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All About Anal

Category: Anal Sex, Group Sex
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My life was a wreck. My marriage had failed and six months later my wounds were far from healed. It was early evening when I heard a dull wrap at the thick green door to my small tenement block apartment.

I peered through the small spy hole at the slender and petite shape of Natalie, my wife’s best friend, standing nervously at the other side.

She glanced left and right and shuffled as I ran my eyes up and down her neat looking body. She wore a long trench coat, unbuttoned with knee length brown boots, black tights, a tight and short tartan skirt and an even tighter white blouse. Her breasts pulled eagerly at the buttons and stretched the material taut as it disappeared under the open flaps of her fawn coloured coat.

“Steady,” I thought to myself. That wouldn’t be a good idea would it now?

Natalie, like me and my wife, was in her mid thirties. Life had not been kind to her, she too bore the scars of failed relationships but she kept herself well and was always neatly turned out. Debbie, my wife, visited her perhaps two or three times a year, she the same with us. She lived alone and miles away, I rarely bothered to go across with Debs and my work had often kept me away when she stayed with us.

“Hi Nat.” I said as I threw the door open, the chains clanking as I caught the handle.

Here long dark hair bounced and smelled of apricots as she lent in, stood on tip toes and gave me a peck on the cheek. Natalie was much shorter than me, slightly built with thin hips and small tits. She was pretty enough but had a rather prominent hooked nose which stopped her from being a true stunner.

“Come in, come in.” I motioned her towards the small space inside. It was a depressing place, it had one bedroom, a dingy and dark bathroom and a small area made into a kitchen. It faced north and was on the fifteenth floor.

But I was grateful, it was all that I had, social services had done me proud. When I had walked out I had a life, now the economic downturn had cost me my job and the only thing keeping me from jumping out of the window was the weekly telephone call from my kids. Debbie, had been denying me access — not that this place was anywhere to bring them nor had I any way to get to them, ten miles away in the next town. I had also lost my car, it came with the job, and had no money for buses. I was at rock bottom.

I sat down next to Natalie on the small two seat sofa opposite the two bar electric heater. The only other luxury was a large flat screen television hung on the wall above it.

The black ceramic tiles on the floor made Natalie’s voice echo as she spoke softly. She struggled for breath, “my! That was quite a climb.”

“Oh God, are the lifts out again?”

“Yup, afraid so.” She said shuffling as she wriggled out of her coat. My eyes dwelt on the taut white material covering her breasts, still heaving from her exertions. I am sure she noticed. I was acting like some sort of hormonal teenager and I mentally took a hold of myself.

“Can I offer you a tea or coffee? I’ve got no milk I am afraid.”

“Coffee would be great. Any sugar?”

“Er, nope.”

“Black will do nicely then.” She smiled sweetly back at me.

I moved across the small room to the tiny kitchen area and put the kettle on. My phone rang, I answered, it was Debbie.

“I need you to look after the kids tomorrow.” She said loudly and demandingly without even a hello. Natalie looked up and raised an eyebrow. I was sure she could hear.

“I Can’t, I’m …..” I stammered out and looked back at Nat.

“Is that you won’t or don’t want to?” Came the curt reply.

“Now hold on Debbie….”

“I need to go and see someone. Can’t you get a bloody bus or something?”

“Ur no, I’ve got ….” I meant to say no car and no money but was interrupted.

“Have you got someone there?”


“You have, haven’t you?” I said nothing. “I bet it’s that bitch Natalie, she was giving me the nth degree about you last night. The bitch, I bet she just wants to shag you.”

Debbie went off into a rage and I held the phone away from my ear until it went momentarily quiet.

“Jealousy?” I said dryly, “it doesn’t become you dear. Besides I’m the one who is supposed to be the pervert, aren’t I? I’m afraid you’ll have to look elsewhere for a baby sitter.” Boy it felt good as I pressed the red button but I also realised that I had passed up the chance to see my kids. I sat with a deep sigh.

“That was Debbie then.” Natalie said looking up at me questioningly with her dark brown eyes.

“Yup.” I said trying to hide my disappointment. I stood to pour water for the coffees, returned to the sofa and handed the hot cup to Natalie.

“Did she say I’d been talking to her?” Natalie asked.

“Kind of.” I said in a non-committal tone. “Is that how you managed to find me?”

“Yes, but we had a bit of a barney.” I raised my eyes upward. It appeared that Debbie was falling out with everybody.

“She regrets what she said you know.” Natalie said trying to reassure me.

“It all went a little too far.” I said taking a sip at my coffee and breaking eye contact.

“She painted herself into a corner. She knows she hurt you but she cannot seem to find a way back.” Natalie went on in mitigation.

“What was your row about?” I asked not wanting her to delve to deeply into my woes. I also wondered how much of what was said Natalie knew about.

“Me coming here, I think.” Natalie said. “I just had to come and see if I could talk you both out of being so stupid.”

