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Toni’s Island Rape

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Don Thompson looked over at his wife and patted her hand. She had been so silent since last night. She knew she was upset about what had happened, but he hoped she would forgive him. It seemed like an exciting thing to do. They were on their first vacation in 10 years. They should be able to relax and get a little crazy. Besides nothing really bad happened. Their flight would be landing in two hours. He hoped she would come out of her funk by then. The kids would be waiting to hear all it all went.

“Honey, are you OK?” He asked.

Toni stared out into space. The events of last night playing over and over in her head. It seemed so unreal. It couldn’t have really happened. But the feeling in her vagina told her it had. Tears formed in her eyes and she wiped them away. She’d put it all behind her she thought. She’d never tell a soul, including Don about it. She’d take this secret to her grave.

It had been the last night of their Jamaican vacation. They had saved years for it. All the scrimping and saving, coupon cutting and doing without was to pay off. Her and her husband Don were going to celebrate their 20th wedding anniversary in Jamaica.

The kids drove them to the airport and saw them off. They felt so relaxed, so in love again. The first night, they drank too many rum punches and had gotten a little wild in bed. Toni was normally very conservative, but that night she felt so sexual, her and Don actually had sex twice.

The next day Don persuaded her to buy a bikini. She hadn’t worn one in years. She was a mother, she always told Don. She had to wear a respectable one piece to the beach. But here she was the next day, strolling with Don down the beach in a daring two-piece.

Don was proud of his wife. At 39, she still looked wonderful. She had joined an aerobics class last year and lost a few pounds. She was proud of how she looked and even told Don, that she noticed some men looking at her.

The entire week had gone wonderful. They drank and ate and danced to excess every night. They made love like they were teenagers and Toni and Don rediscovered their passion for one another.

Then Don got an idea.

He remembered back in college one night where him and Toni and some friends were at a beach late at night having a bonfire. They were all drinking and someone pulled out a marijuana joint. Toni and Don had never, but everyone was doing it and they were all so drunk, they both took several hits.

The rest of the night was a bit of a fog to Don, but he remembers things getting rather wild. Some time after the joint was smoked, someone proposed skinny-dipping. It wasn’t long before 10 naked college kids were frolicking in the cool water. He remembered him and Toni kissing and touching in the water and then everyone going up to their blanket and making love.

He could not see much, his glasses were off, and it was dark. But he remembers how passionate Toni was, and how the sounds of the other couples was so exciting. He wondered if he could find some marijuana for their last night there.

On their next to last day, Don and Toni had gotten up early and had rum punches for breakfast. They went back to their room and made love. Toni then fell asleep and Don got up to see if he could find someone who might know where to get some marijuana.

During the week, Don had struck up a friendship with one of the young bellmen. His name was Fila. Don had called him Phil. Fila took very good care of Don and his wife all week long.

“Phil?” Asked Don. “Do you know where I can get my hands on some marijuana?”

Fila smiled and said. “This is Jamaica man. Of course! But it will cost.”

Don asked how much and was told $100. It sounded expensive to Don, but he really wanted to relive those old college memories, so he paid it to Fila. He also gave Fila an extra $20 for a tip. Fila said he would meet him in the bar when he got it. Don left very excited.

An hour later, Fila came to him in the bar. He had a small bag with two joints in it. Fila then told him, he knew of a “private” beach they could go to. One where they could be romantic without interruption. Don smiled and thought. “It’ll be just like college days.” He got the directions from Fila and thanked him, then went back to the room

“This will be perfect.” Thought Fila.

Fila was in trouble with a local man named Ran. He ran drugs and illegal gambling on the island. Fila was into him for much money. But he knew he could always square himself with the man by setting up an unsuspecting couple. He called him and told him about Don and Toni.

That night Don and Toni had a wonderful dinner, more rum punches. Toni looked at Don and told him. “You better take me back to the room now.” Don told her he had other ideas.

