front of him and unbuckled his belt, unbuttoned his pants, unzipped his fly and pulled off his pants. He was wearing grey boxer briefs that had a huge tent where his dick stood at attention. I had difficulty pulling them off of him.

Once he was naked, I started kissing his chest and working my way down his body. As I kissed lower and lower, I made concentric circles with my fingers on his stomach, then his thighs. Finally running my hands through his bushy full pubic hair. Finally when I worked my way down to his groin, I avoided his dick and kissed and licked his thighs. He smelled manly but not bad. A musky sweet smell. He tasted salty. Finally I worked my way up to his balls. They were huge, the size of small apples. I sucked on his scrotum, trying to get both balls in my mouth at once. Finally I moved up his shaft with my tounge. I could hear him moaning softly as I took his dick in my mouth, my hands gripping his shaft, which was long enough that I could get both of my hands side by side. I started rotating my hands around his shaft in opposite directions while moving up and down. My tongue was licking all over the head of his dick while I sucked on it. Finally, I let go of his dick and decided to see how much I could get in my mouth. I got about half-way down when I started to gag. I pulled off and using one hand to jack him off started massaging his balls with my other hand. My mouth concentrated on his head. I don’t know how long I continued, but my jaw was getting tired. I couldn’t believe he hadn’t shot his load yet. I slowed my pace way down.

“Sasha, are you ok?” he asked, “are you tiring out?”

I pulled off him and looked at his face, which had a shit eating grin. “I have never been with a guy who lasted this long.”

“Sorry, I have quite the stamina,” he replied, tell you what, lets try something else.

He got off the bed and picked me up and lay me down on the bed. He pulled off my leggings and underwear. He lay down on the bed so my head was by his crotch. Without any warning, he pulled me ontop of him, so I was sitting on his face and started eating me out. I had never had a guy do that to me before.

As he ate my pussy, and licked and nibbled on my clit, he reached up and pushed my head down towards his dick. I quickly got the message and resumed giving him a blow job. I wasn’t sure what he was doing to me, but boy did it feel good. He seemed to be alternating between sucking my clit and fingering me and probing my pussy with his tongue and putting pressure on my clit with his fingers. At one point, his fingers were inside of me when I could feel this strange but wonderful pressure on the front of my vagina and I started bucking and cumming wildly. I had to concentrate not to bite his dick as I tried valiantly to keep his dick in my mouth. One hand was massaging his balls, when I felt them tighten up and then he came. Wow, jets upon jets of warm sticky cum shot down my throat. It was sweet and salty with a consistency like warm paste. I licked it all up and rolled off of him. Harvey swung his body around and gave me another deep kiss. I could taste my pussy juice all over his face and I am sure he could taste his own cum. We broke off the kiss and just lay there. All I could say was “Wow” over and over again. he laughed and noted the mess we had made. I had definitely squirted as the bed was soaked. I looked over at my night table and noticed it was past 6:00.

I fully expected Harvey to go to sleep, like almost every other guy I had been with, when he took my hand and placed it on his once again hard cock. “Ready for round two?”

Even though this was what I had always fantasized about, I wasn’t sure if I could take more.

“Holy shit, you are hard already,” I commented.

“I told you I have good stamina,” he responded, “I wasn’t expecting this tonight, so I am not prepared, do you have a condom.”

I knew I had some in my night table drawer. But I had never felt a guy inside of me without a condom. I was hoping this would be my chance to try bareback.

“Oh shit, I don’t think I have any,” I informed him.

“Have you ever been tested for STDs,” he asked.

“Yes,” I truthfully responded, “I had my annual physical last month, and haven’t been with anyone since. How about you?”

“I was tested a few months ago, I’m clean,” he responded.

“Would you be willing to take the morning after pill, I’ll pay? He added.

“Yes, I just want to feel you inside me, “I responded.

He climbed on top of me. His dick between my legs, it knew exactly where to go. He pushed in just the tip and then pulled it out. He repeated this motion over and over again. It was driving me crazy, he was teasing me with his dick. I was so used to guys who just thrust a few times and cam, I didn’t know what to make of it. Then he started repeating with more of the stick inside of me. Finally he was all the way in. I could feel his penis opening my cervix it hurt a little but the same time it felt so wonderful I felt so full. Started grinding back-and-forth up-and-down. HE could move his penis ways that I had never felt before.

While he was inside he started kissing and sucking on each of my breasts, spending a lot of time on my nipples. With one specially keep thrust, I felt myself let loose. “oh my God, my God, I’m coming I’m coming.”

My whole body shuttered could feel every ounce of my being turning chili it was a feeling like I have never had before was harder and more intense than anything I had ever experienced. As My body slowly shook, Harvey just held me tightly keeping his dick inside me but barely moving. When I caught my breath, he pulled out and rolled over.

“But you didn’t finish,” I commented.

“That’s right, I am not finished,” he responded as he rolled me over onto my stomach and asked me to get on my knees. Harvey got behind me and entered me again, this time doggie style.

As he moved back and forth, I could feel how large he was and how deep he was going.

I decided to give him some direction and shouted, “harder harder, do it to me daddy.”

He knew what I wanted and got a bit rough. He pulled on my hair and then started biting my neck, not hard enough to leave a mark, but hard enough that I could feel it. I had never been into hitting or pain or anything, but for some reason that was what I wanted,

“Smack me, please smack me.”

Harvey opened his palm and smacked me across the ass, just as he was thrusting in to my pussy. I started to buck like a bronco. I don’t know how he stayed in me, I was thrashing so wildly under him when I came again. This time squirting again. I could feel my juices running down my legs, and suddenly I collapsed under him.