It was true. A silly row had gotten badly out of hand. Debbie is fiercely proud as am I. Things were said and done that neither of us were proud about but after ten years of marriage a rift had opened up and over the course of a few months we couldn’t find a way to bridge it. I had spent the best part of my adult life with Debbie and couldn’t come to terms with life on my own. I fought back the tears that welled in my eyes.

Natalie went in for the emotional kill. “She still loves you, I think. What about you?”

I couldn’t find an answer and decided to evade the question.

“Would you like something to eat?” I stood and opened the fridge and cupboard, trying to hide the tears streaking down my cheeks. I was thinking of holding my kids.

“I can offer you couscous and fish fingers.”

“Mmm…. Sounds lovely.” Natalie said ironically.

“I’m sorry. I am a bit short at the moment.” I made a grab for the only other thing in the kitchen cupboard, a large bottle of vodka. “Fancy a drink?” I forgot that Nat didn’t drink and immediately ceased my gesture. “I never asked why you don’t…”

“You wouldn’t like me when I’m drunk.” Natalie warned. “I get very forthright. Things just pop out. I have no control at all.”

“Perhaps we should get well away then and see what happens.” I said raising my eyebrows.

“OK then.” Natalie said in a tone almost daring me to pour her a large one.

“Got any coke?”

I lent down and picked up a bottle of cheap cola from under the sink. “OK?”

“That’ll do nicely.”

Natalie realised that she had pushed me far enough and changed the subject as I cooked the meal. We caught up on what she had been doing and small talk about family and friends. I got the impression that her mission was not over yet but things were about to change.

“What did Debbie say about me?” She asked as she finished the last mouthful of her meal.

She took a big slug from her drink. “Got any more?” She smacked her lips and thrust the empty cup at me.

We did indeed have more, more than enough to get us both drunk and then some.

“She said that you might ….. call by.” I said hesitantly.

“No she didn’t. What did she actually say?” Natalie asked demandingly.

“You don’t want to know.”

“Did she think I was after you? Is that why you mentioned jealousy?” She rolled her eyes. “After all we have been though …..” She said in dismay. “All I was trying to say was that an argument about sex isn’t worth it.”

I wasn’t sure how to respond. I suspected that Natalie knew all the inglorious details of our break up.

Natalie looked deep into my eyes. “You do know that Martin and I split because I was crap at sex, don’t you?”

Actually I didn’t, Debbie could be quite discrete when she wanted to, in fact she rarely talked about Nat. Martin and her had been together for a couple of years and split, mercifully without any kids to complicate things. She hadn’t had a steady relationship since. During her visits all we normally exchanged were the usual platitudes. That evening was the longest I had ever spent alone in her company.

Again I wasn’t sure how to respond but Nat kept talking, taking frequent swigs at her vodka and coke.

“I’m so bad that I haven’t had sex with a man for four years. It’s not that I miss it, I’d rather read a good book.” She said disdainfully. “It’s different for a man. You can just come whenever you want. Anyway you must be getting a bit twitchy by now, how long has it been for you, six months?”

I didn’t want to admit that Debbie and I hadn’t been sleeping together for a few months before the split and that I was as horny as hell.

“Something like that. How do you know you are so bad? Was it Martin?”

“I have had other lovers.” She said in a matter of fact tone. “The last one fell asleep whilst he was on top. Martin said he didn’t even rate me a five.”

“But you look after yourself.”

“Thanks love. But every time I get close to a man it all goes pear shaped.”

There was a click and all the lights went out.

“The meter – I forgot to get a top up. Never mind I’ll pick one up tomorrow morning. We’ll just have to make polite conversation. Unless you would like to go or you have another suggestion?”

I had forgotten to ask. Nat must have travelled for hours to get there.

“Where are you staying?” She didn’t respond.

“Four years!” I exclaimed with an incredulous laugh.

“It doesn’t seem like it. But women don’t need sex as much as you blokes.”

“Don’t you ever get, you know, horny?”

“Not really, but if I do I…… You know……. See to myself. But I have other means too.” She added quickly.

“I’ve been doing a lot of that lately. Rather too much if you ask me.” I said trying to reduce the tension. I noticed Natalie’s eyes dart a glance at my groin. Almost without a beat and in a split second my cock had started to swell.

“The unfortunate thing is that I can’t seem to ….. You know …. Bring myself off…” She made a twiddling gesture with her fingers and averted her eyes from the growing bulge in my jeans.

“Don’t you do have a vibrator? I thought all women had one these days.”

“Not even with one of those — I tried a rabbit. Debbie recommended that I got one.”

Now that was a surprise. Debbie had become a bit of a prude and seemed to want to control our sex life. She didn’t have one and seemed not to like anything out of the ordinary, even doggy style had become a rare event.

“You know I was always jealous of you and Debbie. You had it so good. She said you could make her cum at the drop of a hat and that you had an expert tongue.”

I suppose that was once true, but things had changed since the kids came along. Debbie had become far more conservative.

“What was all of this nonsense about with you and the computer?”

“Debbie reckoned I was surfing porn, girlie porn, you know….”

