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Rescuing Jeannie

Category: Lesbian Sex
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Julie watched with detached curiosity as the little drama played out in the park. It was about four o’clock on a balmy, breezy spring afternoon and the ducks and geese were gliding to and fro on the pond, looking for handouts from the park’s occasional visitor. Julie wasn’t interested in them just now, as her attention was on the young couple on the other side of the pond who seemed to be having a doozy of an argument.

She watched as the young man yelled his head off at the girl, who was yelling back at him tearfully. Julie was far enough away that she couldn’t hear exactly what was being said, but she could tell the girl was crying and very upset. She could also see that she was very pretty, with dark reddish-brown hair hanging free just below her shoulders, wearing a tiny beige corduroy miniskirt and a pink tank top with spaghetti straps that showed off her admirable figure quite well. Julie tried to put any lustful thoughts about the young lady out of her mind, as she didn’t appear to be of age and also apparently had a boyfriend.

Just then, something happened in the little drama on the other side of the manmade lake that changed Julie from an interested observer into a participant. The young man, probably at least six feet four and two hundred pounds, was grabbing the girl’s arm and trying to drag her toward the parking lot. The girl was resisting, crying, and Julie could hear her pleas to him to leave her alone. At that point, Julie was on her feet and running, dressed in skin-tight jeans and tube top, to the other side of the water as fast as she could. She couldn’t just sit there and let God-knows-what happen to the girl, and as she ran around the pond, she saw the boy reach out and slap the girl across the face so hard she sprawled backwards into the duckshit-caked grass.

Julie was furious. She had been in an abusive relationship and she couldn’t let this go on. Her anger overrode her fear as she ran up and threw herself on the stranger, all five-and-a-half feet of her unleashing her rage on him.

“YOU FUCKING BASTARD! YOU GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE NOW BEFORE I KICK THE SHIT OUT OF YOU!” Julie screamed, pummeling the boy, who began to shrink back in fear and confusion. Finally he tried to regain a little control, and took a swipe at Julie.

“This is none of your goddam business, lady,” he panted as he tried to dodge Julie’s flying fists.

“I’m making it my business, punk, now hit the fucking road before I call the cops on your ass!”

The mention of the cops seemed to have an impact, because he backed off and started heading for the parking lot. “Jeannie, you comin’ or what?” he said as he slunk of to his car.

“Fuck no she’s not going anywhere with your sorry ass!” Julie yelled at him. “Just leave! NOW!”

The young man got to his car and turned to have the last word. “This ain’t over, bitch,” he said to the young lady.

At this point, Julie had had enough. She yelled at him, “It’s over, asshole! My brother Jim is a deputy sheriff, and believe me, he’s gonna hear about you.”

With that, the young punk got a look of fear on his face and jumped into his car, fired it up and squealed out of the parking lot.

With him dealt with, Julie turned her attention to the young girl, still sitting in the filthy grass, her head in her hands, crying her eyes out.

Julie knelt down and held out her hand. “Jeannie?” she said quietly. “It’s OK, sweetheart, he’s gone. Let me help you up.”

Jeannie looked up at Julie with tears streaming from her eyes, and Julie saw a horrible bruise on the right side of her face where the punk had hit her.

“Jeannie, it’s OK, really, I’m here to help you. You’ve been hurt. Come on, take my hand.”

The girl took her offered hand and stood up, looking at Julie with a look of utter helplessness and despair. The back of her tiny skirt, as well as the back of her legs, was covered in duck excrement, her face was bruised, hair disheveled—in short, she was a mess. Julie understood that look, that emotion that Jeannie was imparting, and instinctively held out her arms to the younger girl, who collapsed into them.

“It’s OK, really. I’m gonna help you, Jeannie. My name’s Julie, and I’ll make sure you get home OK. Can you walk all right?”

“Yes,” the girl sobbed in Julie’s arms, “but I can’t go home, not like this.”

“How old are you, sweetie?” Julie asked.

“I just turned twenty-one, but I still live with my parents. I can’t let them see me like this—they warned me about Rob but I didn’t listen, now their just gonna gloat and say I told you so.”

