
Imagine my dread when my Mother told me that I'd be spending three weeks in Little Rock, Arkansas with my Aunt so that she could go on her church trip to Mexico. Me, the sophisticated, suburban 20 year old college girl from Buffalo having to spend three weeks of my summer vacation in Arkansas! My Aunt Karen and Uncle Todd were cool enough, in their early 50's I remembered, but I just didn't relish the thought of leaving my cozy living quarters in the basement of our house. Yes, my basement where I could toy my ever-dripping pussy with my favorite dildos whenever I pleased.
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I sat in the lounge, swirling my gin & tonic, absently tapping a finger to the piped music. Nothing about this trip had lined up as it should have: a week in Florence, now on my second day in Rome, with nothing to show for it. My backers would not be pleased, but I was not concerned with their disapproval. I'm too much of a professional to place anything above my own standards.
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“Do you trust me?” His deep, soft voice whispered in my ear. He was behind me, his hands gently caressing my shoulders and upper arms. Something in his voice made me hesitate. Did I trust him? I was looking at our bed. At the things he had laid on it. There were padded restraints fastened to the corners, a dark scarf on the pillows, and odd shapes under another dark scarf.
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No sooner than the next day after Lindsay and I talked in IMs about her having sex with her friend Christina that she wanted me to join her in seducing the young blonde. She explained her plan to me after her and I had a great evening of sex, in which she came on my tongue and cock.
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This was the first spring day that was both warm and not raining. Just the kind of day I had been waiting for. I live on Flat Avenue which is just a block from the town Cemetery.
I wanted to put flowers on four graves my mother, father, husband and my brother. The family plot is near the center of the cemetery and just off to the circle. So I can park on the road and not have to walk too far on the grass.
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Well, I have no one to blame but myself, I suppose. Love and lust make us all do some pretty strange things, sometimes, but I never thought that I'd be looking forward to...wait! Let me tell you this story from the beginning.
I had wanted Gina for as long as I can remember. She was just so cool, calm & collected. A strong woman, and so aloof at times that it maddened me.
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Hello again, this is a story as told by one of my friends, involving him and his mother. Of course, I have changed the names for the sake of confidentiality while I have made more than usual attempts to spice up the whole story for all of you to enjoy reading it. A brief prelude sometimes can be even more handy, even in erotic stories. Mine is relatively lengthy and hence patience is being solicited.
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I never meant for any of this to happen. I have been married for five years and have never even come close to cheating on my husband. None of this is my fault and the only reason I'm telling you any of this is that I need to tell someone, need to get it out of my system. I consider myself to be a reasonably intelligent woman, I'm certainly no babe in the woods but I can't deal with this. If writing about this helps me come to terms with it then, so be it.
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My name is Beth and, at the time this took place, I was one of those harried post-doctoral students you hear about, scrambling to get my career started. The previous two and a half days had gone like a whirlwind. Into San Francisco Sunday afternoon, then two days of conferences, my paper to present, conference dinners, workshops to schedule and now, on my way back home to New York. I had a 10:00 AM meeting on Wednesday with the head of my lab about the results of the trip and the follow-up research I'd be supervising while she was in Europe for three months.
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Jim Walker was heading south in his camper van on a quiet secondary highway in the Central Plateau of New Zealand, passing through thousand of acres of pine forests rearing up green-like sentries on both sides the route, when he spotted two female hitchhikers up ahead, with small packs on their back.
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