“Yes I heard.” Natalie said, urging me to open up more.

“What else did she tell you? Did she tell you that the PC was broken at the time? This all came from a conversation with her mates at work. One of their boyfriends was into all that pervy stuff and I got tarred with the same brush. It was all uncalled for and unwarranted.” I rattled the words out like a machine gun, but it felt good to get it off my chest.

“Was that all?” Natalie said. “Surely something else….”

“That was the start of it all. She got a bit cold and distant after that and one night when I suggested something a little, er, different, she flipped and it all came back out. I know, I was a little tipsy, but some of the things she threatened and things she said were way over the top. That’s when we started sleeping in separate beds and from there we were on the slippery slope.”

“She knows you know. She knows she went too far. Underneath it all she still loves you and I know still wants you. I wish you both would stop being so bloody stupid.”

I didn’t want to go further down this road and backed off. “Well anyway, it’s all water under the bridge now.”

I took Natalie’s cup and gave her a second refill. We sat with our knees almost touching. Natalie lent back, she sighed and her expression changed visibly. She eyed me up with look more of lust than of friendly concern.

“Tell me about your skilful tongue.” She asked with a mischievous look.

I poked it out and made a face.

“It won’t work like that and in any case that kind of thing has never worked on me before.”

“You’ve never service from the master before.” I bragged mockingly.

Natalie lent forward and grabbed my hand. She led it to her breast and gave me a look that dared me to cup her heaving mound.

“Seriously I cannot come. Can you show me how?” She said in earnest and batted her eyes clumsily.

I knew this was the booze talking. “Wow. I see what you mean. No self control.”

“What do you want – horny or forthright? OK you are a stupid prick. I should bang both of your heads together. Or would you rather I suck your prick? In any case I seem to have got you going.” She pointed a slender finger at my growing bulge.

I opened my mouth to mount a retort but couldn’t get a sound out, Natalie lunged at me and shoved her hot tongue into my mouth.

“Go on, fuck me. I need a good fucking. Make me cum.” She said seductively as she leant back in the chair.

I wasn’t sure what to say or do. This was Debbie’s best friend. Then the devil on my shoulder stepped took over.

“Are you serious?” I actually liked it when she talked dirty to me.

“Oh come on. Haven’t you noticed ever? Why do you think I’ve stayed in touch all these years? I fancied the pants off you since the first night you saw Debbie. In fact if she hadn’t made a move I was going to.” She was there the night I had met Debbie but that was far from thoughts now as her deft fingers tore at the buttons of my shirt.

It is true what they say about being drunk. I knew this would probably be a bad idea but the fire in my loins couldn’t be quelled.

Natalie lent back as I reciprocated and undid the buttons on her soft white cotton blouse. She peeled her arms out of the sleeves as I peered through the dim half light at her pert boobs, being held by a delicate and lacy bra. She unclasped the back, allowed her breasts to fall free and open to my gaze with a demure smile.

Her nipples hardened as the cool air flushed over her pale body. She lent back and closed her eyes. She anticipated the touch of my soft lips as I moved forward to encircle one of the swollen pink nubs. She sighed in contentment as I drew the soft pink button into my mouth and ran my teeth over the supple and sensitive end. I drew it in and out, sucked hard and nibbled in turn.

I glanced up. Natalie lay back, eyes closed and open mouthed drinking in the sensations.

“Oh God it’s been so long and it feels so good.” She whispered as I continued to tease and tantalise first one, then her other nipple. I raised my hand to knead at the flesh of her right breast. Hers came instinctively to meet it and draw it down to the waste band of her plaid skirt.

She arched her back whilst she unclipped the clasp that allowed it to fall free enough for her to guide my hand inside. I could feel the heat of her fanny through the sheer nylon of her tights. She pushed back as the fingers of my right hand traced a path across the mound of her pussy.

She thrust her hips upward, pulled her skirt and tights half way down her thighs with one urgent tug. Her knickers almost came off with them but still covered her modesty as I felt down with my fingers in the dark.

I stroked at the bare flesh of her inner thigh. It sent a shiver though Natalie’s body as my cool fingers moved towards the warm gusset of her matching lace underwear. She raised her hips again, stood and shuffled them off together with her tights. She stood before me naked. I wished I could see her better than in the dim half light shining through the windows from the streetlights below.

I led her back to the sofa and wrapped my lips back around her right nipple. My fingers traced a path from her other breast down her torso until I reached her pubic mound. I was surprised that her mound was smooth and clean shaven. I ran my fingers down her smooth flesh until I felt the open fold of her pussy.

I moved a finger down her soft labia and cupped her warm snatch. I ran it up and along the length of her smooth slit. I explored her outer lips with my fingers. It was perfectly smooth and as well tended the rest of her.

I marvelled at her clean slit, Debbie’s was generously fleshy and thickly covered with hair. I ran my fingers down to the hot opening and gently prised her warm lips apart. She was already juicing. I dipped my finger tip into the warm centre and traced a path up her soft inner flesh to the top of her cleft.