Julie felt a stirring, a longing, in her loins. This attractive, seemingly unattached young lady was over eighteen, actually not too much younger than she was. And she was in need of a friend right now.

“Come on, then, we’ll go to my place. It’s just down the street,” Julie said. “We’ll get you cleaned up and get some ice on that bruise, and you can tell me all about that bastard.”

“Thanks,” Jeannie said, her tears subsiding as she pulled away from Julie. “Thanks a lot, but I don’t want to get this duck crap all over your car.”

“Not to worry,” Julie said as she walked over to her little sedan and popped open the trunk. “I have a couple of old beach towels I keep back here for emergencies just like this.” She pulled out a ragged old towel and opened the passenger side door of the car, and threw it across the seat. “There you go, go ahead and have a seat.”

Jeannie plopped herself down inside the car, and Julie started it up and drove out of the parking lot up the street toward her condo.

“You think he’s waiting out there somewhere for us?” Jeannie asked fearfully.

“Not if he wants to keep his balls, he’s not,” Julie shot back.

That made Jeannie laugh. “How did you get to be so tough?” she asked.

“I’m not, really, but I lived with an asshole like that for a year-and-a-half. Finally had enough of him, hit him in the face with a hot frying pan one night. He was screaming about calling the cops and all that, I told him go ahead, my brother will want to see all the bruises you put on me, and guess who’ll wind up going to jail? After that, I threw him out. He left, I guess he found some other poor dumb broad to terrorize.”

“Your brother really is a cop, then?” Jeannie asked.

“Yup. On the SWAT team, too. Real hardass. Has punks like that for breakfast.”

“I guess I’m lucky you were there today, Julie,” Jeannie said. “You saved my ass.”

I hope I get to have a little piece of that ass, Julie thought to herself as she pulled into the driveway of her condo complex. “Here we are, my little corner of paradise,” she said as she pulled into her carport.

Julie got out and opened the door for Jeannie, and helped her out of the car. “Keep that old towel wrapped around you so that you don’t get that crap all over the house,” Julie said as she led her up the walkway to her front door. She opened it and invited Jeannie inside.

The house was immaculate, with hardwood floors covered with throwrugs, a cozy living room with an old-fashioned fireplace complete with a hearth and mantle, and tasteful antique furniture.

“You place is gorgeous,” Jeannie said with admiration.

“I’m a buyer for an antique firm, so I get some pretty good deals for myself. Now let’s see about getting you cleaned up.”

Julie led her into the master bedroom, where a king-size bed covered with a luxurious, home-made quilt was the centerpiece, then into the master bathroom. There was a huge shower with multiple heads, and a separate sunken bathtub complete with Jacuzzi jets. Jeannie had never seen anything so fancy in a bathroom, except in home and garden magazines.

“What can I say, I like water,” Julie said as she saw Jeannie’s reaction to the bathroom. She began running warm water into the immense tub. “I love taking showers and long, hot baths. To me, this is one of the main rooms of the house.”

“I can see that,” Jeannie giggled. It was the first time Julie had seen her smile, and it was breathtaking. Jeannie’s whole face lit up and got ten times more beautiful, even with that bruise on it. The bruise!

“Oh my God, I have to go get some ice for your face! Look, you get outta those clothes and I’ll put them through a wash cycle. Go take a quick shower to get all that crap offa you, then jump into the tub and have a nice soak. You’ll feel a lot better after that. I’m gonna get you some ice.”

Julie leaned down and shut off the taps at the tub, then left, and Jeannie was alone in the bathroom. She liked this strange girl who had come to her rescue and chased off that big bully, Rob. Jeannie began to peel off her dirty clothes, and thought about Julie, how she seemed tough but pretty at the same time. Julie had long, raven black hair and olive skin, in contrast to her own light coloring, and had a toned, lean body that she obviously took care of. The thing that struck Jeannie the most about Julie, however, was her electric blue eyes, and the way they looked at her as if they could see into her soul. As Jeannie entered the shower and opened the taps, she thought about how Julie had held her, and how good and comforting it felt to be held by her. She actually thought she might be slightly attracted to Julie, but quickly dismissed the thought. “I’m not a lesbian,” she said to herself as the water from the shower heads sluiced over her and cleaned off the filth and dirt from the park.