Phil watched Don and Toni leave the hotel and head to the “private” beach he had directed them to. He picked up the phone and called Ran. “They are leaving for the beach now.” He told him. Ran smiled as he hung up the phone.

They walked to the area Don had been directed to. Don was carrying a blanket and a thermos full of the rum punch. He poured Toni a glassful and spread the blanket. It was a secluded area, perfect for what Don had in mind. They could see the moonlight reflecting off of the waves. They sat and drank and talked about their wonderful vacation.

Then Don told her he had a surprise. He smiled as he pulled out the joints. Toni looked at Don with a surprised look. He lit one and handed it to her. She laughed and took a small toke and then coughed and laughed.

They took turns sharing the first joint. It was almost done and they both were feeling the effects. Don and Toni had never felt so high in their lives. The rum punches, plus the extremely potent marijuana had them both quite buzzed. Don laid back and looked at the stars. His wife curled up next to him, resting on his shoulder. Toni felt so happy, so free, so wild, she decided to get a bit crazy.

Her head was spinning as she lowered herself down to Don’s shorts and undid them. She pulled down his underwear and pulled out his erect cock. God he was so hard she thought. She took him in his mouth.

Don felt so lightheaded. His eyes were closed and he felt as though he was floating. Toni was sucking his cock. His normal 5 inches felt like it was a foot long. Her mouth felt like a wet vacuum cleaner sucking him like it’s never been done.

Toni felt like she was in a trance. Don’s cock was so hard. She felt so naughty doing this out in the open, but found it so exciting. Her 39-year-old pussy gushed juice. She could not wait until she mounted him and rode him to orgasm.

But it was not to be.

Suddenly there were a flurry of voices, lights, sounds that woke Don up from his haze. He was drug to his feet, his shorts still around his ankles, his arms roughly pulled behind his back and handcuffed. Toni’s arms were pulled behind her back and held. Don’s shorts were pulled up and snapped.

Don and Toni struggled to get their wits about them. The men accosting them appeared to be policemen. They had blue uniforms and badges and flashlights and guns. Don could barely see, his glasses knocked off, as he was drug to his feet.

“What is going on here?” Asked Don.

A large black man held up the remaining joint and smelled it. He moved in front of Don and asked in a heavy Jamaican accent. “Where did you get this man?”

“From someone at our hotel.” Don replied.

“Take him away and find out who.” The large man directed the two men holding Don. They pulled at Don as he began to protest.

“Wait Wait I’ll tell you everything. Please just leave us alone!”

Don was drug away. Toni tried to get away from the two men holding her, and her arm was twisted slightly.

“Do not move darling.” Said the large black man. “He will not be hurt.”

Toni called to Don as he was drug away, but he disappeared into the darkness. She was left alone with five large black men. She felt very alone and scared.

Don was drug up the beach to a small hut. He was pushed inside and tied to post in the middle. One of the large black men spoke to him.

“We do not like you tourists coming down here, throwing your money around to our local drug dealers. Tell me everything you know. Now!”

Don began to blubber his whole story out. He told of the bellman. How he had asked for some marijuana just to liven up his vacation. They were leaving tomorrow. Could he not please just let him go?

The large man smiled. He asked Don to tell his story again, and again. He knew what was going on, and had to keep the poor white man busy.

Ran, the largest of the five men now moved in front of Toni. He waved the joint and Toni said she knew nothing of it and again begged to be let go.

“Oh, we will let you go darling. Said Ran. “We’ll let you go when we have finished with you.” He nodded to one of the men holding Toni. He took his hand and placed it over her mouth.

Toni’s eyes opened wide. She was truly scared now. At first, she thought they were just going to be arrested. She now suspected something else.

Ran pulled a knife out of his pocket. He opened it and held it up in front of Toni’s face. “Be good darling. No screaming. No fighting. And you might just live to get on your plane tomorrow.”