I looked up at Natalie. She lay still, her eyes were closed, she wore a fixed, and almost concerned expression. I released her nipple from the clamp of my lips and kissed a path up her chest and neck to her mouth.

Her lips were soft and warm. Her breath was hot against mine as I pecked and nibbled her soft and moist skin.

I ran my fingers back down along her smooth outer lips, re-inserted a second finger, collected more of her lubrication and traced a path back to her clitoral hood.

Natalie didn’t react. Her eyes stayed closed and her breathing remained calm and steady.

I wasn’t sure what she preferred, clit or cunt. I opted for cunt. The next time my fingers went on the downward stroke I circled her entrance and gently inserted one digit up to the first knuckle. Again Natalie didn’t react. I pushed my finger in further and circled it within the narrow and moist tunnel.

Natalie still didn’t react. I withdrew and traced a path back up towards her clit. By now Debbie’s would be bursting erect under her hood, but I couldn’t feel even the tell tale bump of the sensitive nub.

I slid back down to her sticky hole. This time I inserted my second and third fingers and cupped at her outer lips with the flat of my hand. I felt inside for her g-spot, this, I was sure would evoke a reaction from her.

I listened intently for any change, any sign, but none came. Natalie remained calm and unaffected by my exploratory manipulations. She remained still as if in anticipation of some kind of a magical touch but was wet and getting wetter.

I dropped down to suck at her teat again. I slurped and sucked noisily, I pursed my lips and tweaked at the enlarged buttons, almost in desperation, in tandem with concerted rub at her pussy.

Still nothing, her cunt lips were swollen and it hung open but she remained strangely unmoved. I was worried, I had lavished attention on her pussy and was yet to get any reaction. It felt like I’d been at it or hours.

I sucked, massaged, kneaded and rubbed at her breasts with determined vigour. I gave her all my best moves both there and down below. Her body belied her calm exterior, her cunt juices were flowing freely and her nipples were stretched hard.

I had two fingers fully inside of her, they made liberal squelching noises that echoed around the small room as I pushed them lavishly in and out. Her cunt walls clenched at them with each deep thrust and swish of my hand.

Debbie would have cum by now, I kept thinking — had I lost my touch?

I slid off to kneel before her. I kissed between her breasts and traced a path down the centre of her flat stomach. Down and down my lips went, leaving a damp trail as I followed the sweet scent of her pussy south. Her hands cupped the top of my head and gently urged me homeward.

My lips reached the mound of her mons. It was smooth and soft as my lips sensed the fold of her labia. Natalie spread her legs wide in encouragement and to allow me full access to her unfolding inner flesh.

Down I went, drawing the sweet aroma of her deep into my nose. Savouring her scent as my lips gently felt their way down her slit to the hood of her clit. I paused, blew hot breath over the surface. I sensed the small mound growing and took the soft and tender flesh into my mouth.

Natalie gasped in surprise. “Oh my God! You are good, aren’t you?” At last a reaction!

“Mmmm….” I deliberately vibrated my lips against her hood. Natalie cooed in delight.

I pushed the hood upwards with my lips and searched for the hardened tip of her clit with my tongue. Natalie reeled as my tongue found the mark. I swirled it around and across the button drawing my teeth over and around the tender flesh.

I wanted to taste her and I drove my tongue down and towards her sweet and juicy hole. I placed my hands under her buttocks, raised her hips and feasted furiously on the juices flowing freely from her pulsating fanny. She was very, very wet, but hadn’t yet cum and so I made it my mission to bring her off with my mouth.

Circling her creamy hole I lapped my tongue back and forth, top to bottom, pausing only to service her clit with my mouth – sucking, drawing, nibbling and pursing my lips over the tender spot and then returning to collect more of her juices.

Natalie swung her legs over my shoulders and instinctively thrust her groin upwards to meet the onslaught of my eager mouth. I released my hand from her backside and pulled tenderly at her snatch in order to fully expose her clit.

Natalie jumped backward as my tongue searched under the folded hood of skin. With each lash her body bucked backwards and up the seat. Her hand pushed by forehead away as the intense sensations almost overwhelmed her.

I wasn’t distracted, I held my ground and virtually clamped my head, and tongue, to her soft and inner spot. As I swirled my tip over the head of the stiff mini button her convulsions eased and instead of pushing me away her hands fixed my head in place.

Natalie’s breathing had changed, she emitted soft whimpers as I snaked the tip of my tongue in and under her clitoral hood. Her nails were digging painfully into my scalp and her hips swung up to meet my hot breath.

I inserted a finger into her gushing hole and felt a slight contraction as I concentrated on lapping horizontally at her clit. Natalie gasped and bucked wildly as the intensity of my feasting increased.

“Oh God, oh God, I’m close, I’m close. Don’t stop. Don’t stop. ” She whispered in urgent anticipation.