Julie appeared at the doorway, holding a plastic ice pack. “Here’s your ice, you can hold it to the side of your face while you soak in the tub. If you want the Jacuzzi on, just twist the timer switch on the wall there to the right,” she said.

Jeannie shut off the shower and stepped out. “What? I’m sorry, I couldn’t hear you with the water running.”

Julie was momentarily taken aback by the unabashedness of this young girl, and by her beauty. Her body was lithe, a dancer’s body, but at the same time she had nice, firm, rounded breasts, their nipples at attention in the cool air. Her pubic area had obviously been waxed, her pussy clean-shaven. Julie suddenly wanted her, wanted her more than she had wanted anyone in her life, but she knew she had to be careful and move slowly if she was to have any chance with this girl at all.

“I said I have your ice pack here, and you should hold it on your face while your soaking in the tub. I don’t know how much good it will do now, since it’s been so long since your little mishap. You want the Jacuzzi on?”

“Oh, yes, please, I love that,” Jeannie said as she exited the shower and stepped daintily into the sunken tub. Julie went over to the wall switch and turned it on.

“I set it for thirty minutes, if you need more time just twist it over to the right,” Julie said, trying to act cool and nonchalant in front of this nude vision before her. “I’m gonna run your stuff through the washer and dryer, so when you get home it will be like nothing ever happened. ‘Cept for that bruise, of course, but maybe we can work on that with some make-up a little later.”

Jeannie looked up from the tub, the water joyously bubbling and frothing away, and said, “Thanks, Julie. Thanks so much. You’re a life-saver, really. I don’t know what I would have done if you hadn’t been there. I don’t know how I can ever repay you,” she said, her eyes tearing up.

I might be able to think of a way, Julie thought to herself, then said out loud, “It’s OK, Jeannie, don’t worry about it. I’m glad to help. Enjoy your bath.”

Julie abruptly left the room. This girl was making her absolutely horny, and she didn’t know what to do about it. She went to the laundry room with Jeannie’s clothes–her cute little skirt and tank top, and her sweet little red thong panty. Before she could stop herself, Julie had brought the thong up to her nose and inhaled deeply, savoring Jeannie’s musky scent. Realizing what she was doing, she quickly threw the undergarment into the washer along with the other items, blushing slightly at her action. At the same time, she was getting turned on, and she desperately wanted to make love to this girl—not just have sex, but make love, and show her how special one woman’s love for another could be.

Julie started the washer up and went to her bedroom. She peeled off her jeans and tube top, and stepped out of her panties, then went to the linen closet and grabbed two big, fluffy towels. She walked to the doorway of the bathroom with her towel wrapped modestly around her, and held out the other to Jeannie.

“Here’s a towel for you, Jeannie. If you don’t mind, I’m gonna just jump in the shower over there and clean myself off a little.”

Jeannie stood up in the tub and took the offered towel, hanging it on a bar near the tub. “I don’t mind at all, Julie,” she said, smiling as she sat back down in the Jacuzzi. “It’s your place, after all.”

“I know, but I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable,” Julie answered as she headed to the shower, removed her towel and turned on the water.

“I don’t feel uncomfortable around you at all,” Jeannie said.

Julie felt a twinge of lust and guilt, simultaneously, at the sound of the lovely girl’s voice. She busied herself with soaping up and lathering up her hair with shampoo.

“I’m starting to feel a lot better now, Julie,” Jeannie hollered over the sounds of the Jacuzzi and the shower running.

“That’s good, I’m glad to hear it,” Julie hollered back. “You’re gonna be just fine after this is all over, and maybe a little wiser too.”

Something struck Jeannie all of a sudden, call it intuition or deductive reasoning, but she had been thinking about Julie, how protective of her she had been, how Julie had looked at her, how she didn’t seem to have a boyfriend, her exterior toughness, and that feeling she had gotten when Julie held her. It didn’t frighten her, this intuitive feeling. It fascinated her, and even excited her a little. She thought Julie was very pretty and a very warm, compassionate person, and began to wonder what it would be like to be with her…in THAT way. Certainly better than it was with Rob, who was only out for himself and had never once given her an orgasm.