Toni’s eyes were filled with fear. The man looked serious. He nodded to two of the men, who came next to Toni on either side. Her arms were grabbed and held out to the side. Ran grabbed the strap on her bikini top and untied it. Her full breasts came into view for all the men.

Toni began to try and speak, beg for them to stop, but Ran quickly waved the knife under her nose and told her to stop. She did.

Ran undid her shorts and pulled them down. Toni fought slightly with her legs, but quickly realized she could not stop them. Ran moved closer to her and spoke.

“We’re going to fuck you darling. All of us. If you fight us, you die. Understand?”

Toni’s eyes filled with tears. She nodded her head yes, and Ran nodded. She was drug over to the blanket and laid down. Her arms and legs being held.

Ran stood in front of her and undressed. She looked at him. He was a massive man. As he pulled off his pants and shorts, she saw how massive he really was. His cock was hard and stood straight out over a foot long. It was thick and black and Toni started to scream into the hand covering her mouth.

Ran lowered himself between her legs. He reached between Toni’s legs and fingered her pussy. She was still damp from her earlier activity. Ran held it up and sniffed it and smiled. Toni was appalled. She looked down as his long black cock as it rested on her stomach.

He roughly began to finger her pussy, ramming his fingers in and out. Toni struggled against it, but could not move. Ran finger fucked her until the outside of her pussy was coated with juices.

“Look at this whore. Her pussy is leaking. You ready to fuck us darling?” Toni screamed into the hand covering her mouth.

Ran lowered himself onto her and placed his large black cock at her opening. Toni screamed again as he pushed it in. She felt as thought she was being split in two. She had never had such a large cock. Her pussy burned as it tore. She screamed again and again into the hand covering her mouth.

Ran was not gentle. He began to ram his huge cock into the white housewife. He lowered his entire weight onto her and began to fuck her hard and deep.

Ran’s weight took her breath away. Toni struggled, but could do nothing. Her arms and legs were held apart. Her pussy slowly adjusted to Ran’s girth and length and her already wet pussy began to get a bit wetter. She turned her head to the side and closed her eyes.

“My God. Please stop.” She kept thinking over and over again in her mind. But it did not.

Toni was still high and drunk from all the rum punches. With her eyes closed, the haze of the drugs in her system took over again, as she lay there letting herself be fucked.

“I’ve told you everything I know. I’m telling you the truth! Please believe me! Said Don to the large black man.

He looked at Don and said he’d be right back. He left Don alone with the other man who began to question him all over again.

Ran began to pick up his pace. He felt the white housewife’s pussy getting warmer and wetter. She was battling the feelings, he could tell, and losing. But no matter to him, he was ready to cum.

Toni felt Ran’s cock hardened even more and heard him whisper in her ear. “I’m going to cum in you darling.” Ran pushed hard and begin to shoot his cum into Toni. Toni screamed for his to not cum in her, but he did.

Toni gasped at the feeling. The marijuana was intensifying everything for her and it felt like a volcano was going off inside her. Warm jets of cum coated the inside of her pussy and she felt herself involuntarily thrusting back up against Ran, taking the last of his cum.

Ran got up and dressed as Toni laid there, spread open and seeping cum. She felt strangely empty. He nodded to the next man and he quickly undressed. Toni’s arm was let go briefly, but she was too tired to fight.

She looked as a second man took Ran’s place. He quickly shoved his cock into her and began a steady hard thrusting motion. His cock, not as big as Ran’s, but still much bigger than Don’s began to slosh around in her sopping wet pussy.

Toni closed her eyes again and turned her head. She had stopped struggling and was letting the man use her. The pot had taken over and she was in a haze. She felt the large cock thrusting in and out of her. She felt how hard and long it was. How it was hitting areas she’d never had touched before. The feeling was overwhelming her.

The men saw that she had stopped struggling and let go of her arms and legs. Toni instinctively raised her legs and put her arms around the large shoulders of the black man fucking her.