I drew her clit deep into my mouth and sucked down hard. Her muscles tensed against my finger, encased in her warm cavern, as I sucked and released her clit in alternating waves. Finally her whole body seemed to tense and her back arched upward, almost throwing her off the small sofa and me off of her. She grabbed at my head as I thrust my tongue into her pulsating cunt. My nose was pressed hard against her clit as I forced my tongue in as deep as I could inside of her.

After a few short pulses and with a series of panted hoots it was over, she had cum.

“Oh my God.” Was all that she could seem to say, she repeated over and over.

“See, the tongue of the master. But I am sure we can do better than that.” I said with an air of triumph. “Roll over, on your knees”

Natalie complied submissively and knelt, leant over the seat.

“Now spread your cheeks.” I ordered. Natalie duly obliged. She grabbed each peachy mound pulled them apart and thrust her perfect butt high in the air. I wished the lights were on as I lowered my head to engage with the warm flesh before me.

I buried my nose in the cleft of her arse and sought out her clit with my tongue. Natalie gasped and rotated her hips to meet my slippery member. Using the tip I flicked at the small nub forcing her to jump and move away. My tongue rested naturally at her wet opening, it gripped at an imaginary intruder each time I circled the entrance with my soft tongue.

She tasted divine. I drove my tongue in deep and circled the end extravagantly, swishing and slurping at the soft and wet void inside. Natalie crumpled as fresh waves of pleasure engulfed her body. She fell forward as my extended tongue traced a wet path completely up the cleft of her arse, over the wrinkled and warm centre and up to the erogenous zone at the top of her crack.

Natalie was gasping for air as she thrust her hips back upwards, inviting my tongue to re-enter to her tender and hot cunt.

I repeated my assault, first on her clit and then inside her hole. Again she fell and again my exposed tongue traced a path across her brown eye. This time I paused, only for a split second, but enough to gently probe the hole and sample the pungent flavour of this, her forbidden zone. Natalie jumped as if a bolt of electricity had hit her. Again as I moved to the top of her cleft she thrust upwards and invited another encore.

Three or four times we danced this dance, each time I lingered longer at her puckered butt hole. Each time Natalie jumped as if struck by lightening. On the fifth pass, I managed to flick at her rear entrance long enough to evoke a reaction.

“Oh fuck that feels good, don’t stop, go on tongue my arse, go on, tongue it good.”

Natalie re-doubled her efforts to spread her cheeks. She changed her grip and spread her ass cheeks as wide open as she could, it forced her hole to hang open. I rotated my head to allow for the best angle of penetration. She pushed hard against my tongue as I endeavoured to force it into to the tight orifice. I felt her come again, harder this time, her ass muscles clenched against the tip of my tongue as she squealed to a second orgasm.

She fell forward and gasped, “I can’t believe that Debbie wouldn’t let you do that.” She gushed, red cheeked, in admission.

“It wasn’t that she didn’t want me to do.”

“You mean it was all because she didn’t want you to fuck her in the arse?”

“Yup, that’s about it.”

“Well I tell you what. You can fuck me in the arse any time you like.” She looked over her shoulder, smiled wickedly and wiggled her arse provocatively.

“Well, what are you waiting for then?” She said as she spread her cheeks wide again.

I raised my self up and drew my cock along her slippery slit. Leaning back I guided the end into her hot and welcoming cunt. It gripped at my shaft as I thrust forward and up.

“Oh God that feels good, but I don’t want you in there.”

“I need to get some lube.” I whispered into her ear. “Let me fuck you for a few strokes.”

Natalie relaxed and ground back against me. I pulled back, circled my tip at her entrance and made to withdraw. I plunged forward, pushed the air from her lungs and embedded my cock deep within her. It felt good, my lust got the better of me and I repeated this over and over, ignoring her request to fuck her in the arse.

“Oh God, Oh God.” Came the now familiar mantra as I ploughed her furrow.

I knew I would cum soon if I continued but I wanted it to last longer. I could feel the rippling of Natalie’s cunt muscles as she came again to another, harder, orgasm.

I withdrew and went to work again with my mouth. I lapped cunt juice to her asshole and probed the soft and warm centre with the tip of my tongue. Natalie squirmed and pawed at her ass cheeks as I deposited the mixture of cum and saliva into her brown bud. She moaned and her body jumped each time my tongue circled her sensitive opening.

I straightened again, offered the tip of my throbbing and rock hard cock to the hot and receptive hole. Natalie hovered still against my tool in expectation.

“Please, fuck it. Please fuck my arse.” Natalie spewed out a torrent of filth as I gently pushed forward to engage. “Oh God, oh God, oh fuck, oh fuck…..”

Her hot tight ring encircled the tip of my tool as I pushed gently forward. I grabbed my shaft and shoved the tip between the gaping walls of her puckered arse. As I pushed the pressure on the end was suddenly released, Nat caught her breath and my cock began to slide evenly into the hot and taut confines of her back passage.

“How deep?” I gasped into her ear.

“Fuck me deep, fuck me hard, put it all the way in.” Came Natalie’s insistent response.