Jeannie began to feel a tiny bit aroused as she thought of Julie holding her, gently touching and kissing her. She began to tingle between her legs at the thought of the two of them in bed together, naked, holding each other and kissing, the way she had done with Rob and her other boyfriends in the past. She imagined Julies smooth, olive skin brushing against hers as their lips pressed against each other’s, and thought that it would be much more pleasant that Rob’s hairy, sweaty body grunting and heaving against her until he spilled his load and got up for another smoke and a beer.

She heard Julie shut off the water and open the shower door, and there she was, standing in front of her, her towel again wrapped modestly around her.

“I’m gonna run to the laundry room and throw you stuff in the dryer. It should be done by now,” Julie said, trying to sound casual as she tried not to stare too hard at Jeannie.

“OK, I shouldn’t be too much longer in here,” Jeannie said.

“Take your time,” Julie called as she left through the master bedroom and headed to the laundry room.

When she got there, Julie took Jeannie’s wet clothes out of the washer and threw them into the dryer, and as she did that she realized Jeannie’s clothes weren’t the only things that were wet. Julie was becoming enormously turned on by her new houseguest, and was having increasing feelings of desire and lust for her. She started the dryer, then let her towel fall to the floor. Standing there naked, still damp from her shower, Julie slightly parted her legs and let her hand slowly run down her belly to her womanhood, and began to gently stroke her clit with one finger. Her wetness surprised her as her juices coated her finger, and she inserted it into her and began to slowly, gently finger-fuck herself.

Julie pumped her fingers into her faster now, and added a third one, her pelvis thrusting so hard the dryer was bumping into the back wall. Julie was oblivious, her mind in another place as her three fingers rammed in and out of her, over and over again. All she wanted was Jeannie, to feel her, smell her, taste her, make her come….

Suddenly, Julie’s orgasm hit, and hit hard. She bit her lower lip to keep from crying out, but a low, guttural moan managed to escape her as she came, her body wracked with the spasms of a tremendous climax. Her pussy released a load of cum all over her hand, running down her legs onto the floor as Julie leaned back farther, her head almost touching the top of the dryer. Her body writhed in ecstasy as wave after wave flooded her with pure pleasure. Her moans were loud, even though she was trying to stifle them. Her fingers continued to work inside her as her climax peaked, then began to ease off.

After another minute or so, it was all over. Julie let herself sink down into a sitting position on the floor, her legs splayed in front of her, completely wrung out. She relaxed, and took deep breaths to slow her breathing down. She couldn’t believe what had just happened to her, and that she had been so turned on that she had to masturbate at the risk of being caught by the object of her fantasy. I’ve got it really bad for this one, she thought to herself.

After a few more minutes, she got up and toweled herself off, threw the towel in the hamper, then headed back for her bedroom. She heard the Jacuzzi still bubbling away as she went to her bureau and pulled out a tiny red, lacy baby-doll nightie with a matching G-string panty and put them on. The nightie had a plunging neckline that could hardly hold in her straining breasts, a hemline that almost showed the crotch of her panties, and an open back held together with tiny spaghetti straps.

She walked over to her vanity and grabbed her hair dryer, and quickly brushed out and dried her long, black hair. She expected Jeannie to come walking out of the bathroom any minute, but she never did, apparently really enjoying the Jacuzzi. Julie finished drying her hair, then grabbed her makeup kit and put on some eyeliner, blush and lipstick. She stood up and looked at herself in her full-length mirror approvingly.

By then, the dryer had finished so Julie went to the laundry room and got Jeannie’s clothes. She carefully folded them and carried them back to the master bath, where Jeannie was finally finishing up. The Jacuzzi was silent, and she could hear the sound of water draining.

“Here are your clothes, good as new,” Julie called out to Jeannie through the partially closed bathroom door.

“Thanks, Julie, I’ll be right there,” Jeannie said, sounding a little out of breath.