I must have passed out, because the next thing I knew, I was laying with my head on his chest.

“Are you alright,” he asked.

“Yes, I think so.” The room was spinning.

“You passed out for a few seconds, had me a little worried.”

“Sorry,” I responded.

“Don’t be, it’s perfectly natural, I pushed your body too hard. Just lay there and let me know when you are ready again.”

I lay on his chest, neither of us saying a word. I was listening to his breathing and started jacking off his hard dick. It was the first time I had a close look at it. It must have been between 8 and 9 inches long and really thick. The head was much larger than the shaft and mushroom shaped. I could not believe that he was still hard and despite all of the sex hadn’t cum yet. I started rubbing harder, just up and down the shaft.

“Squeeze your hand tighter as you do that,” he commanded.

I did.

After a few minutes, Harvey said, “I want to cum inside of you, climb on top of me.”

I climbed on him and guided his dick into my pussy.

I started riding him, moving up and down, side to side. Harvey used his hands to put pressure on my clit. Just as I felt my own orgasm building with in, Harvey’s pelvis rode upwards, lifting me several inches. His dick was deeper inside me than anything had ever been before. Just as I began to cum again, he unloaded. With a deep upward thrust and a gutteral moan, he sprayed his seed deep within me. It felt like his dick wouldn’t stop cumming. I could feel this warm, almost hot feeling deep within my womb. I collapsed on top of him and went to roll off.

“No, stay on top of me,” he said as he held me tight, “I want you to feel it grow soft inside of you.”

I lay there, in total post coital bliss. Every once in a while, Harvey would run his fingers lightly over some part of my body. I was so sensitive that it would send goose bumps all over and I started to giggle. Finally Harvey rolled me off of him and we both lay there, just talking.

I asked a lot of questions about his love life and he about mine. He was surprised to find out that though I was far from a virgin how boring my sex life had been until that day. I had only ever had in the sex missionary position and never without a condom. Though I had fooled around with plenty of guys, Harvey was only the fourth I had ever had sex with. I found out that Harvey had only had sex with three girls before his marriage and about ten after his divorce.

“Have you ever slept with someone my age,” I asked.

“How old are you?” Harvey asked.

I was kind of surprised he didn’t know, but realized I had never told him,

“I just turned 21 last month.”

“Then no,” was his answer, “I got married when I was 19 and she was five years older than me.”

“How young was the youngest you had had had sex with since the divorce?” I was really curious.

“She was 35, so ten years younger than me,” he responded.

Harvey reached over to the night table and put on his glasses. “Wow it is 9:00 already. Are you hungry?”

I hadn’t thought about it, but as soon as he said something I was starving.

“Yes, what do you have in mind?”

“How about we order in Chinese, what do you like?”

We agreed on Kung Pao Chicken and Harvey called it in, having to put his hand over the phone to ask me my address. We continued talking when a few minutes later dinner arrived. Harvey quickly put on his clothes and ran to the door. I went to the bathroom. When I wiped myself, I realized how raw and sore I was down there. My pussy lips were bright red and swollen.

When I returned, Harvey had the food and was naked again and back in bed. I joined him. Harvey fed me dinner and we had fun just fooling around. At times, he would put food on various parts of my body and eat from there and I would do the same to him. I almost came again when he started eating chinese food from between my breasts.

When we were done, Harvey went to the bathroom and returned with a damp washcloth and gave me a sponge bath, cleaning all the food off my body. When he was done, he began kissing me and licking me all over. Soon he was fully aroused once again. I had never been with a guy who could get it up so many times in one night. As we kissed and petted each other, Harvey spooned me from behind and guided his cock back into my pussy.

“No, Harvey, I am too sore,” I reluctantly had to tell him.

“Ok, what would you like?, he responded.

“What are my choices?”

“Well, have you ever tried anal?”

“No, but I don’t think I am ready for that.”

“What about titty fucking?” he suggested.

“What’s that?, I responded.

“You’ll see,” he rolled me over.

Harvey then straddled my torso and began running his dick between my tits. He massaged my breasts at the same time, turning them inward so the nipples were rubbed by his dick that was pistoning back and forth. Occasionally he would drool or spit on his dick to give it some lubrication. I have always loved the feeling of playing with my own breasts and this was fantastic. For the first time in my life I even came from breast stimulation.

After a while of this, Harvey warned me, “I am almost there,” and then shot load after load all over my neck, chin and face. Some even got in my eye. I scooped it off of my face and put it in my mouth. I then got up and went to the bathroom to clean up.

When I returned, I thought Harvey was asleep.

“You asleep?” I whispered.

“No, just tired,” he responded, “how about you?” I was exhausted and told him so.

“Not to be too forward, but do you mind if I spend the night?” Harvey asked.

I started laughing. “Harvey, we just spent the last, I don’t know how many hours fucking, and you have to ask if you can spend the night. Of course you can.”

Harvey spooned up against me, placed a hand over me, cupping my breast and in minutes, I was sound asleep.

When I awoke, around 8, the next morning, Harvey was gone. I lay there thinking that even though the sex was great, he was still like the other boys I vowed to avoid. He used me and now ran off without so much as a word. I can’t describe the utter disappointment that was going through my head, when I suddenly heard keys in the front door. My roommate wasn’t expected back for two days, I was nervous. I pulled the blankets over my me when suddenly in walked Harvey.

“Good morning beautiful, hope you are hungry, I picked up some bagels and lox and of course two Peppermint Mochas from Starbucks.”

That was what I wanted in a Man!

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