“Deeper, harder.” She repeated as I began to gently rock forward.

Her tight ring gripped at the base of my cock as I realised that my full length had penetrated deep within her. Natalie ground back in a circular motion trying to impale herself deeper with each stoke of my thick member.

“Fuck me harder, don’t hold back. I need a good hard fucking in there.”

That was all the encouragement I needed. I rammed my cock in as deep and as hard as I could in a series of stabbing strokes. Natalie arched her back to meet each thrust. I could feel the tightness of her clench diminish as she relaxed and then re-tighten as she came against the incessant pounding.

The pulsating and vice like grip around my cock was too much and I shot my load deep into her warm cavern. With each spurt I thrust harder pinning Natalie to the sofa base. Her body flopped like a rag doll under me, her cheeks flushed red with the joy and exertion and the room echoed to the cries of ecstasy coming from the both of us.

Panting I lay over her back. It seemed that every pore of her body had opened and she lay in a glorious glow of sweat.

“My God, thank you.” We exchanged pleasantries almost as if we had just shaken hands.

I fell off Natalie, she stood and staggered into the dark and empty bathroom.

I heard the echoing sound of retching as Natalie parted company with the alcohol. I entered the room to see her kneeling over the basin. She turned and smiled at me.

“Sorry. This is the other reason why I don’t drink.” She said just before passing out. I carried her to the bedroom and tucked her up for the night.

Morning came and I decided to let Natalie have a lie in. It was Sunday and as soon as the shops had opened I bought a top up for the electric meter and some eggs for breakfast.

I stood at the door, breathless from the fifteen floor climb and fumbled for my keys. I heard raised voices coming from inside.

I fell inside and was startled to see the shape of my wife standing in the bedroom doorway. Natalie was still naked from the night before and was sat on the edge of the bed. Debbie must have surprised her. Natalie’s clothes still festooned the room. Debbie was in full and furious flow to her friend.

“Hold on.” I shouted but no avail.

Debbie cut a domineering figure. She was much taller and thicker set than Nat and towered over her threateningly, pointing and gesturing wildly. She spat words out through gritted teeth in a flood.

“You are a fucking slag Natalie. I tell you where he lives, turn my back and you are fucking him. ”

Natalie wasn’t giving in and gave as good as she got. “I came here to get you back together and all I have been getting from you is this shit.”

“Oh, you call this getting us back together?” Debbie said sarcastically. “What are you going to do next, give him a blow job to his job back?”

“Fuck you Debbie. Yeah I fucked him. I liked it. And I came in buckets, which is more than you ever made me do. And I let him fuck me in the arse. I liked that too.” Natalie bawled back with vitriolic fervour.

It took a second or two but the penny eventually dropped. I cut across the argument and looked straight at Debbie. “More than you ever made her cum?”

That stopped her in her tracks. She turned with a cringe of culpability.

“Doesn’t he know?” Natalie asked. Her eyes blazed in rage.

“What? What don’t I know?” I responded dumbly.

“You haven’t told him, have you? Didn’t you know that all through college Debbie and I were fucking each other virtually every night? Hasn’t she told you that each time I come up or she comes down we shag senselessly all night?”

“You bitch.” Debbie retorted. I stood open jawed.

“I tell you Debbie he is a good man. Look around you. His life is in the shit without you. And I tell you what else is that he is a hell of a good shag. If you don’t want him I’ll take him within the blink of an eye.”

I had to grab Debbie’s fist before she planted one on Natalie. I grabbed both arms as she struggled to break free.

Debbie gritted her teeth and spat out a torrent of abuse as I struggled to restrain her.

Natalie’s demeanour changed. She stood chin out, but butt naked, and came within range of Debbie’s wildly flailing legs. She had an intense look in her eye. She grabbed at Debbie’s waist band and pulled her jeans down to her knees with one clean and powerful jerk. She pulled Debbie’s woollen top up and over her head and immobilised her as I continued to keep her hands behind her back.

Natalie gave me an impish look before she pulled my wife’s bra to one side and greedily sucked on the pendulous orb. I felt Debbie’s body tense as Natalie continued her oral attack on her right breast, and attack it was, Natalie was being very rough.

I looked down to see Natalie’s hand snake down my wife’s stomach and into her blue cotton knickers. Debbie squirmed as Natalie’s fingers found their mark. She bucked her ample backside against me in an effort to get away from the digital assault. After a few seconds it appeared that she had given in and allowed Natalie unhindered access to her hairy clam.

I watched as Natalie’s fingers skilfully manipulated my wife’s gash. The thin blue material of her knickers stretched and bellowed as she expertly ministered her attentions.

Natalie drew back and ordered sternly, “keep a hold of her.”

She sank to her knees, pulled my wife’s knickers down and darted the thick black expanse of her hairy cunt. I looked down over Debbie’s shoulder as Natalie went to work. Debbie had relaxed, muffled sighs of pleasure now come from under her top as Natalie sucked and slurped at her pussy. Her legs began to wobble and finally buckled as the sighs became moans.

