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Cassie, an Elevator, and a Maid

Category: Group Sex
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Part I The doors to the elevator close and we begin our long ride to the 25th floor. We're holding hands and you snuggle up to my shoulder. On impulse, you stand on your tip toes and kiss me on the ear. I turn and smile at you. You smile back. Again you reach up and kiss my ear, this time your tongue darts out and flicks at my ear lobe. I shudder and say, "Hey! What are you doing?" You just giggle in response.
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Hard-Balling Soft-Ballers

Category: Group Sex
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I'm writing this as I watch a copy of a video we made last Saturday afternoon. I should probably erase it, but I just can't seem to do it. We had a softball game, and afterwards I invited the guys over for a swim. Some of the guys just took a quick dip and left, but Andre, Carlo and Tony are single, with a reputation as the party animals on our team, and they stuck around for the rest of the afternoon.
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My Birthday Treat

Category: Group Sex
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My Birthday treat...... It was my 35th birthday, and my wife Mary had promised me a night out on the town. While I was on the golf course with her blessing, she spent the day at work. I came home looking forward to a hot shower and a glass of wine with Mary before we went out.
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While Steven’s Asleep…

Category: Group Sex
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"I don't believe it," Randi said, tying her bathrobe around herself as she walked out of her bedroom into the apartment's living room. "What's the matter?" Anna asked. "Steven... fucking... fell asleep." "Right after sex?" Calista asked.
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A Fond Farewell

Category: Group Sex
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My day was winding down from work when Denise screamed out at me, "Hey, Pete, where you going? Aren't you coming out with us to say goodbye to Jenny?" I had completely forgot that the cute, shy receptionist was leaving and that some of the folks were going out to wish her off. After a long day dealing with pain-in-the-ass customers and fellow employees, I was not sure if I had it in me.
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We Love One Another

Category: Group Sex
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How did I know they were one person? Or two people? The distinction is still unclear to me. Really, they were both at the same time. I met Lily first. She was striking in her beauty. She was in my anthropology course, I saw her sitting in the middle of the lecture hall. She wasn't tall, just 5'3", but her body was perfectly proportioned to her.
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New Experiences

Category: Group Sex
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First, let me start by saying that up until the events in this story, I was, by most accounts, a prude. I mean, sure, I had had lovers growing up, and I was by no means timid in bed. But I was raised by very stern parents who advised me that my body was mine and mine alone and I should only give it willingly to someone who loved me and treated me as I deserved to be treated.
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I Never

Category: Group Sex
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Liz and Andy were so excited that Jessica and Mike were coming to visit. It had been awhile since the four of them had seen each other, and Liz and Andy always enjoyed their company. This time though, none of them ever expected how enjoyable the visit would be. Liz and Andy have been married for two years, and have a great sex life. The two of them had recently been experimenting with the swinging lifestyle.
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Well Hugh Hugh

Category: Anal Sex, Group Sex
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I was about half way through University when the encounter occurred. It was probably the greatest sexual experience of my life, and one that I will never forget. Let me introduce myself – my name's Hugh, and I was a Sports Science student. I'm about 6ft tall, muscular build, dark hair and eyes. I've always known that girls find me very attractive, and to be perfectly honest, I love it.
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Ski Cabin Seduction

Category: Group Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 1 votes
Suzanne and Kate sat at a table on the deck of the ski lodge cafe. They had finished skiing for the day, and were watching the slope where their husbands were making a final run. Suzanne's husband, Mark was a big man who plowed through the mogul field, his legs working like pistons as he raced down the slope. Kate's husband, Tim, almost danced through the moguls. He often said that he didn't care who got to the bottom first, as long as he skied with style.
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