What Julie didn’t know was that while she was getting herself off in the laundry room, Jeannie had been having some urges of her own. Jeannie had been thinking about the events of the afternoon, and had continued her daydreaming about Julie holding her, the two of them naked and turned on, kissing each other all over….and she found her hand between her legs then, moving, rubbing, vibrating over her pussy, and she began to undulate her body with her hand, there in the warm, bubbling water. Her breathing got faster and more labored as she stimulated herself further, and she had laid back in the tub and spread her legs wide apart, bracing her feet on the tiled wall as she rubbed her clit harder and faster. Her mind was filled with thoughts of Julie, how her lips would feel brushing against her pussy, how her erect nipples would feel pressed against her own as they held one another in a passionate lovers embrace and kissed.

Jeannie was so turned on and caught up in her fantasy that she had not worried about what would happen if Julie walked in on her. She could hear a hair dryer going in the bedroom, just on the other side of the door, and knew she was taking a risk. If Julie had discovered her little solo tryst, Jeannie figured she probably would have just yelled out, “Take me, take me now!” and that thought turned her on even more. Her pelvic thrusts were causing the water to start sloshing around to the point where some of it was spilling out onto the floor, but she didn’t care, she was close to coming. And then, there it was, an orgasm so powerful she bit down on her hand and almost drew blood to keep from screaming out. It caught her off guard, sweeping through her relentlessly as the water sloshed and bubbled around her. She wanted to cry out, to yell Julie’s name as she came, but she didn’t dare. She still wasn’t quite sure if Julie leaned that way and she didn’t want to embarrass herself. Eventually, her climax died out, leaving her flushed and out of breath, then she heard Julie approaching and calling out to her from the other side of the door.

She heard Julie say “Here are you clothes, good as new,” and she had responded, “Thanks Julie I’ll be right there,” still desperately trying to catch her breath and not give away what had happened. Gradually, her breathing returned to normal and she rose out of the draining tub and grabbed the towel, and started drying off.

Julie’s hand came through the door, holding her clothes, and Jeannie took them, glad that Julie was respecting her privacy just then. If she saw me now she would know what just happened, Jeannie thought as she set the clothes on the counter top.

She finished drying off, then went and pulled on her thong panties. She slipped her tank top on over her head, then stepped into her stylish corduroy miniskirt and pulled it on, zipping up the zipper and fastening the snap. She walked out into the master bedroom, and said “Julie, do you have a hair dryer I could use?”

Jeannie stopped dead in her tracks then. She got a good eyeful of Julie, in her tiny red baby-doll, her hair loose and free, her face lightly and neatly made up. She was the most gorgeous, sexy, desirable thing Jeannie had ever seen. Julie was sitting on the edge of the bed looking back at her.

“Hi, hon, did you enjoy your bath?” she asked, sweetly, softly.

“Uh,….yes I did, thanks.”

Jeannie didn’t know what to say after that, and kept quiet, studying the beautiful young woman sitting before her. Julie broke the silence.

“Jeannie, to be fair with you, I have to tell you something about me. I like girls more than guys. I guess I always did. That thing with my old boyfriend didn’t work out, not only because he was abusive….but because I just didn’t like sex that much. I think that’s why he got so frustrated and started knocking me around. Finally, I had to admit to myself that I was what I was, and I accepted it..”

“I kinda wondered, you know, I mean I kinda picked up on some vibes…”

“I thought maybe you might have. I gotta tell you, I am very attracted to you, but I certainly do not want to push you into anything you don’t want to do. You’re a very sweet person, and I’m happy to be just friends, but if there’s any chance you could feel the same way about me, well…” Julie just shrugged after that. She had laid her cards on the table. It had killed her inside that she had to face the possibility of rejection, but she really liked this girl and she didn’t want to hurt or scare her in any way.

“Julie…” Jeannie said softly.


“You know, it’s been a long day. I’m kinda tired, you know? I think I’d like to lie down for a little while.”

With that, Jeannie slipped out of her little skirt and climbed onto the bed. She pulled her top off and tossed it onto the floor. “I don’t like to get into a bed in my clothes,” she said simply. Pulling back the covers, she asked Julie, “Will you lie down next to me, keep me company?”

