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Two Years of Sin Ch. 02

Category: Incest
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Notes from Penny The next morning Penny came to my bed and shook me awake. She was already dressed, ready to go to work. I looked over toward the nightstand. The alarm clock said 6:10 AM. I sat up and swung my feet to the floor. Penny handed me a stack of five porn DVDs.
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My Boyfriend’s Horny Brothers

Category: Gay Male
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When I was just out of college I went on a trip with Joe, my boyfriend at the time, to the mid-sized Illinois city where he grew up. Most of his family still lived there including his brothers Mike and Lee who, on our first night staying at Joe's parents' house, came over for dinner.

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I Hate Her! Ch. 01

Category: Lesbian Sex
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I hated her almost immediately. She was such a jerk, and she was entirely too cocky. So how had I ended up in her bed, on my back, screaming her name? It's a bit of a story. * I walked into Boden Hall, ready to begin a new semester. I was excited about my Junior year, and couldn't wait for the semester to get underway. I got up to my room, unpacked my things, and my roommate and I left to go to lunch. I would be rooming with my best friend Tasha this year, and things were going to be great. The year was full of promise, and I intended to take full advantage.
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Young People Today

Category: Incest
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"Maggie - please don't," Oliver Taylor said as he took the last step backwards before he was up against the wall of the guest room of his daughter's house, and as he looked into the eyes of his daughter's only child all he could think of is what his late wife had often said.
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Edna, Tom and Alfred

Category: Mature
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My name is Edna, Eddie for friends, the female part of a long time married couple. Let me describe my exterior. 5.10" tall, 140 lbs, rather fit but not fixated with gym. I have blond hair and azure-blue eyes. Due my height a couple of long legs prop my ample hips and a rather thick ass up. My husband says my ass is a size over my frame and this is the reason he picked me many years ago. I have an open smile too so they say I am aesthetically pleasing. Someone supposes me sexy, but I am only a natural woman well in her forties.
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On Her Knees to Please

Category: Group Sex
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The pounding bass, steamy room, and dim lights of the club were racing through Jennifer's blood as she watched couples entwine on the dance floor. "Damn," she thought to herself, "I have got to get laid tonight!" She sipped her Coke and swiveled around on her stool to scan the room, looking for cute guys.
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He Loves My Feet

Category: Fetish
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What started as a dare earlier in the day was now fifteen minutes from becoming something completely different. I could feel my palms sweating and I was already perspiring from nerves despite the fact I had just showered. My roommate Sue had teased me the entire time she was polishing my toenails but she also reminded me she'd be right there in the shadows if I needed her.
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Arrow of Cupid

Category: Anal Sex
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He rose from his bed and stood in the dark, leaving her asleep in his bed. He looked out his bedroom window onto the street in a reverie of contentment, contemplating the events of the day. He remembered her kisses, remembered him inside her mouth. He remembered the sweetness of her pussy, remembered as she let him take her anal virginity earlier in the afternoon, her fear, her tears and her joy.
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The Delivery Man

Category: BDMS
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The pizza deliveryman had noticed the girl who ordered the Italian subs before. Her bright eyes and long raven locks were hard to miss and when he stood by her desk while she paid, it seemed that she always leaned forward a little too far. She always had a smile for him too and on more than one occasion he could have sworn that their fingers lingered when she paid him.
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Sweet Submission

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She was bound before him in the most alluringly submissive position, a remarkably stunning vision as she lay on her back, her arms stretched high and held firmly captive by cold, metal manacles that were attached to the headboard while her long legs were spread to an almost painfully wide degree…shackles connected to a bar that hung low from the ceiling lifted her firm bottom several inches off the bed, leaving her most intimate areas exposed to his heated scrutiny as he loomed above her, clearly comfortable with his dominate role as he savored seeing her so wonderfully vulnerable and defenseless;
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