The men exchanged smiles and laughed at Toni. The slut was into it now. They would fuck her senseless and then return her to her husband.

Toni felt the second man get harder and his thrusts get more intense. She knew he was about to cum and welcomed it. She thrust back against him urgently. She was cumming too.

The man rammed hard and shot his cum into Toni. Toni’s eyes and mouth opened as her orgasm overcame her.

“Oh God! Oh God! Oh God!” She muttered softly again and again as she orgasmed on the large black man cock shooting cum into her.

The second man climbed off and Toni felt exhausted. She laid there her eyes closed again waiting for the next cock. She did not have to wait long.

The third man entered her pussy and was welcomed by a flood of cum and pussy juice now seeping out of her pussy. It was now enflamed. He fucked her hard and fast as Toni lifted her legs and wrapped them around the black man. Her arms around his shoulders while she thrust back against him. The men all stared at the white housewife as she fucked the third man with passionate abandon.

The man who was with Don now joined the group. He looked down at the white housewife, who was getting completely fucked and enjoying it. He laughed and told Ran of the husbands confession and how he kept him talking and talking.

Ran told the man to take his turn. He looked down at Toni. Her legs were wrapped around the man fucking her, her arms around his shoulders, and her face turned to the side, her eyes closed, and her mouth open on a large O. She was making guttural noises, grunting and moaning as she was fucked.

He undid his pants and removed him. He lowered himself next to her head and pushed his cock into her mouth. Toni opened wide and sucked instinctively. Her mouth now full of black cock, her moans were muffled as she approached another orgasm.

Toni’s body was feeling jolts of electricity, starting from her pussy and spreading across her entire body. Her pussy was felt as though it was oozing molten lava and her pussy walls were beginning to spasm with every thrust of the large black cock into her white pussy.

Suddenly her eyes flew open and she screamed through her cock filled mouth. She was cumming again and it was more intense than the last time. She looked to see the man fucking her mouth, grinning down at her, and she did not care. She felt the huge black cock in her pussy raping her, and she did not care. She was cumming like she never had before and the feeling overwhelmed her as her body shook and shuddered and spasmed.

Then men standing around openly laughed at the white housewife. They’d seen this before with other rapes they had done, but not with this intensity. And there were three more men left to fuck her.

The man fucking her shoved hard and shot another load into Toni’s waiting pussy. She thrust back against him and groaned as she felt his cum spurt into her. The man fucking her mouth grabbed his cock and stroked it inches from her face. She left her mouth open as he jacked a huge load all over her face. She twisted her face from side to side as he painted her with his cum. The two men left her shuddering on the blanket, her face covered with cum.

Ran told one of the men to go get the man guarding Don and tell him to come get his piece. A fourth man took his place between Toni’s legs. He shoved his large black cock into Toni’s waiting pussy. She began to grunt and meet his hard fast thrusts.

The nextt man took off his pants and knelt next to Toni. He stuck his cock near her mouth and she took it in and sucked it as deep as she could. The two men got a rhythm going and Toni was riding the wave of pleasure that kept sweeping over her body.

The last man arrived and saw the scene, Toni on her back, a large black cock in her mouth, one in her pussy. Ran motioned for him to get in. He leaned over to the man fucking Toni and told him to flip her over.

Toni was barely conscious now. She’d cum intensely twice. The last time so intense she almost fainted. She barely felt herself being rolled over on top of the man fucking her. She just felt the need for cock, and she had one in her pussy and one in her mouth.

The last man removed his pants and stroked his cock hard. The man fucking her mouth was holding up Toni’s head, and the man fucking her pussy was grasping her ass cheeks as he fucked up into her. Her virgin asshole lay open.

The last man lowered himself behind her. Her ass was coated with the mixture of cum and pussy juice that was oozing out of her. He grabbed it and coated his cock with it.