With that, Jeannie lay back and stretched, clad only in her white thong panties. Julie’s head was reeling. Was this really happening now? She could hardly believe it, but yes, this incredible young girl was lying in her bed, her arms outstretched now, inviting her…

Still sitting on the edge of the bed, Julie threw off her baby doll, then leaned over Jeannie. Julie’s red G-string panty was rapidly darkening with her wetness as she anticipated what would happen next. She didn’t have to wait long, as Jeannie pulled her down on top of her and held her in a tight embrace. Jeannie’s lips sought out Julie’s, and they met, lightly at first, then with slowly, smolderingly increasing passion, their mouths opening up to each other, their tongues mingling and exploring.

Jeannie opened her legs to Julie, and Julie straddled her thigh, rubbing her pussy up against it as Jeannie rubbed her moistening crotch up against Julie’s thigh. They humped each other gently and slowly as they continued their deep, soul kissing, both moaning softly now. Jeannie released her tight embrace and slid her hands down to cup Julie’s ass as it ground her pussy into her thigh, sliding a finger under the thin string between her butt cheeks and gently caressing her there, running it down over her anus. Julie responded by letting out a louder moan and increasing her movements in speed and intensity, locking her mouth to Jeannie’s.

Jeannie was on fire with lust and wanton desire for this woman. She felt Julie’s breasts pressed into her, their hard nipples pushing into the smooth flesh of her own tits. She felt Julie’s damp, warm panty crotch moving up and down and grinding into her thigh, and Julie’s searching, seeking tongue in her mouth. She heard Julie’s moans, mingled with her own, and smelled her scent, a musky, sweaty, pleasant scent that turned her on even more. Julie’s skin was warm, soft, and smooth, a delight to the touch, and was driving her crazy as Julie enveloped her.

Jeannie’s pussy was being rubbed, taunted and teased by Julie’s undulating thigh as well, and Jeannie pushed up against her to heighten the delightful friction against her pussy. Thrusting and grinding the rapidly-wettening crotch of Jeannie’s panties into her swollen, dripping clit, Julie’s upper thigh felt almost as good as a real fuck.

For Julie’s part, she was turned on past the point of all reason. She had fantasized about this, now it was happening. This beautiful young creature was responding to her, making love to her, sharing her body with her. Julie reveled in the feeling of Jeannie’s smooth, taut flesh rubbing and sliding over hers, and the sound of Jeannie’s heavy breathing, the smell of her breath, the feel of her leg grinding into Julie’s pussy, Jeannie’s soft, sexy moans….

Julie was humping Jeannie really hard and fast now, and had moved herself up into sort of a push-up position. Julie’s breasts were bouncing and jiggling from her effort, her eyes closed tight, her mouth open, teeth gritted in pre-climactic concentration. Jeannie never stopped moving, and looked up at her with fascinated lust, watching another woman come for the first time.

“OHHHHHHHoooooohhhhhhhh!” Julie moaned as she began to come. Julie threw back her head and moved as hard and fast as she could. Jeannie felt her thigh getting wet as Julie’s juices spilled out of her.

“Hmmmmmuuuuuuhhhhh!!! UHHHH! UHHHH! MMMMMMMMMoohhhhhh! OH OH MMMMMMMMMMMMUUUUHHHH!” Julie cried out uncontrollably as her face contorted in the throes of orgasm.

Jeannie had never seen anything so sexy in her life, and it excited her, pushed her to move harder and faster, to spur Julie on. Julie responded. “OH JEANNIE JEANNIE JEANNIE OH BABY!” she cried out.

Gradually, she calmed down as her orgasm faded, but Jeannie was still thrusting and moving against her. “I wanna come too, oh baby please, don’t leave me like this,” Jeannie whimpered.

“Oh, baby, never. I would never do anything like that to you,” Julie said as she lay back down on top of Jeannie, moving, sliding down over her body, kissing and licking her breasts, sucking on her nipples. Jeannie continued thrusting up against Julie as she did this, pushing her wet pussy into Julie’s belly and moaning. Julie started moving down again, kissing Jeannie’s belly and going lower, lower, until the soaking-wet nylon of Jeannie’s white thong panties was in her face.