“You bitch. I haven’t had a fuck for six months – from either of you.” Debbie cooed as Natalie pulled her shoes and jeans off. She mounted Natalie’s head and forced her prone not unlike a wrestler. She squatted directly over Nat’s mouth and bore down as I looked on.

“Keep a hold of her.” Natalie demanded as she sank her tongue into my wife’s gaping snatch.

Debbie’s arms were limp but she played along and allowed me to keep them behind her back. I feasted on the view of Natalie’s bald twat bathed in fresh daylight as she lay and feverously lapped at Debbie’s cunt.

“I learned this one from your husband.” Natalie said as Debbie started to cum.

Debbie’s sharp breaths ballooned out the thin woollen material still covering her head and face. Natalie rose up and pulled the material over her head. She thrust three fingers, fully up to the knuckle, into Debbie’s squelchy snatch and forced her sloppy wet tongue into her mouth.

She drew back, still stabbing at my wife’s cunt. “Now kiss your husband.” She ordered angrily as Debbie sank back on her bottom.

Debbie spun her head around and offered her open mouth. I stooped down. Her lips were slippery with cum as she planted a deep and longing kiss on me. Natalie dropped back and continued the work with her mouth. Debbie whimpered as her tongue struck home but still held me in a passionate kiss. I sampled her tangy come and savoured its musky aroma.

Natalie stood again. This time she made for my waist. She made light work of undoing my jeans and plopping the thickening cock in my boxers. She grabbed Debbie’s arms and spun her around. Debbie knelt before my half erect cock.

“Now suck him hard. I want him to fuck my arse again and I want you to watch — bitch.” Natalie hissed fiercely.

Debbie obliged as if powerless to refuse. It had been a long time since she had sucked my cock and it felt good. She savoured the experience as if returning to a favourite toy.

“Suck him deep you bitch.” Natalie barked out as she re-inserted her fingers in my wife’s quim.

I looked down to see the dyed blonde mop of my wife’s hair bob as she nodded up and down on my rock hard tool. She smacked her lips and had a look of delight as she opened wide to engulf my swollen gland. She paused and bathed in her own pleasure as her flesh rippled with each stabbing motion of Natalie’s hand.

Debbie was obviously playing along or was so turned on she just didn’t care. Natalie was now frigging her madly to another orgasm and pushing her head down onto my cock. Debbie came and gagged simultaneously but made no effort to resist.

“Eat me.” Natalie demanded squatting in front of me. “I want to suck on this meat. You can eat my pussy — bitch.”

Natalie pulled my boxers past to my knees and went down on me, clumsily, but with great gusto. I wasn’t sure if I should stop her but gently lifted her head away from my tender end as she devoured my hot flesh. She grabbed at my butt cheeks and drove her head up and down, piston like on my rapidly straining member.

I felt the sharp edges of one of her perfectly manicured nails snake its way to my backside. I winced as she slid it home and wriggled it merrily back and forth. She clenched the fist of her other hand around my rock hard cock, looked up at me and sucked the finger that had just been buried in my arse. She smiled and cooed as she delicately licked the perfectly formed and red enamel tipped digit. She smacked her lips to savour the moment before she drove her gaping mouth back down on my distended tool.

Natalie’s eyes rolled as Debbie rolled underneath her and tongued her tender spot. She bobbed down on Debbie’s face and cooed with delight. She winked at me and smiled as she sucked hard, almost painfully, at my balls.

The site of her perfect nails wrapped around my thick tool served only to spur me on. She held on to my cock like some kind of a handle as she bounced and swayed on my wife’s face.

“Now, lick my arse — bitch.” Natalie shifted position and closed her eyes to savour the service being rendered by my wife. She lent down and pushed her fingers, still wet with my wife’s cum, into her own pussy. She shoved at it hard and sucked, even harder, at my delicate end.

I had to stop her. Rather than receiving a pleasurable nibble her sharp teeth cut in under my hood as she raked them up and down. I gently pulled her off my cock. Her mouth popped and she looked up in surprise.

“Gently!” I urged.

Natalie shifted and looked down at my prone wife. “Get up here and show me how to suck your husband’s cock.”

Debbie bolted to attention, clutched at my hard rod and circled its tip with her soft tongue. She offered the red end to Natalie who duly copied.

Debbie demonstrated and Natalie followed, first she drew it in like a lollipop, then a long suck like an ice cream and then a deep plunge like a sword. Debbie went through her entire repertoire expertly and Natalie followed enthusiastically. I glanced down to see each with fingers buried in the other’s snatch.

My moans must have indicated that I was about to cum because Debbie stopped. She knew exactly where my point of no return was.

“Get on your knees bitch.” Natalie barked. Debbie complied and Natalie knelt, ass up, in front her. I pulled my clothes off almost in one motion.

“Fuck her cunt. Get your dick well and truly wet.” She turned to Debbie and demanded. “You can lick my arse and make it good and wet for his dick.”