Ran looked at the man as he stroked his cock and covered it with the mixture. “Fuck the whores ass so we can go.” He commanded.

The last man shoved his large black cock forward and into Toni’s tight white ass. The intense pain jolted her out of her drugged sexed induced haze and she screamed from her cock filled mouth as the man brutally fucked her ass.

She began to struggle, but was held in place by the three men. Her eyes wide open as searing pain course through her body. The cocks continued to fuck her unmercifully. The men in her ass and pussy could feel each other as they rammed into her ass and pussy at the same time.

The men stood around and cheered as the remaining three men fucked the housewife into her final submission. She stopped struggling and let the men use her. The man in her mouth began to stiffen and held her head as he began cum. She drank and swallowed it weakly. She was exhausted and the feeling of getting her pussy and ass fucked at the same time was too much for her.

The man pulled back from her mouth as the last two men finished their assault on her body. She lay on top of the man fucking her while the two last men brutally fucked her.

The man in her ass rammed her harder and she began to grunt and moan, as she knew he was about to cum. He grabbed her by the hair and pulled her head up for all to see as he began to shoot his cum into her. Her eyes closed and mouth open groaning as she felt the cum shoot in her ass. He pulled his cock out and withdrew.

The last man began to pump hard up into Toni. She felt him stiffen and begin to shoot cum. She moaned as another orgasm wracked her body. She collapsed on top of him as he pumped the last of his cum into her.

He rolled her off of him and she lie there shaking. Ran instructed his men to take her down to the ocean and clean her up. He walked back to the hut where Don was.

Don was screaming at the man to let him go. He’d told his story time and time again. He’d told the truth. Why don’t they believe him? Ran spoke with the man guarding him telling him to let Don go in 10 minutes. He smiled and went back to where Toni was.

She was curled up on the blanket sobbing.

“Get dressed. Your husband will be here soon. Do you want him to know what a whore you are?” He said.

Toni screamed. “You raped me! You fuckers! You raped me!”

Ran grabbed her by the hair and pulled her to her feet.

“I saw you cum whore. He said.

He reached down to her pussy and fingered her. She was still wet. He raised his fingers to his nose and looked at Toni and sniffed.

“You’d take another cock right now, if I offered it.” He said as he finger fucked her some more. Toni involuntarily fucked back against his fingers.

“Whore. Go get your husband.” He said smiling and then nodded to all the man as they began to walk away along with him.

Toni dressed quickly and ran to where she thought Don was. Don met her part way.

“Are you all right?” He asked.

“Yes, I’m fine.” Was her reply.

She grabbed him and began to cry.

Don had no idea what had happed to Toni. He assumed they had just questioned her as they did him. He held her as she cried. He apologized for buying the pot and they walked back silently to the hotel.

Toni went immediately into the bathroom and took a long shower. She quietly sobbed recalling what had happened to her that night. She had been raped. But she had enjoyed it. How could she have done that? She continued to cry until Don knocked on the door.

Don had brought her some punch. He thought she could use it. She drank it down quickly and asked for another, which she drank quickly. She continued to drink and sob hysterically all night long. Don tried to be of a comfort to her, but still had no idea what had happened to her.

She finally passed out, but had a restless sleep. Scenes from what happened to her filling her dreams and waking her up. She laid there silently, trying to recall what had happen. Did it really happen? Then her hands would wander down to her pussy. It was swollen and sore, as was her asshole. She lay there for a while, crying gently, and then going back to sleep.

The next morning, they packed quickly and checked out. Fila helped them carry their bags. He had been told of what happened last night on the beach and kept grinning at Toni as he packed their bags into the car. Toni kept her eyes down the entire time as they drove to the airport.

They boarded the plane and she sat silently next to her husband. Him being blissfully unaware of what had really transpired last night.

“Honey, are you OK?” He asked as he patted her hand.

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Fulham wrote

Very sexy, got me hard, wish I was there.