Julie wrapped her arms under Jeannie’s thighs and brought her hands up to grip Jeannie’s pelvis, then dove her face into the crotch of her panties, licking her clit and sucking her juices through the thin, dripping-wet fabric.

Jeannie reacted immediately, her pelvis bucking and rocking into Julie’s face. Julie could hear Jeannie’s sweet voice moaning loudly now, calling out her name as she kept up her oral attack on Jeannie’s pussy. Jeannie reached down with one hand and yanked the crotch of her panties over to one side, and Julie began to suck on her juicy, erect clit with wanton abandon, moaning into Jeannie’s pussy as she did so.

“Fuck me! Fuck me with your mouth!” Jeannie yelled, and Julie slipped her tongue deep inside of Jeannie, as far as it would go, while shoving her face and nose into Jeannie’s clit. Jeannie writhed and moaned in ecstatic pleasure as Julie worked on her pussy with her mouth and tongue.

Jeannie’s breathing was becoming more rapid and ragged now, and Julie could tell her climax was near. Julie pulled one arm out from underneath Jeannie, and moving her hand up to Jeannie’s pussy, began to insert one, then two fingers as she kept up her relentless sucking of Jeannie’s clit. She finger-fucked and sucked Jeannie only about a half-minute more, when Jeannie’s dam burst.


Jeannie bucked and cried out as she came, her pussy contracting hard around Julie’s fingers, and spilling out load after load of her sweet cum all over the clean bedsheets. Jeannie ignored all that and kept fingering and tonguing her as her orgasm peaked, her body wracked with the involuntary jerks and spasms of a deep, intense climax.

Jeannie was sobbing in orgasmic fury as she called out to Julie, “Oh….Jul….lie Jul….lie oh—-uh oh Jul—lie,” her breath catching and hitching from the force of her cumming.

Gradually, Jeannie’s climax eased off and left her, breathless and trembling. Julie moved back up to be on top of her again, and began to gently kiss and caress her.

“Oh, Julie, that was so intense….”

“I know, baby, I know, it was for me, too.”

“Really? God, I don’t want this to end.”

“It doesn’t have to, not yet anyway,” Julie said as she got up off the bed and went to her bureau. She slid open a drawer and pulled out a bright-red strap-on about eight or nine inches long.

“You know what this is, baby?” Julie asked softly.

“Yes, it’s one of those fake strap-on dicks.”

“That’s right, honey, that’s what it is. I want you to put it on and use it on me. I want you to fuck me, fuck the shit out of me. Can you do that?”

“I never used one of those before,” Jeannie said, wide-eyed as Julie came back over to the bed.

“It’s easy, I’ll show you,” Julie said. She pulled Jeannie’s panties off and help secure her into the straps, and adjusted them for a good fit.

“How does it feel, baby?” Julie asked.

“A little funny, but nice,” Jeannie answered, looking at the new appendage seeming to grow out of her crotch.

Julie lay back down on the bed and spread her legs out. “First, I want you to eat me, the way I did to you, then when I’m ready, I want you to fuck me. Can you do that, honey?”

“I can do anything you want me to,” Jeannie said, already becoming aroused again.

“Do me, then, Jeannie. Do me real good.”

Jeannie slid down until she could comfortably put her mouth on Julie’s pussy, the strap- on dildo folded up between her legs. Julie’s little red G-string was still on, the wet, saturated fabric bunched up into a little fold between her pussy lips. Jeannie left it where it was and began to lick Julie there, running her tongue up and down over her clit, around over her pussy lips, then back to her clit again. She sucked on the rolled-up red satin material that was rubbing up against Julie’s clit, then began to push her tongue into Julie’s pussy.

Julie was in another world, her back arching, her belly heaving, pussy undulating, as Jeannie licked her pussy like a veteran. Jeannie began to suck on her clit, slowly at first, then with more and more gusto as Julie bucked and flopped around, crying out in unadulterated pleasure. Julie’s pussy was drooling with her lubricants, and Jeannie lapped up as much as she could as she kept tonguing and licking and sucking her clit.

“Oh God Jeannie I can’t take any more. FUCK ME! FUCK ME RIGHT NOW!”