I moved behind Debbie and offered my throbbing cock to her cunt. She arched her back and pushed backwards to invite me in. I pushed forward and let the warmth of her cunt engulf my stiff tool. Debbie sighed and clenched her muscles as I pushed deep within her, but still dutifully attended to Natalie’s brown bud.

After a few delightful and deep strokes Natalie climbed up and over Debbie. She virtually vaulted up and rode her like a horse. She spread her ass cheeks wide.

“Come on then fuck this, fuck it hard like last night. Show that bitch of a wife of yours what a good ass fucking looks like.”

I rose up and offered my tip to her tight brown bud. I pushed it in easily and felt her taut muscles clamp over it. I glanced down to see Debbie’s fingers making their way to her own arsehole. As I pushed, she pushed. I watched as first one then two, then three fingers, up to the first knuckle, disappeared into her tight back door.

I knew I wouldn’t last long and after a few deep thrusts I came. I gushed cum into Nat’s hot butt.

The force of gravity took control and we all collapsed in a heap.

My cock twitched and jumped as I lay looking at the two women before me.

Natalie barked angrily at Debbie. “Lick his cum from my arse. Then suck him hard again. I want to watch him fuck your miserable arse.”

She offered her engorged, dripping and open bud to my wife’s unfurled tongue. Debbie eagerly slurped and probed the dark centre as my cum oozed from its core. Natalie seemed to enjoy opening her asshole wide and rocked back to make sure every last drop had been transferred to my wife’s mouth.

“Now suck his dick.” She demanded.

Debbie sank her mouth over my end and started to suck enthusiastically, as if wanting to please her oppressor. She tackled the task with a degree of reverence. She carefully licked and sucked every inch of my distended tool and savoured its coating – the tang of her best friend’s arsehole.

I felt her body rock as Natalie drove her fingers forcefully into both of her holes.

Debbie was in a trance, her eyes were wide open and fixed. Natalie blurted out a commentary of what she was doing and wanted to do next. She choked out grunts of pleasure as she passionately devoured my re-hardening tool.

The sights and sounds were intoxicating. My nostrils flared and the air was full of the powerful aroma of unbridled sex.

I glanced down through half closed eyes to the delightful sight of both women paying homage to my proud and rampant cock. Natalie was still wanking my wife but had seemingly developed a taste for sucking my balls. She slurped and sucked noisily as my wife swirled her tongue around my engorged phallus. Natalie came up to join my wife’s skilful ministering and both women shared a deep kiss that surrounded my twitching and jumping end.

I almost came again there and then but fell back in the throws of ecstasy.

Debbie pulled me down and rolled me on to my back. She squatted down, facing away and slowly sunk down over my cock. She made a grab for Natalie’s smooth shaven and silky wet pussy.

Natalie side stepped her and in the tone of a sergeant major, barked out, “get that dick out of your cunt. The only place that cock is going is in your arse. Get off him bitch — now!”

Debbie hopped up and then slid back down slowly. I could feel the glorious sensation of my cock slowly sliding into a warm and welcoming hole.

Her head was thrown back in ecstasy, Natalie stood in front of her and thrust her cunt at her eager lips. Once she had her fill she sank to her knees, knelt between my legs and clamped her mouth on Debbie’s clit whilst she rode my rampant cock with her arse.

Debbie splayed her ample butt cheeks wide, allowing me the glorious sight of my thick tool disappearing into her taut back passage. She rose up, exposed almost all of my shaft and then sank down to accommodate its full length, time and again as Natalie ate her out. Her speed increased as Natalie brought her close to orgasm.

Finally she came with a series of panted and muffled wails. Her arse muscles gripped at my tool in pulses that almost wanked the cum from me.

She continued to rise and fall on my length. I groaned in delight as I felt the cum rise from my balls. I couldn’t hold out any longer and pumped my thick semen deep into my wife’s bowels.

“Now then…” Natalie said, in a calm and cheerful tone, as the waves of pleasure subsided. “What’s wrong with a bit of anal then?” She smacked Debbie’s arse with a loud crack. “And don’t call your husband a pervert. He’s not the one getting his pussy eaten out is he?”

Debbie cracked a satisfied and smug grin. Natalie stroked her cum smeared chin before planting a firm peck on her lips.

“Now sit on my face and let me eat your husband’s cum out of your tight and dirty little arsehole. Oh, and whilst I do that, rub your clit and show him your open snatch until you bring yourself off.” She said insistently.

Debbie lent back spun around, smiled and ushered me off and away. She didn’t want to miss out on any more pleasuring, did she?

Things have changed now. I have moved back in with Debbie and the kids. We had to down size and sold the old house. We’ve actually moved closer to Natalie. She comes to visit more often but, alas, I still don’t have a job. Still I need the rest, after all it seems that now I have two women to please, more often than not at the same time!

I remain eternally grateful to Nat who helped to make Debbie see what she was missing, as she did for me. How well she knew us both, but at least now she reaps the fringe benefits.

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