Jeannie stopped sucking on her, then moved up on top of Julie. Julie helped her to get the strap-on in the right position, then pulled her panties over to the side. “Slide it in easy at first, baby, then do it to me!”

Jeannie pushed gently against the dildo, and felt a little resistance at first, but gradually it began to slip inside of Julie. Julie pushed her hips up against Jeannie, and Jeannie pushed down more, until the unit was all the way inside of her. Jeannie could feet the end of the rubber shaft and the little rubber cup it was attached to pushing into her own clit, and it felt good.

“Go on, baby, fuck me now,” Julie whispered.

Jeannie slowly pulled back, then pushed it in again, and felt that pleasant friction against her clit again as the dildo pushed the holding strap into her clit again. She pulled out and pushed in again, eventually increasing her speed and rhythm, and Julie was bucking and writhing underneath her now, moaning “Fuck me baby, fuck me real good! That’s it baby, FUCK ME!”

Jeannie was slamming into Julie now for all she was worth. The back end of the dildo was giving her some pretty good stimulation as well, and she was breathing hard again, sweating, grinding into Julie.

They moved together, harder and faster, and Jeannie leaned down and started kissing Julie hard and passionately on the mouth. Without missing a beat, Julie rolled her over until she was on top of Jeannie, then sat up and straddled her, the strap-on still buried inside of her. Julie began to slide up and down on it, and Jeannie, now lying on her back, thrust upwards every time Julie pushed down. It didn’t take long for them to get their timing and rhythm going again, and they fucked for all they were worth, Julie on top slamming herself against Jeannie as hard and as fast as she could. Jeannie grabbed Julie’s waist with both hands and held on to her, coaxing her to go even harder and faster.

The back end of the strap-on was grinding into Jeannie’s clit real well with every thrust, and Jeannie was once again turned on to the point of no return and heading for another orgasm. She looked up into Julie’s face, which was flushed red with arousal, her long black hair thrown back, her mouth open as she moaned with every move. Julie’s breasts were bouncing spectacularly, their large nipples sticking out like hard little marbles, and little beads of sweat were forming on them and beginning to trickle down.

Just when Jeannie started to think she couldn’t go much longer, when her orgasm was getting to the place where she couldn’t hold it back any more, Julie suddenly stopped moving.

“Don’t move! Stay just like that!” Julie commanded.

Jeannie held still, then suddenly Julie began to hammer her like a piston, screaming out in the undiluted, pure pleasure of total sexual release.

“OH GOD OH GOD OH GOD!!! FUCK ME FUCK ME FUCK ME FUCK ME!!” Julie cried out in her sweet agony. Her pussy gushed out all around the strap on, its juices landing on Jeannie’s legs and belly, which only spurred Jeannie on.

She pushed up harder into Julie, then felt her orgasm building to the breaking point, and soon it spilled over.

“OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! MMMMMMMMM! UHHHHH!” Jeannie cried out, her voice mingling with Julie’s as they fucked hard and came together.

Julie collapsed on top of her but kept moving and crying out. Jeannie kept moving as well, and grabbed Julie’s ass and pulled it down on her harder, trying to milk every last drop of orgasm from her. Jeannie was yelling and calling out as well, and it was hard to tell who was yelling or moaning what. Jeannie had never come so hard before, and it was knocking the breath out of her, but still she moved and pushed against Julie, enjoying the erotic, sensual, sexual feeling of a shared orgasm.

Finally, they both wound down. Spent, panting, sweating, they held each other tightly, and gently kissed as the last vestiges of their gut-wracking climaxes left them.

“God, Julie, I never knew sex could be this good with a woman. I never knew it could be this good at all,” Jeannie said, tears of happiness in her eyes.

“It was good, wasn’t it?” Julie said, smiling. “Baby, this is just the beginning. Stay with me, and we’ll have better times than this.”

Jeannie looked at her in shock and surprise, then said, “Really? I could stay here with you? You want me for your lover?”

“Yes, I want you to stay here, and yes, I want you for my lover. You’re not bad for a newbie.”

Jeannie smiled and kissed Julie warmly. “It’s just that I had the right person to inspire me.”

They wrapped their arms around each other, kissed, then drifted off to sleep for a well-earned nap.

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